Win Rate
56.31% of 594 games
Record: 300-225-69
Personal Bests
Note: A player could have a higher personal best in an "average" category than the all-time record without actually holding the record. This is because there is not enough data for that player in that category to be confident that it is not a fluke (average records are sorted using a Bayesian average).
AKAs (132 total): Features- (27.5%); Features has left the game (18.4%); ^.^ (8.3%); Featachu- (6.6%); Features has the left game (3%); givashit. featachu- (2.7%); K^. Featachu- (2.4%); {sfc}Features- (2.4%); K^. Features- (1.9%); Features has left the game -Kf- (1.8%); CuNt PiE (1.4%); Kyle has left the game (1%); peeinmybutt tribute band (0.9%); Features the WallHacker via nep (0.8%); givashit. Features- (0.8%); -S- Features- (0.7%); kyleTric (0.7%); Features hates you- (0.7%); big.long.pink.ding.dong.penis-X (0.6%); Features 3 - (0.6%); kyleXtric has left the game (0.6%); defy (0.6%); K^. p0rk gr!nds (0.6%); Ciel Phantomhive (0.5%); Features (0.5%); frank's pizza (0.5%); PaRaMoRe (0.4%); Featachu (0.4%); big featy (0.3%); biglongpinkdingdongpenis (0.3%); sexting after hours (0.3%); cde sv_backbrace 1 Features (0.3%); HOL'MAH DIIIICK (0.3%); Not Nv| double concing squeek 7 (0.3%); GunGrave (0.3%); kj the hustler (0.3%); K^. homeInRebOoks (0.3%); Wh3nwillFFout (0.3%); Featron (0.3%); K^. Ca$3 S3nst!v3 (0.2%); Features did everything or? (0.2%); zexachu (0.2%); Features-lagging k fuck u (0.2%); FooFooFeatures- (0.2%); []Features- (0.2%); the real zexel (0.2%); mid life crisis hadez (0.1%); Featachu I choose you (0.1%); givashit. not opey (0.1%); ( Nt. defy`m3 ) (0.1%); yznm (0.1%); Features - subbing neon (0.1%); Furcious bunny (0.1%); gay team. Features- (0.1%); new player not leadmine or tita (0.1%); ( IX. ten ) (0.1%); Because VII VIII IX (0.1%); ihatebeingcptkthanks (0.1%); cloud is terrible (0.1%); aleXtric has left the game (0.1%); grandma boyz. Features- (0.1%); Features.rh (0.1%); TFS - GokU (0.1%); teamcake. EXbiO (0.1%); BOSS | Givashit (0.1%); empty (0.1%); I rather be playing worms (0.1%); drunk team : Featachu- (0.1%); squeekachu (0.1%); ( . ) Featachu- ( . ) (0.1%); elyK (0.1%); Incoming buuudon (0.1%); Ash Ketchum^Pokemanz (0.1%); V W (0.1%); rodoh4x (0.1%); alexagay (0.1%); K^. Eiffel Tower'd (0.1%); buddin stuffin (0.1%); disco ball duckling (0.1%); K^. doge (0.1%); $$$$ (0.1%); Nigga-dactyl (0.1%); (1)terrible map (0.1%); Features the ruin the gamer (0.1%); (1)WorstplayerinFF (0.1%); neonderfeatures (0.1%); [freeagent] budden (0.1%); Kyle (0.1%); MoHaWk (0.1%); sad dith (0.1%); spoon lover (0.1%); feaTric (0.1%); ten (0.1%); i play ff and drugz are cool (0.1%); Fucking crabcakes (0.1%); pizza fatures (0.1%); givashit. I AM KYLE, HI MOM (0.1%); lake (0.1%); Family Force 5 - Luv Addict (0.1%); Cloud does everything orrrrr? (0.1%); Features-3- (0.1%); ( 4 ) Jigga (0.1%); King.Faggot.Hater.The.1st (0.1%); Totally 95lbs soaking wet (0.1%); frizzle the jizzle (0.1%); aidacol (0.1%); ( ) ( ) ( ) Features ( ) ( ) -> (0.1%); inc|finc (0.1%); ( ) EGG (0.1%); ( Nt . atheist`m3 ) (0.1%); Features hates BASH (0.1%); pizza slammer' (0.1%); (1)=PWN=BASH (0.1%); Mclaggy fuck (0.1%); Feature-S- (0.1%); Fuck this server has left the g (0.1%); spoon loves the dick becuz (0%); Yo this is ur final warning (0%); Segatron (0%); Ian Repuchwahtever (0%); matt's cheerleader (0%); Furih4x (0%); CLUB-IDGAF- (0%); squeeks cheerleader (0%); ff_tidalwave bench warmer (0%); Negus (0%); ^&*()!!@#$-= (0%); vtb cheerleader (0%); spoon is a dick (0%); ' NOTPLAYING (0%); Features hasl eft the game (0%); Vinzo the Ginzo: have u taken u (0%); (query took 0.28 seconds)