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Personal Bests

Note: A player could have a higher personal best in an "average" category than the all-time record without actually holding the record. This is because there is not enough data for that player in that category to be confident that it is not a fluke (average records are sorted using a Bayesian average).

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Record NamePersonal BestLogAll-time RecordDifferencePercent DiffMisc InfoDate
Most Kills in a Round by Weapon (RPG)1 (View Log)15 ▼ 1493.3%9 years, 10 months ago
Most Kills in a Round by Class (Soldier)1 (View Log)31 ▼ 3096.8%9 years, 10 months ago
Most Kills in a Round (Defense)1 (View Log)50 ▼ 4998%9 years, 10 months ago

AKAs (6 total): Tw!sta (37.8%); madcow (27.3%); stoopidsniper (12.9%); shado0oo0ow (9.4%); C-rOck (9.3%); rOcky (3.4%); (query took 0 seconds)