` Q t N !

Win Rate

0% of 0 games

Record: --

Personal Bests

Note: A player could have a higher personal best in an "average" category than the all-time record without actually holding the record. This is because there is not enough data for that player in that category to be confident that it is not a fluke (average records are sorted using a Bayesian average).

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Record NamePersonal BestLogAll-time RecordDifferencePercent DiffMisc InfoDate
Most Teamkills in a Round (Defense)1 (View Log)8 ▼ 787.5%9 years, 11 months ago

AKAs (21 total): `qtn (85.6%); ` Q t N ! (4.1%); `Q t N ! (3.4%); `mnz (2.5%); zdh` (1.8%); furryfag3 (0.9%); ]NM[ - `Flabby Abby (0.7%); `S M e L L Y ! (0.3%); `notmnz (0.3%); ]NM[ - `qtn (0.2%); `I wanna bang a trap (0.1%); tttt (0%); ttnt (0%); furryfag5 (0%); ntnt (0%); WhenFFwillOut (0%); (1)furryfag4 (0%); ntnn (0%); `Q t N (0%); nttt (0%); tnqn (0%); (query took 0.02 seconds)