Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:34:53iansirdidnt do anything with that spiral yet
00:34:58Nv | squeek. 1haha
00:35:02iansirwas thinking of a 15 pt cap
00:35:11iansirif you take the time to run up or conc
00:35:15Nv | D. Rose' 4need someone to make 55 for me
00:35:19NeoNLightgtfo rann
00:35:24Nv | D. Rose' 4<squeek.> lol
00:35:25aleXtric has left the gamecool fast dl worked
00:35:42aleXtric has left the gamenow this server is in the 21st century
00:35:44NeoNLight1 0
00:35:51Nv | squeek. 164 | 48
00:36:02Danielle Nicole Tolosiim lost already
00:36:11iansirits small
00:36:17aleXtric has left the gameWHAT THE FUCk
00:36:20aleXtric has left the gameis goin on in this map
00:36:21Danielle Nicole Tolosihmmm
00:36:34Nv | D. Rose' 4like someone took destroy
00:36:36Nv | D. Rose' 4shredded it
00:36:40NeoNLightdeath pits in yard, good thing poc doesnt play anymore
00:36:40Nv | D. Rose' 4then crammed it together
00:36:47Danielle Nicole Tolosirtofl!
00:36:58aleXtric has left the gamewhy is the cobo roof parking lot spiral ramp in the middle of the yard
00:37:11Danielle Nicole Tolosirfl
00:37:13Nv | D. Rose' 4looks like a drill
00:37:14Nv | D. Rose' 4tbh
00:37:22aleXtric has left the gamehef got the reference
00:37:27Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ da_HEF ^0&^ VinnytheBoss
00:37:27Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ FDA
00:37:38Danielle Nicole Tolosiwhats up with the respawn
00:37:41Danielle Nicole Tolosilol
00:37:47FDAwho wants to captain?
00:37:50Danielle Nicole Tolosithat skinny ass ramp
00:37:51Danielle Nicole Tolosierr
00:37:52Danielle Nicole Tolosiledge
00:37:57aleXtric has left the gameidk map
00:38:00aleXtric has left the gamei want to not capt
00:38:20FDAsqueek and homie?
00:38:22Danielle Nicole Tolosiimho its too small
00:38:23Nv | D. Rose' 4<squeek.> excuse me
00:38:23Danielle Nicole Tolosifor 4v4
00:38:26Danielle Nicole Tolosiits gonna be crammed
00:38:34iansiryeah we can play soemthing else
00:38:39aleXtric has left the gameno
00:38:40iansirno point in a fail pickup
00:38:42aleXtric has left the gamelets play thius shit
00:38:45FDAlets try it
00:38:47iansirpeople already hating
00:38:49Danielle Nicole Tolosina
00:38:49iansirno point
00:38:51Danielle Nicole Tolosinot hating
00:38:53aleXtric has left the gamewe got good people
00:38:53FDAsqueek homie captain
00:38:55Danielle Nicole Tolosiwe should try it
00:38:55aleXtric has left the gameto test this
00:38:58FDAspec please
00:39:13aleXtric has left the gamethis lineup will make this a true test
00:39:14FDAk pick homie
00:39:18aleXtric has left the gameno retards here
00:39:20Nv | D. Rose' 4Nooners
00:39:21NeoNLight1 0
00:39:26envelope reader^6hi ^4Nv | squeek. 1
00:39:33Nv | squeek. 1!teams
00:39:33Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ da_HEF ^0&^ VinnytheBoss
00:39:33Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ FDA
00:39:41Nv | squeek. 1vinny alex
00:39:48aleXtric has left the gameim like kinda sick but ive been taking vitamin D and C
00:39:53Nv | D. Rose' 4now who
00:39:57aleXtric has left the gameand im like beating this shit
00:40:01NeoNLightian or chef
00:40:04NeoNLightor fda
00:40:04aleXtric has left the gameVITAMINS RULE
00:40:07Nv | D. Rose' 4lol
00:40:10Nv | D. Rose' 4ian
00:40:17Nv | D. Rose' 4I pikced on who nicest
00:40:29Nv | D. Rose' 4IANAIANA
00:40:31Nv | D. Rose' 4TEAM IAN
00:40:32NeoNLight75 28
00:40:39NeoNLightteamian always wins
00:40:42Nv | squeek. 1!teams
00:40:42Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ da_HEF ^0&^ VinnytheBoss
00:40:42Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ NeoNL ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ FDA
00:40:46Nv | D. Rose' 4<squeek.> excuse me
00:40:49Nv | squeek. 1chef
00:40:52Nv | D. Rose' 4FDA
00:40:55Nv | D. Rose' 4team no rage
00:41:02Nv | D. Rose' 4lol
00:41:02NeoNLightfda last pick or
00:41:17NeoNLightim thinking no engy
00:41:20NeoNLightdemo hw 2 sol
00:41:50Nv| Largos^ '7whoa crazy map
00:41:54Nv| Largos^ '7I approve
00:41:59iansirlol thanks
00:42:30NeoNLighttry 1 scout
00:42:39NeoNLightwant me to
00:42:46Nv| Largos^ '7fortress forever . . .
00:42:48NeoNLight90 100
00:42:59aleXtric has left the gamePrematch ends in 45 seconds
00:43:02FDAu gaiz ready
00:43:03aleXtric has left the gamePrematch ends in 45 seconds
00:43:03NeoNLight80 100
00:43:21NeoNLightnothign there yet
00:43:25iansiri was thinking about adding something like that
00:43:36NeoNLightthey do
00:44:05NeoNLight90 100
00:44:06Nv| Largos^ '7This is my bind. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ^21 Health ^10 Armor
00:45:07NeoNLight90 100
00:45:32NeoNLight-1051 0
00:47:01NeoNLight90 100
00:49:29NeoNLight-1 0
00:50:00Nv | D. Rose' 4<squeek.> excuse me
00:50:28NeoNLight-1051 0
00:51:03NeoNLight-7 0
00:51:31aleXtric has left the gameearway
00:52:41NeoNLight90 100
00:53:01aleXtric has left the gameff_earwax
00:53:18NeoNLight90 100
00:54:57Nv | squeek. 1hud_grenadetimers 0
00:55:22NeoNLight-11 0
00:55:23Danielle Nicole Tolosibing - -70 0
00:55:27Danielle Nicole Tolositoo small :(
00:55:32Danielle Nicole Tolosii like it tho
00:55:45Danielle Nicole Tolosiits a variation of destroy
00:55:47Danielle Nicole Tolosiwhich is good
00:56:00Danielle Nicole Tolosibutton and ramp room need to be bigger
00:56:03Danielle Nicole Tolosiand flagroom i guess
00:57:57NeoNLight-56 0
00:58:25Nv | D. Rose' 4<squeek.> sorry
00:58:30envelope reader^65 0
00:58:33Danielle Nicole Tolosigg
00:58:35envelope readergg
00:58:46Nv | squeek. 1gg
00:58:48Nv | D. Rose' 4gg