Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:04:04iv| aleXtrici win
23:04:38iv| aleXtrici gave up one 2nd
23:04:41iv| aleXtriccause i fell in water
23:05:09Darth Vaderwhos dmh
23:05:11Darth Vader!aka dmg
23:05:13squeek.hes dexter
23:05:14Darth Vader!aka dmh
23:05:16Darth Vaderis he good
23:05:21squeek.who knows
23:05:24Darth Vaderoh hey dexter
23:05:26iv| aleXtricdexter morgan
23:05:27squeek.hes a dev team member
23:05:30Darth Vaderur server help worked
23:05:39Darth Vaderlinux is a bitch
23:05:39spoonANYONE GONNA KILL THIS MEDIC!?! -2380 - 0
23:05:41Features-if he is a dev
23:05:41dmhhey win8 crashes everytime i alt tab it owns
23:05:43Features-he probably sux
23:05:46BOSS | Johnny Stecchinonegative!
23:05:47iv| aleXtriches a blood spatter guy
23:05:47BOSS | Johnny Stecchinomusic
23:05:49iv| aleXtriche might be good
23:05:59BOSS | Johnny Stecchinowe can just do that here
23:06:00BOSS | Johnny Stecchinorofl
23:06:18BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoso we got 8
23:06:21dmhi own at jenga
23:06:23iv| aleXtric!teams
23:06:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ DarthVader
23:06:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ commie ^0&^ spoonlolololol ^0&^ dmh-
23:06:25Features-me either
23:06:43Darth Vaderwats ip
23:06:49spoonLETS PLAY FELLAS
23:06:54dmhhow i do into playing
23:07:23Features-mafia u red cpt?
23:07:29dmhwait pickup does capts not entire teams
23:07:31BOSS | Johnny Stecchinono one else came red
23:07:35dmhi didnt know that ..
23:07:36spoonbe blue garty
23:07:38Darth Vaderpenis
23:07:43spoonthese are gonna be terrible
23:07:44iv| aleXtricill red
23:07:47BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoalex ans quesek
23:07:47dmhmy life is over
23:07:47spoonre do this
23:07:49BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoor not
23:07:50iv| aleXtricill red capt
23:08:01dmhguys im the fat guy in dodgeball
23:08:04Darth Vaderdmh//commie have to be split
23:08:11FDAi'm subbing commie
23:08:15iv| aleXtricmaf squeek
23:08:17Darth Vadero really now
23:08:20dmhmy hero
23:08:21Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ DarthVader
23:08:21Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ commie ^0&^ spoonlolololol ^0&^ dmh-
23:08:33Features-is commie playing or not
23:08:38Features-guess not
23:08:41FDAhe asked me to sub
23:08:43iv| aleXtricdexter
23:08:48Darth VaderFDA
23:08:50Darth Vaderpick FDA
23:08:55Darth VaderDUMB ASS
23:09:12BOSS | Johnny Stecchinolol
23:09:54BOSS | Johnny Stecchinowhat do you play in tf2..or tfc..or in ff pubs
23:10:09FDAbind [90||100]
23:10:09iv| aleXtricLP:
23:10:42squeek.might need more pm
23:10:56BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoid like to not play demo
23:10:58BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoor hw
23:10:59BOSS | Johnny Stecchinorofl
23:11:02dmhdo u wanna solder
23:11:08BOSS | Johnny StecchinoI WOULD LOVE tO SOLDIER
23:11:09dmhi will hw if u
23:11:12dmhok im shit
23:11:14BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoalex demo
23:11:18BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMY WAY
23:11:20BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMY WAY
23:11:26squeek.need more pm
23:11:42[spec] talcumtuning into spoon TV (TM) this round and squeek TV (TM) next
23:11:47[spec] talcumdo something mindblowing spoon
23:12:05BOSS | Johnny StecchinoROFL
23:12:32[spec] talcumthat'll do
23:12:35spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 75 - 50
23:14:43BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMY WAY
23:14:58Darth Vader(55/46) Tossing flag @ .
23:15:08BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMY WAY
23:15:34[spec] talcum
23:17:23BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMedic! [27.0]
23:17:27BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMedic! [23.0]
23:17:36BOSS | Johnny Stecchino:[
23:18:14BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMY WAY
23:18:20Darth Vader(8/23) Tossing flag @ .
23:18:34spoonlol y did it toss
23:18:50BOSS | Johnny Stecchinohahaha
23:18:51BOSS | Johnny Stecchinogo away
23:18:53Darth Vader(66/50) Tossing flag @ .
23:18:55Darth Vaderlol
23:19:35BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoaha
23:20:41BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMedic! [77.112]
23:21:36BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMedic! [81.123]
23:21:59spoonlove OP
23:22:06dmhme too
23:22:09dmh-love ray charles
23:22:47Darth Vader(55/46) Tossing flag @ .
23:24:07BOSS | Johnny StecchinoMedic! [92.172]
23:24:17FDAbind [-10||0]
23:24:32BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoninja poke
23:24:57BOSS | Johnny Stecchinonoep
23:25:01[spec] talcumwhat
23:25:09spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 1 - 24
23:25:12[spec] talcumindeed
23:25:54spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 26 - 33
23:25:58spoonNOT ON MY WATCH -22 - 13
23:26:01BOSS | Johnny Stecchinohahahah
23:26:22BOSS | Johnny Stecchinohow was the game spoon
23:26:26BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoyou roll tide?
23:26:27spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 72 - 50
23:27:08Darth Vadergg