Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:24:53Nv| grim iii expected
00:24:55Nv| grim iiyou guys
00:24:56Nv| grim iito do it
00:24:58Nv| grim iiyea
00:25:00Nv| grim iii put it there
00:25:01Nv| grim iiyou saw me
00:25:04Nv| grim iiyou were watchig me
00:25:18Nv| grim iii had no concs
00:25:20Nv| grim iito get back up
00:25:23Nv| grim iii didnt die
00:25:26Nv| grim iii went to their base
00:25:28Nv| grim iiwaiting for relays
00:25:48aleXtric has left the game^715 seconds left of prematch!