Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
16:07:22Prime-wubba is going to have to eng
16:07:46Prime-u were on cap?
16:08:03I am a 2.5dont cut plz
16:08:14Prime-mnz we need u to soldier t
16:08:16big c0wNegative / NO / Bite me [H:80 A:50]
16:08:20Prime-or we arer fucked
16:08:30big ohjaerdy
16:08:32big ohjaehere we go
16:08:37teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-we have 2 ng
16:08:39I am a 2.5dont cut
16:08:40wucfix it then
16:08:42teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-moonz wont switch
16:08:43big ohjaek
16:08:45Prime-we have 2 wng..wubba only plays eng
16:08:48wucmoonz wont switch
16:08:48big c0w1 minute pm
16:08:50big c0wjust waiting
16:08:59ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 15 SECONDS!!
16:09:08Sabbathwe have 2 meds extend 3 mins plz
16:09:14teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-lolZLo
16:10:54big c0whit one?
16:11:41big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Lower Spawn
16:12:20big ohjaefatboy
16:12:24big ohjaestop snacking in spawn
16:12:24Prime-wow.i suck as demo
16:12:51big c0wHeal me!! [5 Health - 138 Armor]
16:13:00big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
16:14:54big c0wHeal me!! [1 Health - 118 Armor]
16:14:56big c0wshoot
16:15:43big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Water Route
16:16:19big c0wHeal me!! [67 Health - 35 Armor]
16:16:24big c0wHeal me!! [67 Health - 35 Armor]
16:16:41big c0wHeal me!! [51 Health - 39 Armor]
16:18:54big c0wHeal me!! [69 Health - 183 Armor]
16:19:09big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall
16:20:55big ohjaeyou cant stop big oj - 76 73
16:23:50teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-(Disconnect by user.) 100 200
16:24:07BOSS | Vinzogg
16:24:08BOSS | Vinzolets play again
16:24:10BOSS | Vinzo!last