Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue Chat
04:36:59Nv | homie' 4lolol
04:37:10Nv | homie' 4whatever
04:37:14Nv | homie' 4take flag water
04:37:16Nv | homie' 4gettin fda chased
04:37:21Nv | homie' 4get stuck on trash stair
04:37:24Nv | homie' 4or fly right by it
04:37:45Nv | homie' 4ugly?
04:37:48Nv | homie' 4oh
04:38:59Nv | homie' 4I played alex 1v here
04:39:01Nv | homie' 4it was fun lol
04:39:08Nv | homie' 4and on prop
04:39:39Nv | homie' 4on what?
04:39:41Nv | homie' 4same on what
04:39:43Nv | homie' 4oh
04:39:45Nv | homie' 4yeah
04:39:48Nv | homie' 4just slower or faster
04:40:10Nv | homie' 4dbl conc from water
04:40:14Nv | homie' 4people think they invented that?
04:40:21Nv | homie' 4lol
04:40:25Nv | homie' 4been around since phantom was released
04:40:27Nv | homie' 4in tfc
04:40:43Nv | homie' 4yeah
04:40:49Nv | homie' 4can just trimp it too
04:40:59Nv | homie' 4lol
04:41:04Nv | homie' 4chef is dum
04:42:13Nv | homie' 4lol
04:42:38Nv | homie' 4wish you could get stuck
04:42:41Nv | homie' 4between to jpads
04:42:43Nv | homie' 4like holding space
04:42:47Nv | homie' 4just going back and forth
04:42:56Nv | homie' 4lol
04:43:05Nv | homie' 4glad I havent played mort
04:43:08Nv | homie' 4since I started back
04:43:13Nv | homie' 4boring map
04:43:43Nv | homie' 4stiff
04:43:45Nv | homie' 4only one
04:44:05Nv | homie' 4Ive never gotten to play spider
04:44:24Nv | homie' 4dont have to learn them
04:44:30Nv | homie' 4everyone hate it
04:44:32Nv | homie' 4?
04:44:36Nv | homie' 4oh
04:45:09Nv | homie' 4do it for him
04:45:10Nv | homie' 4imo
04:45:15Nv | homie' 4needs to make 55
04:45:23Nv | homie' 4be an awesome 2v map
04:46:24Nv | homie' 4can you still see shadows
04:46:26Nv | homie' 4from ramp here?
04:46:29Nv | homie' 4through this wall
04:46:39Nv | homie' 4aw
04:46:45Nv | homie' 4oh
04:46:49Nv | homie' 4old one you could see through the wall
04:46:59Nv | homie' 4nope
04:47:09Nv | homie' 4squeek verified it lol
04:47:14Nv | homie' 4rofl
04:47:32Nv | homie' 4ugh
04:47:42Nv | homie' 4rongo
04:48:32Nv | homie' 4Bob: that's two times I've caught you crunK -24880 :: 0
04:49:17Nv | homie' 4whats euro channel?
04:49:31Nv | homie' 4maybe Ill idle there for support
04:49:51Nv | homie' 4I used to
04:50:03Nv | homie' 4get to ng
04:50:14Nv | homie' 4lol
04:50:44Nv | homie' 4ugh
04:50:45Nv | homie' 4canta im
04:51:05Nv | homie' 4hm?
04:51:11Nv | homie' 4cat aim
04:51:16Nv | homie' 4can aimmmmmmmmm
04:51:19Nv | homie' 4cantttttttt
04:51:22Nv | homie' 4shesh
04:51:29FDAEither something cool or funny happened, so I pushed this button to show you my health. [75||50]
04:51:33Nv | homie' 4MY FLOW'S POISON LIKE iv|
04:51:35FDAEither something cool or funny happened, so I pushed this button to show you my health. [75||50]
04:51:36Nv | homie' 4<squeek.> sorry
04:52:06Nv | homie' 4you hate rq too?
04:52:19Nv | homie' 4spoon or alex play any?
04:52:35Nv | homie' 4lol why
04:53:07Nv | homie' 4lol
04:53:17Nv | homie' 4sounds fun
04:53:47Nv | homie' 4lol good alex impression
04:53:55Nv | homie' 4need neon back at hedmin
04:54:09Nv | homie' 4lol
04:54:13Nv | homie' 4idk why people like spoon