Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
15:20:43BOSS | Vinzoempty u gotta learn overpressure mate
15:20:48aleXtricempty come red
15:20:50aleXtrici mean blue
15:21:07emptyno picking
15:21:07BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoprotip #5: Mouse2 to use overpressure as HW
15:21:22grimeyunless your fucking kubedwag
15:21:33BOSS | Johnny Stecchinomouse26 for shooting
15:21:34BOSS | JuelzSantana`you're*
15:21:37BOSS | Johnny Stecchinomouse19 for nade1
15:21:39mnzyits hard
15:21:42mnzywith hihg ping
15:21:56BOSS | Johnny StecchinopickZteams
15:22:43BOSS | Vinzomm
15:22:44BOSS | Vinzoblue
15:22:49BOSS | Vinzoplz need a good medic on my team
15:22:54BOSS | JuelzSantana`lolz
15:22:54BOSS | Vinzo!teams
15:22:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ R0b3rt ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ grIMace
15:22:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ mnzy ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
15:23:08BOSS | JuelzSantana`give me alex and empty
15:23:09BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoplaying scout this round
15:23:15BOSS | Vinzo!teams
15:23:15Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ R0b3rt ^0&^ [SMP]MedmaN ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ grIMace
15:23:15Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ mnzy ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
15:23:25BOSS | Johnny Stecchinomooney the champion
15:23:27BOSS | Vinzomoon
15:23:41BOSS | Johnny Stecchinohw
15:24:05mnzywas on wireles
15:24:16mnzycable now
15:24:23BOSS | JuelzSantana`give me
15:24:26BOSS | JuelzSantana`grimace
15:24:32BOSS | Vinzomedman and mafiaman
15:24:34BOSS | Vinzo2 mm's
15:24:36BOSS | Johnny Stecchinocan't
15:24:53BOSS | Johnny Stecchinolewl
15:24:54BOSS | Vinzomnzyman
15:24:55BOSS | Vinzotbh
15:25:00aleXtricis that what ur bf calls ur asshole
15:25:04aleXtricmini mnz
15:25:05BOSS | Vinzolol
15:25:07BOSS | JuelzSantana`ginzoman tbh
15:25:12BOSS | Vinzolol
15:25:13mnzyiz me penis
15:25:16BOSS | Vinzomedman
15:25:17BOSS | Vinzolets go bro
15:25:21BOSS | Vinzoon you
15:25:25BOSS | Vinzoyour move
15:25:26BOSS | Vinzocheck
15:25:30BOSS | Vinzolets go man move your king
15:25:33BOSS | Vinzoyour move
15:25:36BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoimma sacrifice my queen
15:25:44BOSS | Johnny Stecchinofor all your pawns
15:25:48BOSS | Vinzolol
15:26:01BOSS | Vinzou got at chess?
15:26:03BOSS | Vinzoim not bad
15:26:06BOSS | JuelzSantana`i sacrifice my queen first move in chess every time
15:26:07BOSS | Vinzohgood*
15:26:11BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoi dont play very often
15:26:12BOSS | JuelzSantana`cuz bitches aint shit
15:26:17mnzyplayed chess 1x
15:26:17BOSS | Vinzolol
15:26:20BOSS | Vinzobitches aint shit
15:26:22BOSS | Vinzodude cehss is so much fun
15:26:23BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoate the peices
15:26:23mnzyturned into a throwing war
15:26:26BOSS | Vinzolol
15:26:32Probotchess? !add
15:26:32BOSS | Vinzoi palyed alot when i was locked up
15:26:37BOSS | Johnny Stecchinorofl
15:26:46BOSS | Johnny Stecchinothey let you play chess in jail?
15:26:47grimeycant alt tab without crashing?
15:26:49BOSS | Vinzoof course
15:26:54BOSS | Vinzoin the day room kiddddd
15:26:55BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoi thought only checkers
15:27:02BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoyou can't kill anyone with little round plastic things
15:27:06grimeydid the loser get raped
15:27:08BOSS | Vinzona the niggers palyed cehss
15:27:09BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoyou can stab people with queen and king shanks
15:27:13BOSS | Vinzothe white boys and the smart blacks played chess
15:27:18BOSS | Vinzoit was jail
15:27:19BOSS | Vinzonot prison
15:27:24BOSS | Johnny Stecchinodifference?
15:27:27BOSS | Vinzohuge
15:27:33Probotthey werent all smart i bet, but they swore they were intellectual?
15:27:38BOSS | Vinzoppl where i was at maximum sentenace would be like 1 year
15:27:47BOSS | Vinzoit was stockages in florida
15:27:52BOSS | Vinzoimmoklee stockades
15:27:54grimeywas it like the movies where it was just bars and a policeman would sit at his desk
15:27:55BOSS | Vinzostockades*
15:28:07BOSS | Vinzothat pic bio posts on his spray
15:28:11BOSS | Vinzothat was my crime photo lol
15:28:13mnzyBob Saget: why do I should play with this faggot? 75 50
15:28:24BOSS | Vinzowonderful
15:28:43mnzyNegative / NO / Bite me [H:75 A:50]
15:28:55BOSS | Johnny StecchinoYOU CHEEKY FUCK
15:29:34mnzyHeal me!! [36 Health - 36 Armor]
15:29:45mnzycable 2good
15:30:20mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
15:30:20mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
15:31:37mnzyHeal me!! [75 Health - 50 Armor]
15:31:41BOSS | JuelzSantana`and the flag
15:31:49BOSS | Johnny Stecchino#1
15:31:54BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoangryshardtruth: they are relaying [90.100]
15:32:04mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
15:32:04mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
15:32:19BOSS | JuelzSantana`Medic! 84|88
15:33:01BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoin the face
15:34:41mnzyHeal me!! [8 Health - 24 Armor]
15:34:43mnzyHeal me!! [3 Health - 22 Armor]
15:34:50mnzy|MG|SpaceButler: you need to qoute me 3 22
15:35:44mnzyHeal me!! [27 Health - 30 Armor]
15:35:54mnzynade ramp nice ;o
15:36:09mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:-4 A:19]
15:37:30mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:56 A:43]
15:37:43mnzymm out
15:37:59mnzymm lagged out
15:38:04BOSS | JuelzSantana`there are 3 of mm
15:38:07BOSS | JuelzSantana`which one
15:38:22BOSS | Johnny Stecchinook
15:38:37BOSS | JuelzSantana`lo
15:38:42BOSS | Johnny Stecchino..
15:38:46aleXtricthey said u lagged out
15:38:51mnzyhe did
15:39:04BOSS | Johnny Stecchinothen i came back in typing
15:39:05aleXtriclol tried to do u a favor
15:39:06BOSS | Johnny Stecchinoand got kicked
15:41:56mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
15:43:26mnzyHeal me!! [8 Health - 26 Armor]
15:43:56BOSS | JuelzSantana`brb 80 kils