Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:28:23BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-@teams
22:28:23Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:28:23Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:29:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:29:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:30:37doct or? explosion.pHDcloouududddd
22:30:44doct or? explosion.pHD!
22:30:47doct or? explosion.pHD:=
22:30:59Features has left the game -Kf-rage quit vs?
22:31:16BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-whos ur 4th
22:31:38doct or? explosion.pHDspoon wanna play?
22:31:43BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-neg
22:31:44spoon has left the gamewith my team
22:31:45BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-i need u on my team
22:31:46spoon has left the gamei can
22:31:51spoon has left the gameim drunk
22:31:55BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-k
22:31:56BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-lets pick
22:31:57aleXtric has left the gamespoon red?
22:31:57BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-@teams
22:31:57Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:31:57Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:31:58spoon has left the gameand i want to play with my team
22:32:05spoon has left the gameotherwise no deal
22:32:09Features has left the game -Kf-(Disconnect by user.) 65 50
22:32:10aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
22:32:11spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 0
22:32:17BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-2 ppl cpatain plz
22:32:21aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 71 50
22:32:24Features has left the game -Kf-(Disconnect by user.) 61 50
22:32:30doct or? explosion.pHDspoon wanna sub me?
22:32:38spoon has left the gameif i can play with my entire team
22:32:47spoon has left the gameotherwise no deal
22:32:48BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-ont happening
22:32:49doct or? explosion.pHDthats dumb
22:32:51BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-not*
22:32:53spoon has left the gameno deal
22:32:55spoon has left the gamesorry
22:32:56Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:32:56Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:33:01BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-someone blue captain
22:33:09BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-im tired of blue captaining
22:33:17aleXtric has left the game!teams
22:33:17Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:33:17Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:33:21doct or? explosion.pHDi captained 2 in a row
22:33:33BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-mighty brave of you :P
22:33:43BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-someone plz go blue
22:33:45BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-thanks
22:33:46aleXtric has left the game!teams
22:33:46Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:33:46Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:33:52aleXtric has left the gamematt
22:34:02BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-@teams
22:34:02Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:34:02Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:34:07BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-explo and feat
22:34:10BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-k
22:34:11BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-pick then
22:34:14aleXtric has left the game!teams
22:34:14Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:34:14Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:34:39BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-@teams
22:34:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:34:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:35:02BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-matt red
22:35:11BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-bing - 100 200
22:35:12BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-@teams
22:35:12Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:35:12Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:35:14Features has left the game -Kf-(Disconnect by user.) 78 100
22:35:17aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
22:35:17spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 0
22:35:24BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-stiffy banned
22:35:26BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-@teams
22:35:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ aleXtric ^0&^ Features ^0&^ dR-eXpl0si0n ^0&^ ?
22:35:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ crusH_ ^0&^ mattorrr ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
22:35:32Cloud has left the gameWATCH IT EXO AND I USED TO ROLL TOGETHER 1 100
22:35:34BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-nm
22:35:36BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-cloud is in this
22:35:40BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-cloud red
22:35:43BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-tunless u wanted him
22:35:50Cloud has left the gameInc Bottom!
22:36:17Cloud has left the gameO
22:36:21spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 0
22:36:22aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 65 48
22:36:25Features has left the game -Kf-(Disconnect by user.) 78 100
22:36:36BOSS | Vinzo-Rf-gl hf
22:37:08spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 0
22:38:17aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -37 7
22:38:20spoon has left the gameNice shot neonuoauneon, you clan? 1 - 0
22:40:06aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 64 50
22:40:38aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 67 50
22:40:52spoon has left the gameNice shot Features has left the game -Kf-, you clan? 1 - 0
22:41:17spoon has left the gameFelt like I did everything 1 - 0
22:42:43spoon has left the gameWE HAD THE WORST LUCK, RS OR IM LEAVING 1 - 0
22:43:52crusHH: 90 | A: 100
22:44:18aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -74 0
22:44:43aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -52 1
22:46:20aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 19 29
22:48:38aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -11 18
22:49:20aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -5 19
22:49:41spoon has left the game
22:49:44spoon has left the game
22:50:11spoon has left the game
22:50:15spoon has left the game
22:50:17aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 14 30
22:50:29aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 75 50
22:50:44aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -4 20
22:51:37aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 2 10
22:51:44spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 1 - 0
22:51:45Cloud has left the gamegg