Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
19:42:52KingFagg0tH8ERchanging video settings
19:42:53BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-why fuc k me?
19:42:55KingFagg0tH8ERgonan DC me
19:42:56BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-lol
19:42:58BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLyou really do kill yourself every run for nades
19:42:59Features has left the game -Kf-we get lasers finally
19:43:03Features has left the game -Kf-and u kill urself 30 times
19:43:04BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-i kill myself cuz im fucking weak
19:43:06Features has left the game -Kf-to get nades
19:43:06Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 68 ^6::
19:43:10neonpart of the game br0s
19:43:15BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-are you really complaining?
19:43:20BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-so let me get this straight
19:43:22BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-am i supposed to stay weak
19:43:29BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-for the medic to kill me in one shotgun?
19:43:29BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLyou do it for the nades
19:43:33BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-your retarded
19:43:34BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-if u think that
19:43:35FaiLiowould you like some cheese with your whine
19:43:35Features has left the game -Kf-you're
19:43:40BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-ive done it since before the patch
19:43:42-uFFc- NeppyTittYNEON THE BOSS
19:43:45BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLthats why i said the nades
19:43:46BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLlol
19:43:47BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-so bitch more faggot
19:43:49KingFagg0tH8ERwtf is causing my FPS
19:43:49BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLnothing to do with lasers
19:43:51oji got doms no prob
19:43:53KingFagg0tH8ERto drop to 20-30?
19:43:53BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLreg nades
19:43:55KingFagg0tH8ERin combat?
19:43:56BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLyou dumb ginzo :D
19:43:57BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-bitch more
19:44:02KingFagg0tH8ERon vinnys server just before it got updated
19:44:02BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-ive done it the same
19:44:06BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-played teh same
19:44:07KingFagg0tH8ERwhen it was 2.44.5
19:44:09BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-since 1.0
19:44:09KingFagg0tH8ERit was fine
19:44:20BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLwe gonna trim or
19:44:30KingFagg0tH8ERchef unmute me quick
19:44:33KingFagg0tH8ERim not even talking during game
19:44:36KingFagg0tH8ERgotta ? to ask
19:44:39Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5we now have a ^2jumppad ^6:: 244
19:45:08BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [34.39]
19:45:28aleXtric has left the gamewow vin lol worst run
19:45:36aleXtric has left the gamestill got flag lol
19:46:02FaiLioshit lol TRYING TO THROW
19:46:03Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 16 ^6::
19:46:27aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 200
19:47:28BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [15.16]
19:47:34aleXtric has left the gameYou Jammin!?! 1 200
19:47:35BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-bing - 75 50
19:47:36-uFFc- NeppyTittYROFL
19:47:46Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 69 ^6::
19:47:56BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLwhere the fuck are you goign
19:48:13aleXtric has left the game!teams
19:48:14Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 -75 ^6::
19:48:14Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ nepppppppp1v1 ^0&^ StiffOnMyWiff ^0&^ Features
19:48:14Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FaiLio ^0&^ lope ^0&^ chef-
19:48:40BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-coo
19:48:41BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-bing - 75 50
19:48:42BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-alt tav
19:48:43aleXtric has left the gamealttab
19:48:43Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 -44 ^6::
19:48:44aleXtric has left the gamelol
19:48:49BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-wow
19:48:55BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-um ok?
19:49:55Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 2 ^6::
19:50:15BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [63.79]
19:50:16BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [63.79]
19:50:17BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [63.79]
19:50:27Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 -8 ^6::
19:50:29BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [20.17]
19:51:21Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 10 ^6::
19:52:21KingFagg0tH8ERcan I get a sub out of all the specs?
19:52:22Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 -35 ^6::
19:52:25KingFagg0tH8ER30 fps isnt cutting it
19:52:29Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 71 ^6::
19:52:37Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 59 ^6::
19:53:13BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLrofl
19:53:24Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 -26 ^6::
19:53:30BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLlol
19:53:43Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 -2375 ^6::
19:53:49aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 5 0
19:54:15Antonio Rodrigo Nogueirawow vinny is raging
19:54:16Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiragg
19:54:19BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-wtF?
19:54:24BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-we had 5 players
19:54:31BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-wtf are u talking about i havent said one word about this pikucp rofl
19:54:54Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiravinny
19:54:56Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiracalling me n oj
19:54:57Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiraretards
19:54:59Antonio Rodrigo Nogueirarofl
19:55:06Features has left the game -Kf-if the shoe fits
19:55:10BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLlol
19:55:58BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-yard
19:56:00BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-d
19:56:40BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLMedic! [14.7]
19:56:42BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLrofl
19:56:43BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLstop
19:56:50Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 37 ^6::
19:56:53aleXtric has left the gamelmao
19:57:03Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 0 ^6::
19:57:15Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 -57 ^6::
19:57:18Antonio Rodrigo Nogueirarofly
19:57:20Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiravinnyso mad
19:57:26BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-k
19:57:27BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-im so mad
19:57:33FaiLiogo voice enable 0
19:57:46BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-all i was saying was why do we have 5
19:57:47Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 71 ^6::
19:57:49BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-i guess thats being mad
19:58:01Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 72 ^6::
19:58:55Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira^6:: ^5tossed^4 34 ^6::
19:59:26BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLgg
19:59:27BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLL!score
19:59:27Console^Last round's score:^0 9 ^on^0 ff_phantom_r
19:59:28BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-gg
19:59:31Antonio Rodrigo Nogueiragg
19:59:35BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLrofl