Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
01:29:31squeek.flag tossed [ ]
01:30:56iv| Trailerdamn, can we revote? =(
01:31:02iansirthe map?
01:31:03iv| Trailernet was messed
01:31:05iv| Trailerya
01:31:12iansirwhat do you want to play
01:31:21iv| Traileronly one person voted and my web lagged out through the voting
01:31:27iv| Traileridc, schtop would be my choice
01:31:42iansiri dont care either way
01:31:58iv| Trailerstiff will problly sya fuck no
01:32:27iv| Traileri can play outdated client side on updated servers now?
01:32:29Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ hef
01:32:29Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ cold`radiotears ^0&^ sb_ ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
01:32:29iansircold you play tf2?
01:32:30iv| Trailerim still in 2.44
01:32:40coldnot anymore
01:32:42iansirno longer?
01:32:45iansirlol in recovery
01:32:46iv| Trailerspec plz
01:32:57iansirget more of you buddies
01:33:13iansirintegrated systems in dutch
01:33:18FDAmnzy class
01:33:22iv| Traileru captaining sb?
01:33:24iansirlive stream
01:33:33SBnot sure if this capt c.. nvm
01:33:38mnzyILL HALP U
01:33:45iv| Trailerspec if ur not cap...
01:33:47iv| Traileromfg
01:33:56mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
01:34:08iv| Trailersqueek and stiff capt
01:34:09mnzyNegative / NO / Bite me [H:75 A:50]
01:34:09iv| Trailer?
01:34:10iv| Traileranyone
01:34:16mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
01:34:17iv| Trailerother blue go red or spec fgt?
01:34:22mnzygo ahead
01:34:32iv| Trailerspec
01:34:33iv| Trailerspec
01:34:33iv| Trailerspec
01:34:34iv| Trailerspec
01:34:35iv| Trailerspec
01:34:38mnzyAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:71 A:50]
01:34:43mnzytrailer capt?
01:34:45mnzywhat a joke
01:34:47iv| Trailerlol
01:34:48iv| Traileridc
01:34:50iv| Trailerjust want to play
01:34:52iv| Trailereveryone being gays
01:34:58FDApick nigger, OMG
01:35:00iv| Trailermnz
01:35:03FDAtrailer holding everything up
01:35:08mnzytnx tho
01:35:11iv| Trailermnzy
01:35:16squeek.stiffy chef
01:35:18Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ hef
01:35:18Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ cold`radiotears ^0&^ sb_ ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
01:35:23iv| Trailermnzy
01:35:31mnzyNIGGER SNAIL
01:35:34mnzyim not added
01:35:39iv| Traileroh lol
01:35:40iv| Trailergo back
01:35:40Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ hef
01:35:40Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ cold`radiotears ^0&^ sb_ ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
01:35:46iv| Trailerwho is ian
01:35:47iv| Trailerand cold
01:35:49mnzypick chef
01:35:54squeek.ian is ian
01:35:57iv| Trailerchef <---
01:35:58squeek.cold i dont know
01:35:59iansiri used to play couple years ago
01:36:01iv| Trailersince moon isnt added
01:36:02iansircame back
01:36:03mnzycold is hot
01:36:03iv| Trailerian is new?
01:36:06cheFFmou77h-v^6::^2 15s^7 det ^6::
01:36:07cheFFmou77h-v^6::^2 15s^7 det ^6::
01:36:08cheFFmou77h-v^6::^2 15s^7 det ^6::
01:36:08mnzyian is alright
01:36:10iansiri mean im not a nub
01:36:13iansirim not good
01:36:14iv| Trailerchef blue
01:36:16SBbest spy in the game.
01:36:18SBis ian
01:36:25squeek.whats happening?
01:36:25iv| Trailerwow
01:36:29mnzyim not added
01:36:29iv| Traileridk man
01:36:35Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ hef
01:36:35Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ cold`radiotears ^0&^ sb_ ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
01:36:41mnzynot added
01:36:41iv| Trailerspec mnz
01:36:46iv| Trailerplz snail nig
01:36:48mnzystill picks me over u guyz
01:36:58cheFFmou77h-va mistake
01:37:04iv| Trailersb
01:37:05iansiri-n is dumb
01:37:19iv| Trailercuz i dont know anyone else
01:37:27iv| Trailercold
01:37:27mnzycold blue
01:37:34mnzycold dont forget
01:37:34iv| Traileryea matt gays it up
01:37:40mnzydont hit your suicide button
01:37:45iansirnot demo :/
01:37:52iansiri can engi
01:38:05iansiri demo = we lose