Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
17:33:30Features has left the gamewhat
17:33:34hitadetpulling a drak
17:33:44hitadetIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Side
17:33:49I Will be a 11.5euh
17:33:52I Will be a 11.5whos doing what?
17:34:10hitadetIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Security Side
17:34:19hitadetHeal me!! [-1 Health - 22 Armor]
17:34:25hitadetHeal me!! [48 Health - 40 Armor]
17:34:39Features has left the gamei like hadez
17:34:41Features has left the gamebut this gets annoying
17:34:46hitadetAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:72 A:50]
17:34:52Nv| grim iimnz sub admin
17:34:56hadeZtheChampionhad to order pizza...
17:35:03Betoni def the button?
17:35:11hitadetHeal me!! [28 Health - 41 Armor]
17:35:20big ohjaemore pm
17:35:24big ohjaebeton needs a lil help
17:35:25big ohjaereal quick
17:35:27Features has left the gameu had 3 mins
17:35:31Features has left the gameand now u decide to
17:35:32Features has left the game..
17:35:37hitadetHeal me!! [75 Health - 50 Armor]
17:35:49hitadetHeal me!! [75 Health - 50 Armor]
17:36:00big ohjaeneeded a rs
17:36:01hadeZtheChampionwe need to rs we have 2 demos
17:36:04hitadetpls deposit flags on the blue cp
17:36:06Features has left the gameur the admin
17:36:08ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 15 SECONDS!!
17:36:15hitadetIM HERE TO CAP FOR U
17:36:16hadeZtheChampionnot asking just making u aware
17:36:57hitadetHeal me!! [67 Health - 47 Armor]
17:36:57hadeZtheChampionMedic! 87|116
17:37:09hitadetHeal me!! [67 Health - 47 Armor]
17:37:27hitadetAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:67 A:47]
17:37:34hitadetpls drop flags on blue cp
17:37:37hitadeti will cap for u
17:37:55Features has left the gameTossed Flag 72|79
17:37:57hitadetAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
17:38:10hitadetim afk on ur cp
17:38:14hitadettoss flags on me
17:38:30Features has left the gameTossed Flag 13|0
17:38:49hitadetAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
17:38:54Nv| grim iino fuckign concs
17:39:03hitadetmvp right here
17:39:37hadeZtheChampionMedic! 11|4
17:39:45Features has left the gameTossed Flag 83|88
17:40:27hitadetIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Main Courtyard
17:40:34hitadetim 2gud
17:40:47hadeZtheChampionMedic! 11|6
17:41:25hitadetHeal me!! [66 Health - 47 Armor]
17:41:30hitadettoss ittt
17:41:37Nv| grim iilol fail
17:42:30hitadetIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Main Courtyard
17:42:37hitadetAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
17:42:45hitadet0 deaths
17:44:00Nv| grim iilo
17:44:02Nv| grim iil
17:44:05hitadet6 caps 0 deaths
17:44:23Features has left the gameTossed Flag 52|41
17:45:44hitadetAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
17:46:26Features has left the gameTossed Flag 20|22
17:46:31hitadet10 caps and u can get a pad
17:46:53hitadetHeal me!! [32 Health - 34 Armor]
17:46:57Features has left the gamelol
17:46:59hitadetAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:32 A:34]
17:47:47hitadetIM HUNGRY
17:47:50hitadetFEED FLAGS PLS
17:48:22TOTR1Chaha this poison medic fucker
17:48:27Features has left the gamelol
17:48:33Betonits aids not poison
17:48:37TOTR1Coh yeah
17:48:46hitadet1 more for a pad!
17:48:58TOTR1Ci havent played this game for 1-2 years yet the password for this server remains the same
17:49:43TOTR1Cwhy did u just team kill waht
17:49:46Features has left the gameTossed Flag 13|25
17:49:54hadeZtheChampionMedic! 51|7
17:50:08Nv| grim iithat was so worth 10 caps
17:50:23hadeZtheChampionair crowbar
17:50:40hitadetwhy is totric playing
17:50:51hitadetIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Security Side
17:50:51hitadetIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Security Side
17:50:56TOTR1Cshould i not be?
17:51:05Nv| grim iiiw as just about to toss
17:51:08TOTR1Ci saw it was 4v5
17:51:13hitadetnot playing
17:51:20hadeZtheChampionultimate defense
17:51:20Features has left the gamegg
17:51:20TOTR1Cthen why be there at all
17:51:28Betoni gotta go gus i got mea drop top