Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:06:06Features has left the gameso what changed
21:07:13Features has left the game!TEAMS
21:07:14Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ grIMace ^0&^ Features ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ MafiaMan
21:07:14Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spoonhasleft ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
21:08:47grimeyfuckign crack
21:08:53grimeyCrack commercial
21:09:11grimeythat should be in a depressing crack commercial
21:09:15grimeythis is what you will say
21:09:17grimeyif you do to much
21:09:27grimeypoor poor
21:09:35King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdmy girl is giving me the weirdest look
21:09:41BOSS | MafiaManspoon
21:09:42King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdshe took to many sleeping pillziez
21:09:42BOSS | MafiaMannow?
21:09:51BOSS | MafiaManwhat the fuck
21:09:53BOSS | MafiaManare you kidding
21:10:02grimeyhey mafia i dont think that boss tag is up to date
21:10:15Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
21:10:15Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
21:10:27grimeylol whats with the pickups started
21:10:29grimeyright after one starts
21:10:35BOSS | MafiaManthis map
21:10:38BOSS | MafiaManlooks fucking stupid as fuck
21:10:54FDAFDA & MafiaMan & spoonhasleft & KingFagg0tHater & Features & Prime- & aleXtric & *grIMace* ]
21:11:19BOSS | MafiaManYES
21:11:25BOSS | MafiaManbullshit
21:11:31BOSS | MafiaManingame
21:11:37BOSS | MafiaManthis is fucking stupid
21:11:43BOSS | MafiaMani dunno what the hell is wrong with it
21:12:00BOSS | MafiaManspoon said no
21:12:01Features has left the gameROFLOL
21:12:02BOSS | MafiaManyesterday
21:12:03spoon has left the gamestop
21:12:28spoon has left the gamestop
21:12:32spoon has left the gamefor the love of
21:12:41BOSS | MafiaMantrying to fix my mic
21:12:50King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdif you unmuted me
21:12:51BOSS | MafiaManstiffy
21:12:55King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdi was trying to tell you the solution
21:12:57BOSS | MafiaMani didn't have you muted
21:12:59King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdto all your voice problems
21:13:01BOSS | MafiaManyou didn't sayanything
21:13:05BOSS | MafiaManbesides
21:13:06BOSS | MafiaManyes
21:13:09BOSS | MafiaMan..
21:13:17Features has left the game!teams
21:13:18Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
21:13:18Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ? ^0&^ ?
21:13:18FDAFDA & MafiaMan & spoonhasleft & KingFagg0tHater & Features & Prime- & aleXtric & *grIMace* ]
21:13:19Features has left the gamelolozl
21:13:21FDAFDA & MafiaMan & spoonhasleft & KingFagg0tHater & Features & Prime- & aleXtric & *grIMace* ]
21:13:33ConsoleSubstitute player request created
21:13:59King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdwhat if I told you we were teammates
21:14:00spoon has left the game!cancelsub
21:14:00ConsoleSubstitute player request cancelled
21:14:28Prime-Ospoon stfu
21:14:39aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
21:14:41Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 92 168
21:14:42spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
21:14:42Prime-Ono comment to that
21:14:48aleXtric has left the gameteams?>
21:14:55FDAFDA & MafiaMan & spoonhasleft & KingFagg0tHater & Features & Prime- & aleXtric & *grIMace* ]
21:14:57FDAFDA & MafiaMan & spoonhasleft & KingFagg0tHater & Features & Prime- & aleXtric & *grIMace* ]
21:15:41Prime-Osee that
21:16:16grimeysurfs up
21:16:24King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdthis kid loves me so much he took time out of his life to autoexec mute me baby
21:16:35King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdi have now won the internet game
21:16:58rDg.f$havent seen this map yet
21:17:08FDAi just made b2 today
21:17:15Prime-Olooks good
21:17:16rDg.f$nice work
21:17:18spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 80 - 50
21:17:19spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 80 - 50
21:19:56rDg.f$just an ovd map huh?
21:20:03BOSS | MafiaManwanna play for me
21:20:05spoon has left the gamewhat else woudl it be
21:20:30rDg.f$nah im bout to watch tosh
21:21:44aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
21:26:02Prime-Ooin relay
21:26:04FDAbind [90||100]
21:26:12spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 59 - 30
21:26:36spoon has left the gamewtf
21:27:47BOSS | MafiaManFU
21:27:52BOSS | MafiaManSticktoss [90]
21:27:54BOSS | MafiaManconc was rpimed
21:28:39FDAbind [36||19]
21:28:40spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 80 - 50
21:28:40FDAbind [90||100]
21:29:45spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH -26 - 0
21:32:30aleXtric has left the gamegg