Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:40:28cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5we now have a ^2jumppad ^6:: 244
23:41:08spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 72 50
23:41:11Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
23:41:30Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hef ^0&^ Peppas ^0&^ Gator ^0&^ spooooooooooon
23:41:30Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ matt__ ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Features
23:41:47Features has left the gameirc teams or?
23:41:50* ( > Peppascapts
23:41:53spoon has left the game!teams
23:41:53Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hef ^0&^ Peppas ^0&^ Gator ^0&^ spooooooooooon
23:41:53Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ matt__ ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Features
23:41:58cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5we now have a ^2jumppad ^6:: 244
23:42:02iansirpro pickup holy shit
23:42:11iansirmakin an avi of this
23:43:11cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 30 ^6::
23:43:25cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 1 ^6::
23:43:49hadeZtheChampionill take gator
23:44:01Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ hef ^0&^ Peppas ^0&^ Gator ^0&^ spooooooooooon
23:44:01Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ matt__ ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ Features
23:44:03cheFFmou77h-vvinny didnt add or
23:44:12Tommy Toughguymatt feat
23:44:13cheFFmou77h-voh thats sab
23:44:31Tommy Toughguyspoon
23:44:39Gator [milkwood]..
23:44:41cheFFmou77h-vsiscos before spoon!
23:44:42cheFFmou77h-vwhat a joke
23:44:47cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5we now have a ^2jumppad ^6:: 244
23:45:14Features has left the gamehahaha
23:45:39Tommy Toughguytrade siscos for spoon?
23:48:43cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 50 ^6::
23:49:24cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 71 ^6::
23:49:31cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 10 ^6::
23:50:47cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 37 ^6::
23:52:02cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 79 ^6::
23:52:03cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 -11 ^6::
23:54:44Gator [milkwood]rofl
23:58:51hadeZtheChampionOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! 26 31
23:58:52hadeZtheChampionOMG A SUPER AIR BLUE PIPE ULTRA KILL!!! -36 5
23:58:56hadeZtheChampionare you a fuckuing faggot
23:59:09Gator [milkwood]yard d rgr that
23:59:18cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 84 ^6::
23:59:19cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 49 ^6::
23:59:45cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 -102 ^6::
00:01:39cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 82 ^6::
00:01:51cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 9 ^6::
00:02:43cheFFmou77h-v^6:: ^5tossed^4 62 ^6::
00:02:55cheFFmou77h-v^690 100