Win Rate
56.88% of 276 games
Record: 136-98-42
Personal Bests
Note: A player could have a higher personal best in an "average" category than the all-time record without actually holding the record. This is because there is not enough data for that player in that category to be confident that it is not a fluke (average records are sorted using a Bayesian average).
AKAs (248 total): spoon (22.5%); spoon^HeLL (13.3%); spoon has left the game (5.6%); spoon[ABN] (2.3%); get a load of this guy (1.9%); NoReasonBoner (1.9%); spoooon^HeLL (1.8%); spoonlololol (1.4%); spoon-BSU (1.4%); ThinQueZ (1.4%); enterprise (1.3%); ThinQueZ^HeLL (1%); Do it for the culture (1%); Nigger (1%); Jackson^HeLL (1%); Carl Cappin Flags (0.9%); ok (0.8%); pattycakes (0.8%); spoon-BW (0.8%); Debbie Detpacks (0.8%); spoon the babysitter (0.8%); noops (0.8%); HOL'MAH DIIIIICK (0.8%); spoon.t5-z- (0.7%); lol (0.7%); s p o o n ^ HeLL (0.7%); Zt. reen^Ni-XD (0.7%); spoonlolol (0.6%); S Team (0.6%); spoonlololololol (0.6%); SPOONILICIOUS (0.6%); PatrickClark (0.5%); Nigger^HeLL (0.5%); FF_WATERCOOLER_B1 (0.5%); FortressOptions (0.5%); spoonmouthlololol (0.5%); MintyFreshDeath`DD (0.5%); spolololoon (0.5%); bewm (0.4%); i'm dead, they're gonna get it (0.4%); ( Guild ^HeLL . spoon ) (0.4%); Wheezy outta here (0.4%); AFK burning muh Nikes (0.4%); NoodleArms (0.4%); extenZe (0.4%); small randy (0.4%); spn^HeLL (0.4%); It's Not Juan! (0.4%); Blue cheese in my off whites (0.4%); sum ting wong (0.4%); SpoonMan^HeLL (0.4%); spooooon^HeLL (0.4%); Botany Boyz (0.3%); pattycakes^HeLL (0.3%); HTOWN|spoon (0.3%); IT'S T-SHIRT TIIIIMMMMMEEEEE (0.3%); JJ Redick (0.3%); Geokill- (0.3%); Patrick (0.3%); BrodyJenner^HeLL (0.3%); spoonlol^HeLL (0.3%); Tommy Tossin' Flags (0.3%); just (0.3%); Brotato Chips (0.3%); Sentwy Nest (0.3%); Asshole By Nature (0.3%); Meat Curtains (0.3%); extenZe^HeLL (0.3%); Scotty Scoopin Flags (0.3%); AtLarge (0.3%); PussyDick (0.3%); [nWo] Scott Hall (0.3%); adding4uniggers (0.3%); ThinQueZ-BSU (0.2%); $s| s p o o n - t S (0.2%); Ronnie Rocket Launcher (0.2%); Bropropotamus (0.2%); [bM] tacojoe`m3 (0.2%); June27th (0.2%); bruised muh dick (0.2%); ArchieLee^HeLL (0.2%); FuckFace (0.2%); lovin the treeeeeeee (0.2%); Tommy Tossin Flags (0.2%); Hitler^HeLL (0.2%); Stephen Serviss (0.2%); RaisinBran^HeLL (0.2%); (d ru n k) spoon (0.2%); phantom is my favorite MATH (0.2%); spynn (0.2%); Spoon - Caster (0.2%); spoooooon (0.2%); KitchenSink^HeLL (0.2%); Advanced (0.2%); spooooooooooooooon ^HeLL (0.2%); (3)S (0.2%); Chopsticks (0.2%); diner blue please (0.2%); Bunny's Cheerleader (0.2%); Jahlil Okafor (0.1%); NotMyPresident (0.1%); H-Town^HeLL (0.1%); Hi (0.1%); an hero (0.1%); That Nigga (0.1%); Matthew Boileau (0.1%); ChickenNDumplings^HeLL (0.1%); WWWWWWWWWWWW (0.1%); 7.5inches^HeLL (0.1%); patrick has left the game (0.1%); spn (0.1%); spoon-XD-VD-OD`DD (0.1%); PATRICIA (0.1%); Wario^HeLL (0.1%); spoon^Ni`m3 (0.1%); 2sM| ThinQueZ -tS (0.1%); Deb (0.1%); anyone gonna kill this medic? (0.1%); JiggaBoo (0.1%); Patrick Clark (ESPN THE OCHO) (0.1%); gB. spooning men is fun (0.1%); GeoKill (0.1%); outbreaK (0.1%); <] : o Honorary Wizard? (0.1%); Penith 1 (0.1%); spoonlololol has left the game (0.1%); THE Legend^HeLL (0.1%); lolololol (0.1%); CaPtAiN pEnIs CrUsHeR (0.1%); PoshSpice^HeLL (0.1%); Hurricane Katrina (0.1%); For the ^HeLL of it (0.1%); FDA is banned from HeLL server (0.1%); Robert Spain (0.1%); spoOoOOooOOoOOn[ABN] (0.1%); Patrick Clark (0.1%); Scott Hall^HeLL (0.1%); spoon - Matt stop kicking me (0.1%); Does she give you fuck? (0.1%); 1st in line for the D. Throat W (0.1%); Nigger spoon hasleftthegame.com (0.1%); [bM] spoon-tS (0.1%); changemode bash - engaged (0.1%); Scout T, Medic T...ALL T (0.1%); Leonardo^HeLL (0.1%); ( TeamChef . Chef#2 ) (0.1%); fuckreksday (0.1%); 2sM . ThinQueZ (0.1%); Ian 'Fiddlesticks' Rocketon (0.1%); H^. spoon (0.1%); ljhsadfjhasd (0.1%); ScroogeMcDuck^HeLL (0.1%); p()T@T0^HeLL (0.1%); spoon-BSU-tS^HeLL`dF (0.1%); [aO] Mex-[e9] (0.1%); (1)lat (0.1%); .rq. spoonlololol (0.1%); nigger guy (0.1%); ChampKind^HeLL (0.1%); spoon-[e9]-L4 (0.1%); Scottie Scoopin' Flags (0.1%); SpoonN^HeyWhatsUp (0.1%); Meese^HeLL (0.1%); (Kicked by console.) (0.1%); DONGIES - spoon? (0.1%); givashit. spooooooon (0.1%); spoon-VD-OD-XD`DD (0.1%); Broo Teem (0.1%); cup (0.1%); Legacy (0.1%); gay teen (0.1%); Cialis ™ (0.1%); cap flagger (0.1%); NotMyVinnyTheBoss (0.1%); Jesse's Cheerleader (0.1%); Leadmine (0.1%); stop (0.1%); Zt. Rent-A-Knight^Ni-XD (0.1%); fox is gay (0.1%); SOLDIER (0.1%); oore (0.1%); Mikey Missin' Dets (0.1%); 2sM| ThinQueZ -[e9] (0.1%); Lag (0.1%); Great Dane (0.1%); I'll take diden (0.1%); LOOOOVIN THA CREWWWWW (0.1%); Led or Broo? (0.1%); noK. bash-XD-BSU-[e9]-AA-dI`m3. (0.1%); Can't sub for you, sorry (0.1%); [aO] MeX-[e9]- (0%); AlabamaNiggerAndIwannaBeFree (0%); kernal (0%); DontTakeMyBag (0%); Cappin' in 7 (0%); MARK THE KNOCK LOLOLOL (0%); Palmela Handerson (0%); Aliasing Wizard (0%); Zedah^HeLL (0%); Ban's a make her dance (0%); (2)nigger (0%); Darrel Dettin Pipes (0%); spoonlololololol (0%); spn ^HeLL (0%); bash is a terrorist (0%); Nx^ slimr-BSU (0%); fox (0%); Waterboy (0%); ( BashBurden . spoon ) (0%); D.E.A. (0%); NotMyConc (0%); Gary^HeLL (0%); kernal leadmine (0%); ThinQueZ (0%); Fackin' Ted! (0%); Nigger-XD (0%); Patty Pentagon (0%); POWER TRIP: BE NICE TO BASH, BA (0%); ROFLFOZL JK HE STILL HAS TITS (0%); i got 2 internet (0%); Nx^slimr-BSU (0%); Patrick H Clark^HeLL (0%); Archie Lee (0%); Ramp Troll (0%); A♣ (0%); imsupergay (0%); Power Bottom (0%); Farting Denies Access (0%); -chef tking on purpose (0%); GeoKill (0%); chefsucksdick (0%); chefsucksdick <---- (0%); Sammy Shotguns (0%); -1 already lol (0%); A (0%); SpearChuckinCottonPicker (0%); Feathery Dick Apples (0%); DA (0%); Nimrod (0%); BlackLivesMatter (0%); chefsucksdick <----- (0%); Future Dingleberries Applesauce (0%); if you chase ur banned (0%); Fapping Donkey Anus (0%); Frosty Dick Appendages (0%); chefsucksdick <--- (0%); tryhard.com (0%); magicmanhitrocketplz (0%); (query took 1.03 seconds)