Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:34:43{sfc}CaptainAhabcould people not get the map?
22:34:46big hdzadmin everyone who previously added join right now
22:35:01big hdzthe boss
22:35:09More like LAGos^ Am I right?2big
22:35:24-[i3]-cynicalwhats the bbb team tag?
22:35:29-[i3]-cynicalfor ingame
22:35:34big ohjaebig
22:35:57big ohjaebig cyn
22:36:03{sfc}CaptainAhabjust missing chef
22:36:08More like LAGos^ Am I right?of course
22:36:11More like LAGos^ Am I right?the dude who always insist we ad
22:36:19{sfc}CaptainAhabthe stiffy rule needs to be enforced
22:36:24More like LAGos^ Am I right?which is
22:36:26{sfc}CaptainAhabnobody seems to care about that
22:36:32More like LAGos^ Am I right?^5WHOA! ^4Airshot!
22:36:32{sfc}CaptainAhabmore than 5 mins late, your spot is gone, banned
22:36:37Nv| grim iimore like gayness
22:36:41More like LAGos^ Am I right?oh snap
22:36:42-[i3]-cynicaltwas a map issue
22:36:42More like LAGos^ Am I right?grim went there
22:36:48Nv| grim iii did
22:37:14Nv| grim iiyour late asshole
22:37:30More like LAGos^ Am I right?teams ok?
22:37:32big hdzyay
22:37:32More like LAGos^ Am I right?no
22:37:34More like LAGos^ Am I right?2 big
22:37:39big hdzlets pcik teams quciky quickyl
22:37:42big hdzw haste my friends
22:37:44Nv| grim iithats on you
22:37:50big ohjaespec
22:37:56More like LAGos^ Am I right?ok
22:38:01More like LAGos^ Am I right?lol
22:38:05More like LAGos^ Am I right?rofl
22:38:11More like LAGos^ Am I right?2kind
22:38:12More like LAGos^ Am I right?2loving
22:38:33More like LAGos^ Am I right?cynical blu
22:38:41More like LAGos^ Am I right?go green
22:38:47Nv| grim iiUGH
22:38:55{sfc}CaptainAhab^7go this
22:38:59{sfc}CaptainAhab^4or that
22:39:03Nv| grim iileaving in 10
22:39:06More like LAGos^ Am I right?^3this?
22:39:11More like LAGos^ Am I right?^8gah too hard
22:39:15More like LAGos^ Am I right?^7oh noes the colorsss
22:39:17{sfc}CaptainAhab^3fuck it
22:39:19More like LAGos^ Am I right?^6NO U
22:39:21{sfc}CaptainAhab^3go yellow
22:39:48Nv| grim ii!teams
22:39:48Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ CaptainAhab ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ grIMace ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
22:39:48Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ UGC-JuiceDD` ^0&^ hef ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Largos
22:40:20big hdzur team 1
22:40:22big hdzchef
22:40:39More like LAGos^ Am I right?can I get like, 4 scuots?
22:40:41Nv| grim iioj hw?
22:40:41ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 60 SECONDS!!
22:40:42ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 15 SECONDS!!
22:40:42ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 60 SECONDS!!
22:40:44{sfc}CaptainAhabomg guyssssss
22:40:46Nv| grim iioj hw?
22:40:47Nv| grim iioj how?
22:40:48{sfc}CaptainAhabcspromod people are voting for FF on greenlight :D
22:40:53Nv| grim iioh hw?
22:40:55More like LAGos^ Am I right?yayyy
22:42:01|+| hefWTF
22:42:03|+| hefhax
22:42:16|+| hef^619 30
22:44:10|+| hef^637 38
22:44:41big hdz(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
22:44:59Nv| grim iilOL
22:50:36big hdz(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
22:56:04|+| hef^675 50
22:56:07big hdzMedic! 7|25
22:56:36More like LAGos^ Am I right?gg
22:56:43|+| hefgg
22:56:44big hdzgg