Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:06:26Consolefuck, lag's back of course
23:06:40Largos^fuck, lag's back of course
23:06:43MafiaMan^too slow features
23:06:46Features has left the gamelozlz
23:06:53Features has left the gamevinny knew first
23:06:59MafiaMan^i know , he told me on irc
23:07:02Features has left the gametho i was nil8 trigun
23:07:09Features has left the gameso i didnt lie
23:07:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ Features
23:07:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinzo ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ spoonlololol ^0&^ SD
23:07:10Features has left the gamesort of
23:07:11MafiaMan^good anime
23:07:15Features has left the gameyep
23:07:17Features has left the gamelove it still
23:07:23Features has left the gamewatch it like every 6 months or so
23:07:24Vinzobing - 80 56
23:07:26spoon has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 0
23:07:28MafiaMan^except hes a little bitch
23:07:28Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 70 50
23:07:30MafiaMan^and wont kill anyone
23:07:32Vinzobing - 6 0
23:07:33spoon has left the gameNOT ON MY WATCH 1 - 0
23:07:35Features has left the gamesort of
23:07:40MafiaMan^scared of blood n shit
23:07:45Features has left the gamehe did end up killing his brother
23:07:48spoon has left the gameill red lets go
23:07:49Vinzome and feat?
23:07:52Features has left the gamewell thats the story
23:07:52spoon has left the gameidc
23:07:53Vinzono ty
23:07:56Vinzoi was just blue
23:08:03spoon has left the gameu win every game with m,e
23:08:12Features has left the gamepatrick clark
23:08:13Trailerme me me
23:08:16Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ Features
23:08:16Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinzo ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ spoonlololol ^0&^ SD
23:08:23Vinzomm trail
23:08:23Trailertrailer and mm
23:08:29Trailerwe win
23:08:29Features has left the game!teams
23:08:30Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ Features
23:08:30Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinzo ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ spoonlololol ^0&^ SD
23:08:32MafiaMan^mm and trailer*
23:08:38Features has left the gamehmm
23:08:43Features has left the gameif i get sd he only engys
23:08:47Largos^fuuuckkk pinggg
23:08:47TrailerRed by 3 [ 100 | 300 ]
23:08:48TrailerRed by 3 [ 100 | 300 ]
23:08:50Features has left the game:/
23:08:52Features has left the gamesd
23:08:54TrailerRed by 3 [ 100 | 300 ]
23:08:56ConsoleSubstitute player request created
23:08:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ MafiaMan ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ Features
23:08:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ vinzo ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ spoonlololol ^0&^ SD
23:09:07Trailerwhos sd
23:09:10Features has left the gamewhats up with ur net largos
23:09:21Features has left the gamefucking too many german bitches letting them use ur wifi
23:09:23MafiaMan^largos is lagging
23:09:23spoon has left the gamegot ian
23:09:24spoon has left the gameto sub
23:09:31FDAam i on a team?
23:09:40Vinzoill take ian i guess
23:09:40Trailerthe gay team
23:09:41Features has left the gameno ian is subbing u
23:09:45Features has left the gameLOL
23:09:47Features has left the gameyep
23:09:48Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
23:09:49Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
23:09:49spoon has left the gamefda blue
23:09:51FDAwhich team is tey
23:09:55MafiaMan^my team
23:09:57MafiaMan^all the time
23:09:58Features has left the gamehi this is the gay team
23:09:59MafiaMan^gay as hell
23:10:10Features has left the gameim coming out of the closet tbh
23:10:15MafiaMan^god finally
23:10:23MafiaMan^wanna get assholes bleached with me and vinny?
23:10:34Features has left the gamei gotta pluck my asshairs first
23:10:37Features has left the gamethey are a little rough
23:10:38iansirlol how does your gf listen to that all night lol
23:10:42Trailerback on roxis vinny?
23:10:48Trailerhappiest ive ever seen u
23:10:53Trailergot laid or on drugs
23:10:54SDlaser on the head
23:10:56MafiaMan^hes austrailian
23:10:57SDi see blood
23:10:58SDno hit
23:10:59MafiaMan^or european
23:11:03Features has left the gamesniper sucks this game
23:11:10Features has left the gamei always hit headshots but dont register
23:11:11SDbest hit box ever
23:11:12iansirhobbit was good
23:11:16MafiaMan^ur golum nigga
23:11:20spoon has left the gamecan we start?
23:11:22Largos^would anyone stop playing if we removed sniper?
23:11:26Console^Admin:^0 hadeZtheChampio
23:11:27MafiaMan^i would
23:11:33Vinzowhere is hadez
23:11:37Vinzois he serious
23:11:39Largos^jk <3
23:11:39Features has left the gamehe didnt even add
23:11:42Features has left the gamehe does it for stats
23:11:43Trailerthe people no one gives a shit if they quit larg
23:11:55MafiaMan^everyone would quit if i quit
23:12:08MafiaMan^lol jk i have no friends
23:12:10* ( > Peppaswhose team im on
23:12:14MafiaMan^team gay
23:12:15* ( > Peppasi subbed
23:12:35MafiaMan^Medic! [11.6]
23:12:35* ( > Peppaswell fuck all yall bitches then
23:12:41MafiaMan^Medic! [22.2]
23:12:50* ( > Peppas!needsub
23:12:51ConsoleSubstitute player request created
23:12:57MafiaMan^Medic! [37.42]
23:13:30Features has left the gameTossed Flag -5|18
23:13:50Features has left the gameTossed Flag 6|24
23:14:00Features has left the gameTossed Flag 9|23
23:14:44MafiaMan^Medic! [44.52]
23:14:49MafiaMan^Medic! [44.52]
23:15:22MafiaMan^Medic! [32.16]
23:15:25MafiaMan^Medic! [32.16]
23:15:34spoon has left the gamecoool, game
23:15:43Features has left the gameTossed Flag 24|32
23:16:16Features has left the gameTossed Flag -20|12
23:16:20Features has left the gameu went through that
23:16:33Features has left the gamewtf
23:16:34Features has left the game...
23:17:12SDshot me up in the air
23:17:49Features has left the gameTossed Flag 55|42
23:18:14Vinzobing - 38 112
23:18:16spoon has left the gameok
23:18:47Features has left the gameTossed Flag 8|25
23:18:57Features has left the gameTossed Flag 75|50
23:19:11Features has left the gameTossed Flag -15|15
23:19:50Features has left the gameTossed Flag -42|1
23:20:09Features has left the gamewow
23:20:11MafiaMan^Medic! [90.120]
23:20:12Features has left the gamei g ot stuck
23:20:31Features has left the gamewow
23:20:32Features has left the gamethrow
23:20:43spoon has left the gameWTF
23:21:39Features has left the gameTossed Flag 19|28
23:21:56Features has left the gameTossed Flag -7|22
23:22:23Features has left the gameTossed Flag 12|24
23:22:44Vinzofail det rofl
23:22:46Features has left the gameTossed Flag -53|0
23:23:18Features has left the gameTossed Flag 16|27
23:24:01Features has left the gamefuck
23:24:44Features has left the gamefuck
23:24:45Features has left the gamesg
23:24:58Features has left the game.
23:25:22Features has left the game:/ n1
23:25:53Features has left the gameby hw
23:26:17Features has left the gameTossed Flag 19|28