Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:39:52(1)Player^6:: ^575 %6::
23:40:03beeesnever saw this one on a video
23:40:09spoon has left the gamegood
23:40:19spoon has left the gamecant wait to be on your team
23:40:23(1)PlayerNice Rolex squeek.
23:40:25spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
23:42:30spoon has left the gameROFL
23:42:30OJwow this godmoide bag map again
23:42:51OJgotta adjust the bags
23:42:53OJthen it would be great
23:43:02squeek.ian said he updated the lua, must not be on the server
23:43:08DraKoNaLis there no back/water entrance on this map?
23:43:13BOSS | Johnny Boombatzno
23:43:20Features has left the game -Kf-LOL
23:43:32spoon has left the gamekyle
23:43:55OJr deez duh team
23:44:06OJlets go quick
23:44:10OJso i can get 1 more in tonight
23:44:13OJbesides this pick
23:44:23BOSS | Johnny Boombatzis anyone against me spoon drak and bees?
23:44:27BOSS | Johnny Boombatzto keep it semi fair
23:44:36spoon has left the gamedrak bees blue plz
23:44:49beeesno, sorry
23:44:58spoon has left the gamejon blue
23:45:00(1)Player^6:: ^5tossed^4 71 ^6::
23:45:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ spoonhasleft ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ Drakonal ^0&^ Features
23:45:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ beeees ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ chef- ^0&^ MafiaMan
23:45:44Features has left the game -Kf-oj and chef red
23:45:51beeesINC LEFT
23:45:52beeesINC MID
23:45:53beeesINC RIGHT
23:48:56(1)Player^6:: ^512 %6::
23:49:36spoon has left the gametfag
23:50:12(1)Player^6:: ^517 %6::
23:51:03(1)Player^6:: ^516 %6::
23:51:05(1)Player^6::^2 15s^7 det ^6::
23:53:23beeesentrance room
23:53:54beeesit's at the hallway
23:54:23(1)Player^6:: ^521 %6::
23:55:56spoon has left the game?
23:57:45(1)Player^6:: ^516 %6::
23:57:49(1)Player^6::^2 15s^7 det ^6::
23:58:25spoon has left the game?
23:59:19(1)PlayerNice Rolex OJ
23:59:30(1)Player^6::^2 15s^7 det ^6::
00:00:20spoon has left the gamethis map killed pickups
00:00:22spoon has left the gamefor the night
00:00:25(1)PlayerNice Rolex OJ
00:00:27(1)Player^6:: ^553 %6::
00:01:02BOSS | Johnny Boombatzi hate you
00:01:18(1)Player^6::^2 15s^7 det ^6::
00:02:10beeesright ent
00:02:44spoon has left the gameleaving after 3
00:02:48spoon has left the game4
00:02:57spoon has left the gamehorrible map/teams etc goes one
00:02:57OJit will b better than u think
00:02:58OJi think
00:03:04(1)Player^6::^2 15s^7 det ^6::