Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
14:14:03black iansirsup nigs
14:14:06Nv | homie'<squeek.> excuse me
14:14:08Nv | homie'<squeek.> excuse me
14:14:10Nv | homie'angryshardtruth: they're piping button 75 :: 50
14:14:11Nv | homie'that is not only unbelieveable but unthinkable
14:14:18Nv | homie'<angryshardtruth> of course you're going to have your aimbot toggled off
14:14:20Nv | homie'angryshardtruth: they're piping button 75 :: 50
14:14:54Nv | homie'angryshardtruth: they're piping button 75 :: 50
14:14:55big moonzadmin moooooo
14:14:55Nv | homie'<angryshardtruth> of course you're going to have your aimbot toggled off
14:15:06big moonzadmin mooooo
14:15:13Nv | homie'Bob: that's two times I've caught you crunK 75 :: 50
14:15:15Nv | homie'<squeek.> excuse me
14:15:16Nv | homie'angryshardtruth: they're piping button 75 :: 50
14:15:29big moonzadmin moooooo
14:15:36Nv | homie'<squeek.> sure
14:15:46big moonz
14:16:19Nv | homie'spec please
14:16:28Nv | homie'features red please
14:16:30big moonz
14:16:43big moonzDONT FIGHT OVER ME
14:16:51Nv | homie'you can be blue
14:16:52Nv | homie'idc
14:16:56Nv | homie'up to you
14:17:02Features has left the gamesry was afk
14:17:02big 1soo
14:17:04big moonz
14:17:09wuccan't hear u
14:17:17Features has left the game!teams
14:17:17Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ Features
14:17:17Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ EuroWubZ ^0&^ wuc ^0&^ homieinreeboks
14:17:24SpyerTronyou want blue or red
14:17:25Features has left the gamemoongayz
14:17:26big moonz
14:17:32big moonzWHY
14:17:33Nv | homie'ian one
14:17:33black iansirif i send a working mic to amsterdam will you use it moon
14:17:34big moonzU FAGOT
14:17:38big moonzget wuc
14:17:44Features has left the gamewhy u caring
14:17:53big moonzgl hf
14:17:55Nv | homie'wubba
14:18:01Features has left the gamegtl tv
14:18:04big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:18:05big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:18:06big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:18:07big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:18:08big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:18:18black iansir!teams
14:18:18Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ Features
14:18:18Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ onE ^0&^ EuroWubZ ^0&^ wuc ^0&^ homieinreeboks
14:18:20big moonzbrb turning music off
14:18:21Nv | homie'onE
14:18:38Nv | homie'idc
14:18:53big moonzIncoming: Outside
14:18:55big moonzIncoming: Outside
14:18:58Features has left the gameu do have rcon right?
14:19:01Features has left the gameor u strat
14:19:01Nv | homie'Yeah
14:19:09Nv | homie'we're not ready
14:19:12big moonzlive?
14:19:14Nv | homie'No
14:19:17big moonzgood
14:19:19Nv | homie'ready?
14:19:27Nv | homie'ok lol
14:19:29Nv | homie'ready?
14:19:33Features has left the gameo
14:19:34Features has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 90|100
14:19:41big moonzalmost made my desk collapse again
14:19:48Features has left the gamefat ass
14:19:51big moonz;/
14:19:52Nv | homie'gl hf
14:19:53Nv | homie'live
14:19:55big moonzneed screws
14:20:09big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Main Ramps
14:20:11big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:20:13big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:20:20big moonzwubba demo lol
14:20:29big moonzAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
14:21:10big moonzHeal me!! [39 Health - 36 Armor]
14:21:12big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
14:21:13big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
14:22:06big moonzAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:-2 A:20]
14:22:39big moonzAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
14:24:30big moonzgun
14:24:58big moonzIncoming: Outside
14:25:17big moonzHeal me!! [70 Health - 48 Armor]
14:25:33big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Top Main Ramps
14:25:38big ohjaetighten that shit up mny
14:25:41big ohjaeyou shoulda had that
14:25:50big moonzHeal me!! [4 Health - 23 Armor]
14:26:10big moonzHeal me!! [15 Health - 24 Armor]
14:26:44wusfkn level!
14:26:50big moonzmedpacks
14:27:02big moonzHeal me!! [57 Health - 45 Armor]
14:27:19big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:27:20big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:27:20big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:27:23big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:27:24big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
14:27:43big moonzout
14:27:48big ohjaeknock that heavy
14:27:56big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
14:28:40big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
14:29:16big moonzIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Foyer
14:29:55wuswhats your name on steam, level?
14:31:02big moonzIncoming: Outside
14:31:32big moonzAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
14:32:37big ohjaei thought yo ucould jump higher ian
14:33:27big moonzHeal me!! [75 Health - 40 Armor]
14:33:31big moonzAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:40]
14:34:52big moonzgg