Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:46:39Lion King VHS TapePrematch ends in 30 seconds
00:46:41SDwheres the best gun spot
00:47:36Features has the left gameDropped Flag 82|108
00:47:51Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed -34 8
00:48:08C^619 31
00:48:14Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed -2 20
00:48:21SDjust kill mm
00:48:23SDthe fuck
00:49:18Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 10 26
00:49:29Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 46 41
00:49:52Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 30 32
00:50:14Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed -2 21
00:50:25Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 58 45
00:51:03Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 41 38
00:51:51Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 75 50
00:52:26Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 9 24
00:52:43Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 27 34
00:52:59Features has the left gamewubba sub
00:53:01Features has the left gamei cant even move
00:54:16Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 22 34
00:54:18Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 22 34
00:54:58Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed -4 19
00:55:44Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 55 44
00:55:55Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 70 48
00:58:58Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 39 38
00:59:21Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 67 47
01:00:16C^643 38
01:00:29Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed 75 50
01:01:11Lion King VHS TapeFlag tossed -1 22