Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
18:31:47-uFFc- NeppyTittYdrak-DD that u br0
18:32:38mooney the alligatorwhat kind of sounds do they make
18:32:48mooney the alligatorbark bark
18:32:50DraKoNaLhissing growling noises
18:32:57mooney the alligatorGRSGRSGRS
18:33:04DraKoNaLnever seen or heard a gator before?
18:33:09mooney the alligatorseen ofcourse
18:33:15mooney the alligatorheard i forgot :p
18:33:23mooney the alligatori probably reconize it
18:33:25mooney the alligatorwhen i hear it
18:33:26mooney the alligatorxp
18:33:27DraKoNaLman see em all the time in the south
18:33:41-uFFc- NeppyTittY
18:33:42mooney the alligatorwe got dogs and cats here
18:33:44mooney the alligatoru know
18:33:48mooney the alligatorthe normal animals
18:33:53DraKoNaLwhere is herE?
18:33:58mooney the alligatorand lions
18:34:01-uFFc- NeppyTittYcanada pwns u all
18:34:02mooney the alligatorand tigers
18:34:05mooney the alligatorand yrd
18:34:07mooney the alligatoryes
18:34:09mooney the alligatorafrica
18:34:13mooney the alligatorim in africa
18:34:21mooney the alligatornope
18:34:26mooney the alligatorsouth africa
18:34:28mooney the alligatorcheck my steam
18:34:32DraKoNaLjust cause u got a zoo doesn't mean your in africas
18:34:34BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLmake some teams or
18:34:39mooney the alligatorna
18:34:43mooney the alligatorim in south africa
18:34:48BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLwith the blacks
18:34:50Lopeme too
18:34:52DraKoNaLmafia and oj captains?
18:34:56Lopena, white here
18:35:09Largos^testing mic, is it still screwy?
18:35:14mooney the alligatorOMG
18:35:16mooney the alligatordont use it
18:35:16BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLL
18:35:22BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLL
18:35:24BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLL
18:35:28BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLL
18:35:31DraKoNaLmafia and bio captain pls
18:35:38BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLbio isn't in pickup
18:35:42Largos^he was added
18:35:45BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLL@teams
18:35:45Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ Drakonal
18:35:45Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ neppppppppp ^0&^ OHJEEZY
18:35:46DraKoNaLyesh e is
18:35:46-uFFc- NeppyTittY!teams
18:35:46Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ Drakonal
18:35:46Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ neppppppppp ^0&^ OHJEEZY
18:35:47Largos^or someone named biohaz was
18:35:53BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLhes loading
18:36:28DraKoNaLmafia red pls
18:36:33-uFFc- NeppyTittY
18:36:34DraKoNaLkk go
18:36:38Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ Drakonal
18:36:38Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ neppppppppp ^0&^ OHJEEZY
18:36:55Largos^whoa, solly got nerfed, don't let me play solly
18:36:59BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLmoonie the aligator
18:37:00BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLand
18:37:08BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLoj
18:37:14Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ Drakonal
18:37:14Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ neppppppppp ^0&^ OHJEEZY
18:37:25* ( > Peppaslol mm
18:37:28Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ Drakonal
18:37:28Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ neppppppppp ^0&^ OHJEEZY
18:37:28* ( > Peppasgot dat snipa
18:37:43mooney the alligatornep or drak
18:37:46mooney the alligatorhard choice
18:37:47BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLnep
18:38:04Largos^I like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^2-4 Health ^120 Armor
18:38:10BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLL90.120
18:38:12BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLdangerous as dynamite, sneaky as a submarine [90.120]
18:38:13LopeFor a good man on man time in Houston, call Commie (713) 822-8288 [1 0]
18:38:33BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLL@teams
18:38:34Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ biohaZ ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ Drakonal
18:38:34Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ neppppppppp ^0&^ OHJEEZY
18:38:37* ( > Peppaswho is commie
18:38:40BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLhes commie
18:38:49-uFFc- NeppyTittYoj
18:38:50Lopemm's friend
18:38:51-uFFc- NeppyTittYhungry
18:38:53BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLlewl
18:38:59Lopebuddy sorts
18:39:03BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLcall incs
18:39:04BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLk
18:39:06mooney the alligatorSTOP IT
18:39:07BOSS | MafiaMan^HeLLtrim
18:39:09mooney the alligatormaking me hungry
18:39:13mooney the alligatorwant some oj meat
18:39:19LopeIm working on my conc cause spoon said I need to 1 0
18:39:27Lope<Vinny> I cant tell you how frustrated I am with you right now
18:39:33mooney the alligator<@VinnytheBoss> i still love u <@VinnytheBoss> always will 80 50
18:39:47Largos^hf but please leave the gl to us
18:39:56* ( > Peppaslike.... 8==)- - - (==8 kinda buddies?
18:40:11mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:40:26mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:40:45mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:41:04mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:41:12mooney the alligatorspy
18:41:14mooney the alligatoron flag
18:41:22Lopemm lol
18:41:36mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:41:47mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:41:57mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:42:34mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:42:50mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:42:55mooney the alligatorspy check
18:42:55mooney the alligatorfs
18:43:04mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:43:08mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:43:13mooney the alligatoroj
18:43:14mooney the alligatorspy check
18:43:41mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:44:33Largos^I don't always spam binds. But when I do, I prefer this one. ^275 Health ^150 Armor
18:44:39* ( > Peppasgo fx.shang
18:44:50mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:45:58* ( > PeppasI SAID DOCTA!!!!
18:46:07doct or? explosion.pHD;o
18:46:14Megatron90 100
18:46:40mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:46:49* ( > Peppasdamn dude
18:46:52mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:46:54* ( > Peppasthat was a nice one sexy
18:47:29mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:47:44Megatron90 100
18:48:19mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:48:21mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:49:35Lopenice mn
18:49:38mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:49:46Largos^I like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^275 Health ^150 Armor
18:50:03mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:51:12mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:51:20mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:51:48Largos^I don't always spam binds. But when I do, I prefer this one. ^275 Health ^150 Armor
18:51:51Megatron90 100
18:52:24mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:52:25mooney the alligatorIncoming:
18:52:55mooney the alligatordude
18:52:58mooney the alligatoru dont see me shooting?
18:52:58LopeGo easy on me big guy I'm new to all of this
18:53:52mooney the alligatorIncoming: