Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
19:30:52aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 72 50
19:30:54aleXtric has left the game!teams
19:30:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ spytrain ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ aleXtric
19:30:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Megatron- ^0&^ grIMace
19:31:08e0.MegatronINCOMING MY WAYYY!!!!!
19:31:17ohjaeboss hair
19:31:28e0.Megatronplease spectate
19:31:29aleXtric has left the gamemafia features capt
19:31:32aleXtric has left the gamespec
19:31:37e0.Megatronand spectate me as well
19:31:40e0.Megatronplease everyone spectate me
19:31:48aleXtric has left the gamemafia blue features red
19:31:50aleXtric has left the gamethanks
19:31:50e0.Megatronspec spytrain-
19:31:52Nv| grim 11WHO DAT
19:32:08Prime-who is that
19:32:09Features-alex oj
19:32:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ spytrain ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ aleXtric
19:32:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Features ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Megatron- ^0&^ grIMace
19:32:23Nv| grim 11whos that in the pic
19:32:31MafiaMan^thats vinny
19:32:33e0.Megatrondid you see
19:32:36Nv| grim 11yup
19:32:36e0.Megatronare you blind
19:32:38MafiaMan^when it's not summer
19:32:43Nv| grim 11i dont fuckign know
19:32:44Nv| grim 11who it is
19:32:52aleXtric has left the game^260 seconds until prematch ends!
19:32:56MafiaMan^oit's spy isn't it
19:33:11MafiaMan^hi spy
19:33:15MafiaMan^hi spys picture
19:33:16Features-whatu want me to use my headset with a mic?
19:33:22Features-k brb
19:33:28aleXtric has left the game^260 seconds until prematch ends!
19:33:32Prime-mic broke already that's what u get a guess when u buy a 10 dollor one from walmart
19:33:33e0.Megatron3 23
19:33:35e0.MegatronINCOMING BUTTON !!!!!
19:33:36e0.MegatronINCOMING MY WAYYY!!!!!
19:33:37e0.MegatronINCOMING MY WAYYY!!!!!
19:34:01e0.Megatronwhere do you want it
19:34:04e0.Megatronred button?
19:34:07e0.Megatronflag room?
19:34:15ohjaeget off my dick - 22 0
19:34:20e0.Megatronits there
19:34:21aleXtric has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 7 0
19:34:22e0.Megatronbutton way
19:34:24Prime-alex headset for 10 on newegg?
19:34:34e0.Megatron75 50
19:34:36aleXtric has left the game^715 seconds left of prematch!
19:34:44e0.Megatron32 36
19:34:48Prime-hit wrong buttpmn
19:34:49e0.Megatronits gonna be a long day features
19:35:03e0.Megatron75 50
19:35:44e0.Megatron54 42
19:36:08e0.Megatron75 50
19:36:23ohjae100 300
19:36:25e0.Megatron75 50
19:37:05ohjae20 0
19:37:05e0.Megatron90 100
19:37:07aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 14 42
19:37:59ohjae90 264
19:38:42aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 1 0
19:39:30aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 17 0
19:39:51aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 51 5
19:40:35ohjae100 300
19:40:49e0.Megatron90 100
19:41:14e0.Megatron90 100
19:41:34aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 30 0
19:43:16ohjae86 245
19:43:20ohjae78 215
19:43:27aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 54 15
19:45:00aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 3 0
19:45:15ohjae25 64
19:45:15aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 3 2
19:46:14ohjae100 300
19:46:43e0.Megatron31 27
19:47:39aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 22 0
19:47:41aleXtric has left the gameNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 2 0
19:48:01e0.Megatron90 100
19:48:02ohjae69 176
19:48:19e0.Megatron90 100
19:48:29ohjae89 260
19:48:29Nv| grim 11ramp
19:48:41e0.Megatron90 100
19:48:43ohjaeDENNIS RODMAN SWAT YO ASS!!! 70 251
19:49:40e0.Megatron27 20