Win Rate
43.18% of 550 games
Record: 199-274-77
Personal Bests
Note: A player could have a higher personal best in an "average" category than the all-time record without actually holding the record. This is because there is not enough data for that player in that category to be confident that it is not a fluke (average records are sorted using a Bayesian average).
AKAs (138 total): aleXtric has left the game (21.2%); BOSS | aleXtric (13.6%); KiNGz . aleXtric (12.1%); K^. aleXtric (11.8%); aleXtric (7%); iv| aleXtric (3.7%); iv| alex (2.5%); ( ) -[]=AE=[]- ( ) -Pvt. Danie- (1.3%); ()()xXShit_Pile_43Xx()() (1.2%); johnelway5400 (1.1%); K^. AlexIsOnFire (0.8%); Alex has left the game (0.7%); BOSS | tickledFuckinPink (0.7%); Moe Lester (0.7%); Donnie DetPackinson (0.6%); BOSS | headminbestmin (0.6%); {team michigan} Plat Ringer (0.6%); BOSS | bRoner (0.5%); Lion King VHS Tape (0.5%); JT (0.5%); KiNGz . aleXtric | BOSS (0.5%); K^. King of Rails (0.5%); xelA (0.5%); climbin the crewwwwwwww (0.5%); *-\(AE)/-*Sgt. Danielle(Co-Ldr) (0.5%); Marvin Lordis (0.5%); iv| Hertz (0.5%); aleXtric^gayasHeLL (0.5%); BOSS | Man (0.4%); aleXtriceratops123 (0.4%); - aleXtric (0.3%); da_aleXtric (0.3%); Nv| Black Basketball Player 4 (0.3%); BOSS | earlaxer (0.3%); (0.3%); K^. NeoNL (0.3%); (Disconnect by user.) (0.3%); BrandonFlowers'Taint993411 (0.3%); BOSS | ANAL LOG (0.3%); squeeks lover boy (TRANS) (0.3%); Alex (0.3%); WOLFIC (no monitor) (0.3%); ThisIsntTitanfall?? (0.3%); AllShallParis (0.3%); (1)nigger (0.2%); Themistocolamapolos (0.2%); -={\/AE\/}=- Danielle (Co-LDR) (0.2%); fatures (0.2%); {**A**}(L+++E){**X**} (0.2%); has left the game (Disconnect b (0.2%); Fresh Prince Of Papa Johns (0.2%); aleXandertric (0.2%); cloud is bad (0.2%); aleXtrolololol (0.2%); BOSS|aleXtric has left the game (0.2%); Koffing (0.2%); Features has left the game (0.2%); paUla has left the game (0.2%); BOSS | theorlogically (0.2%); -={/AE\}=- Col. Danielle CO-LDR (0.2%); THE ORIGNINAL (0.2%); Randy Railin' Scouts (0.2%); Dale Quandary (0.2%); buttbowl valley (0.2%); sheila girl (0.2%); Nobel Bricker (0.2%); Pig K^.nuckles (0.2%); Angry Bob (0.2%); Ronnie Rocketeer (0.2%); trepid_jon (0.2%); Ryan Liptak (0.2%); Freddy Fartsonya (0.2%); [Sh0rtbus-Cruisers]downiemcd0wn (0.2%); BUTTHOLE STOMPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (0.2%); maybe nelly furtardo (0.2%); saddath (0.2%); [ inhouse - jeff ] (0.2%); ( ) EGG (0.2%); K^. `dqddi iv| (0.2%); aleXtric canc all-star (0.2%); f8ey four (0.2%); mooneh (0.2%); [DAD] SuicideMan (0.2%); aleXures (0.2%); KrustyKrabPizzaIsThePizzaFor (0.2%); Eyebrows (0.2%); Fruitcake (0.1%); korey's dad (0.1%); jennycraig3000 (0.1%); DUNKING!!!!! DONUTSSSS!!!!!!! (0.1%); eat my asshole (0.1%); Jenny Jumbo Tits (0.1%); BOSS| 64,000 DPI (0.1%); Fatonal (0.1%); BOSS | aleXtric [New underwear! (0.1%); (1)real oreo (0.1%); Dave's Friend (0.1%); Alexander Bell? (0.1%); sad beth (0.1%); wolfic has left the game. (0.1%); fartfox (0.1%); spooooonlolol (0.1%); Fruitcake` (0.1%); squeek (0.1%); (0.1%); MouthBreatherz . aleXtric (0.1%); Timmy The Turkey (0%); KiNGz . allegseuteulig (0%); better than every Drakonal here (0%); K^. aleXtric iv| (0%); Jeff (0%); KiNGz . SARINGASOOOOOOH (0%); Dildoing53 (0%); BOSS | Kane (0%); BOSS | aleXtric `o7 (0%); aleXtric_TheMan46 (0%); raptor claw (0%); Darkness24713 (0%); hit a det .gov (0%); theres a scout (0%); KiNGz . sihtsauce (0%); (1344)Alextric (0%); Alextric90210 (0%); Ballin ass (0%); Anal Warts32165 (0%); ignorant (0%); ddm2000 (0%); aleXtric53129 (0%); King Alexandertric13421 (0%); King Alexandertric (0%); KiNGz . ALLEGSEUTRIC (0%); Alextric74210 (0%); King Alexadertric (0%); heybrahh (0%); {**A**}(L()E){**X**} (0%); hdz (0%); Shit_Pile_43 (0%); Features- (0%); (query took 0.25 seconds)