Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
18:08:02BOSS | Vinzooj
18:08:03BOSS | Vinzocan U PLAY
18:08:05BOSS | Vinzo2teams
18:08:06BOSS | Vinzo@teams
18:08:06Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ wus ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grIMace
18:08:06Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ soaken-wet-110l ^0&^ vinnytheboss
18:08:07big ohjaeeating
18:08:10BOSS | Vinzoplz play
18:08:11BOSS | Vinzowe need one
18:08:15Nv| grim iicristov
18:08:16teamcake. Megatron!needsub 1
18:08:16ConsoleSubstitute player request created
18:08:17Nv| grim iicristov
18:08:17Nv| grim iicristov
18:08:19Nv| grim iicristov
18:08:25BOSS | Vinzooj
18:08:28Nv| grim iicristov
18:08:28BOSS | Vinzokeep the good pickup player alive
18:08:55teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-got largos
18:08:58teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-to play
18:09:06black iansiryou need me?
18:09:42black iansiryou guys have 8?
18:09:44black iansir!teams
18:09:45Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ wus ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grIMace
18:09:45Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ soaken-wet-110l ^0&^ vinnytheboss
18:09:59teamcake. Megatronsab please
18:10:06teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-@teams
18:10:06Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ wus ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grIMace
18:10:06Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ soaken-wet-110l ^0&^ vinnytheboss
18:10:21Nv| grim ii
18:10:22Nv| grim ii
18:10:24Nv| grim iicristov
18:10:26teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-vinny and wus
18:10:47Nv| grim ii
18:10:49Nv| grim ii
18:11:00Large Gooseyou r right
18:11:04Nv| grim iicristovão colombo: spell right right or don't do it at all 1 0
18:11:13Large Goosespell right right
18:11:18teamcake. MegatronOJ please
18:11:24teamcake. Megatron!teams
18:11:25Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ wus ^0&^ Trailer ^0&^ grIMace
18:11:25Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ soaken-wet-110l ^0&^ vinnytheboss
18:11:33teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-grim
18:11:35teamcake. MegatronLargos please
18:11:46teamcake. Megatronhey large goose
18:11:48Large Goosehey
18:12:10Nv| grim iimore like large and loose
18:12:11Nv| grim iiam i right
18:12:38Large Goose^5WHOA! ^4Airshot!
18:13:17Large Goosebrb piss
18:14:25teamcake. Megatron16 26
18:14:35teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-sab crashed
18:14:36big ohjaechoc shakes
18:14:39teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-wubba come sub
18:15:08BOSS | Vinzo!cancelsub
18:15:09ConsoleSubstitute player request cancelled
18:15:18Large Gooseback sry
18:15:20Large Goosegl hf
18:15:52Large Gooseoj you so small right now bro ^65 50
18:16:08big ohjaeu big rite now?
18:16:11big ohjaei just ate, im pretty big
18:16:13Large Gooseborn that way
18:16:47teamcake. MegatronSCOUTS?
18:16:47Large Goosevinny still looking for glass?
18:16:49Large GooseYES
18:17:00Traileri can get you glass bro
18:17:05Nv| grim iiout of his anus
18:20:29big ohjaeget that baby dick shit outta here - 1 0
18:22:03teamcake. Megatron10 7
18:25:39BOSS | Vinzobing - 100 200
18:26:17Large Goose^5WHOA! ^4Airshot!
18:26:18BOSS | Vinzobing - 64 121
18:27:57teamcake. Megatron15 31
18:29:21Large GooseThis is my bind. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ^275 Health ^150 Armor
18:29:48teamcake. Megatron2 24
18:30:25big ohjaegret wall of siden
18:30:26big ohjaewus
18:30:40teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-mouth full of jizz
18:30:40teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-oj
18:30:54teamcake. hadeZtheGod^HeLL-de-!score
18:30:55Console^Last round's score:^0 3 ^on^0 ff_2fort
18:31:01teamcake. Megatron75 50
18:31:48Large Goosegg
18:32:06Sabbathbad 2 23