Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:20:46Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Bob[RNS] ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ crusH_
20:20:46Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ lope ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Features
20:20:51Megatron56 46
20:20:56BOSS | Johnny Stecchinonope
20:21:04spoonNice shot Bob[RNS], you clan? 71 - 50
20:21:06lopeflag tossed
20:21:09lopeIm working on my conc cause spoon said I need to 75 50
20:21:09BOSS | Johnny Stecchinomegatron, you lift?
20:21:20BOSS | Johnny StecchinoDO YOU EVEN LIFT?
20:21:23lopeIm working on my conc cause spoon said I need to 72 50
20:21:31BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: Features- auto detting [71.50]
20:21:39lopeIm working on my conc cause spoon said I need to 60 47
20:21:54BOSS | Johnny Stecchinohe said you autodet to?
20:22:09BOSS | Johnny Stecchinohe said i autodet and i just %.i'ed it
20:22:12BOSS | Johnny StecchinoI know how to make a girls heart melt....I also know how to make a tuna melt. [67.50]
20:22:13BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: they are relaying [67.50]
20:22:15BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: lope auto detting [67.50]
20:22:18BOSS | Johnny StecchinoI know how to make a girls heart melt....I also know how to make a tuna melt. [67.50]
20:22:21BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: I can't use my mic and move at the same time [67.50]
20:22:27BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: lope auto detting [67.50]
20:22:30BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: they are relaying [67.50]
20:22:38lopeIm working on my conc cause spoon said I need to 3 23
20:22:51Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Bob[RNS] ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ crusH_
20:22:51Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ lope ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Features
20:22:58Features-mafia and squeek captain?
20:22:58Megatron1 50
20:23:32Megatronim subbing for lope
20:23:37Features-u are?
20:23:40spoonsjubbing for megatron
20:23:53Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Bob[RNS] ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ crusH_
20:23:53Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ lope ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Features
20:23:54lope<Vinny> I cant tell you how frusturated I am with you right now
20:23:59Features-spec prime
20:24:05Features-squeek red?
20:24:06Megatronprime is a first rounder
20:24:08Megatrontop tier
20:24:21Megatronlet im not a spy play
20:24:22BOSS | Johnny Stecchino@teams
20:24:22Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Bob[RNS] ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ crusH_
20:24:22Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ lope ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Features
20:24:26lope<Vinny> I cant tell you how frusturated I am with you right now
20:24:27BOSS | Johnny Stecchinohumm features
20:24:35lopeIm working on my conc cause spoon said I need to 1 0
20:24:40spooncapital F btw
20:24:42Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Bob[RNS] ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ crusH_
20:24:42Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ lope ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Features
20:25:04Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Bob[RNS] ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ crusH_
20:25:04Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ lope ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Features
20:25:08[SMP] tropicalG}{e||o
20:25:19Features-Detting Dispenser clue who to pick
20:25:23squeek.bob crush i guess
20:25:37crusHu guess
20:25:38BOSS | Johnny Stecchino@teams
20:25:38Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Bob[RNS] ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ crusH_
20:25:38Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ lope ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ Features
20:25:43crusHU GUESS
20:25:44BOSS | Johnny Stecchinomedman
20:25:45squeek.yep im guessing
20:25:46Bob[RNS]I'm not Angry Bob
20:25:49squeek.who knows who i actually pick
20:25:58squeek.fake bob?
20:26:00spoonwe're subbing
20:26:02spoonfor them
20:26:19Features-pick ur last guy squeekorz
20:26:29Feature-Presentationblue pick me,i want to stick my dick is bio's ear after i kill him plz
20:26:37BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoek
20:26:47Features-1 feature per team
20:26:59lope<Vinny> I cant tell you how frustrated I am with you right now
20:27:02Features-<Vinzo> and what makes me mad is u call ME bipolar, when im minding my own buysuibness 54 49
20:27:07WhenFFwillOutnice bunny hopping
20:27:08Megatronteams are fine
20:27:10Features-<Vinzo> you must think i LOVE to argue with ppl i just have to say something back when someone fucks iwth me 58 49
20:27:17BOSS | Johnny StecchinocrusH, do you even lift bro? [90.100]
20:27:31spoonsqueek gonna demo
20:27:32Megatronsqueek demo
20:27:48spooncory u gotta hw
20:27:53crusHno fkin way
20:27:57Bob[RNS]okay, I'll hw?
20:27:58WhenFFwillOutill play hw
20:28:07Bob[RNS]Well, we need one?
20:28:13Megatronblue by 9700
20:28:14BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: I can't use my mic and move at the same time [90.100]
20:28:17[SMP] tropicalGBOB
20:28:19[SMP] tropicalGRECORD
20:28:30BOSS | Johnny Stecchinobob.avi
20:28:42Megatron1 50
20:29:20BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoout
20:30:24Features-Detting Dispenser
20:30:56Megatroncan i sub
20:34:08[SMP] tropicalGgg
20:34:49Megatron1 50
20:36:35spoonFelt like I did everything 1 - 35
20:36:50BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: they are relaying [90.100]
20:39:46spoonFeatures- you so big right now bro 1 - 35
20:41:30Megatronhows it feel when you do it to us squeek-XD
20:41:44spoonFelt like I did everything 1 - 35
20:41:52BOSS | Johnny StecchinoFUCKING DIE
20:41:53[SMP] tropicalG74 91
20:42:00[SMP] tropicalG68 91
20:42:15spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 1 - 35
20:42:16spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 1 - 35
20:42:17spoonNOT ON MY WATCH 1 - 35
20:43:29BOSS | Johnny Stecchinogg