Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:39:10Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 64 56
22:39:11Features has left the game<Vinzo> you must think i LOVE to argue with ppl i just have to say something back when someone fucks iwth me 64 56
22:39:13aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 90 100
22:39:30BOSS | MafiaMan, do you even lift bro?? [90.120]
22:39:32spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
22:39:34BOSS | MafiaManFeatures has left the game, do you even lift bro?? [90.120]
22:39:35BOSS | MafiaManiansir, do you even lift bro?? [90.120]
22:39:36BOSS | MafiaManFeatures has left the game, do you even lift bro?? [90.120]
22:39:37BOSS | MafiaManFeatures has left the game, do you even lift bro?? [90.120]
22:39:51aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 90 100
22:43:51King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdWAS THAT A RQ?
22:43:54Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 100 200
22:43:56aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 83 100
22:43:58BOSS | MafiaManno
22:44:39Features has left the gameyea
22:44:39BOSS | MafiaManyup
22:44:40Features has left the gamethanks
22:45:03FaiLiord 1 score?
22:45:03Console^Last round's score:^0 6 ^on^0 ff_nyx_b2
22:46:43Prime-O3 behind
22:47:18King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdthe savi0r
22:47:44King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdhey o to the p
22:47:47King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdwanna come over here
22:47:50King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdand sizub me
22:47:58King.Faggot.Hater.The.3rdwhat a nice guy
22:53:08BOSS | MafiaManMedic! [28.0]
22:54:09BOSS | MafiaManMedic! [24.43]
22:55:00Console^Last round's score:^0 6 ^on^0 ff_nyx_b2