Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:59:33iansirno ng?
00:59:39teamrice. lauoouw/e
00:59:48teamrice. lauooujust want to try unconvention strats
00:59:49teamrice. lauoou:p
00:59:54teamrice. lauoouunconventional
01:00:11Danielle Nicole Tolosido you agree tho ian
01:00:11teamrice. lauoousol main room, sol button hw lower fr, demo flag
01:00:20teamrice. lauoouill do w/e
01:00:22teamrice. lauoouhw there
01:00:25teamrice. lauoousol here
01:00:25Danielle Nicole Tolosijust scale it a little bigger
01:00:26iansirtoo small
01:00:29Danielle Nicole Tolosiand ur good
01:00:29aleXtric has left the gamemake the floors all equal and flat where its supposed to be flat
01:00:33teamrice. lauooubutton sol
01:00:33aleXtric has left the gamepipes get stuck
01:00:36teamrice. lauoougoggo
01:00:45Danielle Nicole Tolosiits a variation of destyroy
01:00:47Danielle Nicole Tolosiso it will get played
01:01:44envelope reader^675 50
01:02:05teamrice. lauoou63 83
01:02:18aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 3 23
01:02:29Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:03:19teamrice. lauoou74 76
01:03:32teamrice. lauoou74 76
01:03:33FDABind. [88||151]
01:03:39Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:03:56aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -26 10
01:04:09envelope reader^6:: ^553 ^6::
01:04:42Danielle Nicole Tolosibing - 75 50
01:05:11Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:05:13teamrice. lauoou26 13
01:05:23Nv | D. Rose' 4<squeek.> sorry
01:05:32Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:06:09Danielle Nicole Tolosibing - 75 50
01:06:10FDABind. [62||50]
01:06:12aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 12 24
01:06:20envelope reader^62 22
01:06:22teamrice. lauoou78 104
01:06:39Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:06:40teamrice. lauoou77 104
01:07:13aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 10 27
01:07:45envelope reader^6-1 20
01:08:17aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 32 36
01:08:18Nv | D. Rose' 4<squeek.> lol
01:08:38Danielle Nicole Tolosiafter this game, you guys wanan stay in server and do a nother map/
01:08:42aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 29 32
01:08:44iansirtoo hard to pip when flag is there
01:09:18aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -34 8
01:09:36aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 72 50
01:09:37aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed -4 19
01:09:51aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 41 38
01:10:21teamrice. lauoou60 43
01:11:42teamrice. lauoou64 1
01:11:53Danielle Nicole Tolosibing - 75 50
01:11:54teamrice. lauoou52 0
01:12:11envelope reader^65 23
01:12:33Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:13:41Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:13:46aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 7 21
01:14:03teamrice. lauoou60 43
01:14:19teamrice. lauoou85 68
01:14:45aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 19 29
01:15:09Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:15:27Nv | D. Rose' 4gg
01:15:28Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
01:15:36aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 48 39
01:15:48Danielle Nicole Tolosigg
01:15:48Nv | squeek. 1gg
01:15:48Nv | D. Rose' 4gg
01:15:49envelope readergg
01:15:50aleXtric has left the gamegg