Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
16:42:59iansirme and the droogs off to look for some ultra violence
16:43:47Stud Studly@teams
16:43:48Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Largos
16:43:48Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ sincie ^0&^ raum-
16:43:50big c0w^4WooHaHa HiHaaar Hoo! Gnah Gnah! Haaaaarghh!!!!!!
16:43:55Stud Studlywho wants to captain
16:44:01big c0wBop bozadee bozadee bop zitty bop 1 0
16:44:29Stud Studlyspec
16:44:32Stud Studlynerd herd
16:44:43Stud Studlyspec plz
16:44:44Stud Studlyty
16:44:45Stud Studlyspec
16:44:47Stud Studlyty
16:44:52iansiri like how theres 20 people in here and no one would add
16:44:57big c0w@admin
16:44:58Console^Admin:^0 Sabbath
16:44:59big c0w!teams
16:44:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Largos
16:44:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ sincie ^0&^ raum-
16:45:03Large GooseYO SPECTATOR WHY DON
16:45:13FDAy'd u kick nine
16:45:17big c0wlol
16:45:23Stud Studlyspec
16:45:25Stud Studly@teams
16:45:25Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Largos
16:45:25Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ sincie ^0&^ raum-
16:45:26Large Goosenine's victims? Or victim: Nine
16:45:30big c0wsincie spek
16:45:36Large Goosecareful sincie
16:45:39Large Goosehe will kick
16:45:41Large Gooserofl
16:45:45Stud Studlyk
16:45:46big c0w^4WooHaHa HiHaaar Hoo! Gnah Gnah! Haaaaarghh!!!!!!
16:45:46big c0w^4WooHaHa HiHaaar Hoo! Gnah Gnah! Haaaaarghh!!!!!!
16:45:47big c0w^4WooHaHa HiHaaar Hoo! Gnah Gnah! Haaaaarghh!!!!!!
16:45:47Large GooseI like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^21 Health ^1200 Armor
16:45:48big c0w^4WooHaHa HiHaaar Hoo! Gnah Gnah! Haaaaarghh!!!!!!
16:45:52Stud Studlyalex mny capts
16:45:53big c0wMr.MiniMiniDickTheDudeWhosDickWasSoSmallItlookedSomethinLikeAnOverSizedClitButMostOfAllLikeATinyTrannyDick 1 0
16:45:56big c0wnope
16:45:57tMu-sincie-lets all spec
16:46:15big c0w
16:46:36Stud Studly@teams
16:46:37Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Largos
16:46:37Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ sincie ^0&^ raum-
16:46:38aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 71 50
16:46:40aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 71 50
16:46:40Stud StudlyYOU GET 2 PICKS BRO 100 200
16:46:41Large Goosegood spot alex
16:46:43aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 71 50
16:46:45Stud Studlypick
16:46:47Large Gooseand you don't get 2 picks bro, alex
16:46:48Large Goosehe's lying
16:46:56Stud Studlypussy
16:46:59Stud Studly@teams
16:46:59Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Largos
16:46:59Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ sincie ^0&^ raum-
16:47:03aleXtric has left the gamestill using mic
16:47:06Stud Studlymny
16:47:06Large Goosewhat about 1-1-1-2-1
16:47:12Large Gooseinstead of 1-2-1-1-1
16:47:12aleXtric has left the game!teams
16:47:12Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Largos
16:47:12Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ sincie ^0&^ raum-
16:47:20big ohjaehow bout 1 1 1 1 11
16:47:22big ohjaeand fucking trade
16:47:23aleXtric has left the gameOJ
16:47:24big ohjaeyou goons
16:47:24Large GooseNEVER
16:47:24aleXtric has left the game!teams
16:47:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ iansir ^0&^ mnzy ^0&^ aleXtric ^0&^ Largos
16:47:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ sincie ^0&^ raum-
16:47:29aleXtric has left the gameian
16:47:31Stud Studlylargos
16:47:49iansirraum has 200 ping..
16:47:51iansiri dunno
16:47:52Large Goosealright mooney gonna need to strap on your backbrace, you got me covered, bro?
16:48:00big c0wNegative / NO / Bite me [H:1 A:0]
16:48:04big c0wIM TRADING
16:48:05Stud Studly1 more
16:48:06Large Goosered by 3
16:48:06Stud Studlyu can do it
16:48:21aleXtric has left the gamesincie
16:48:27Stud Studlyraum
16:48:41big c0wNegative / NO / Bite me [H:1 A:0]
16:49:06Stud Studlyglhf
16:49:19Large GooseNO U
16:49:21big c0wIncoming:
16:49:25big c0wpm
16:49:26big c0wplz
16:49:29big c0w30 secs
16:49:30big c0w:<
16:50:06big c0wIncoming:
16:51:37big c0wIncoming:
16:51:38big c0wtop
16:52:22Large GooseI like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^275 Health ^150 Armor
16:53:38big c0wIncoming:
16:53:40big c0wtop
16:53:55big c0wIncoming:
16:53:56big c0wIncoming:
16:53:56big c0wIncoming:
16:53:57big c0wIncoming:
16:55:04raumhp[-1]flag thrown@[]
16:55:45aleXtric has left the gamedie
16:56:03big c0wAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
16:56:35Stud StudlyTOOO GOOOOODDDD -11 - 0
16:56:46big c0wIncoming:
16:56:48big c0wIncoming:
16:57:31raumhp[81]flag thrown@[]
16:57:47raumhp[24]flag thrown@[]
16:58:00big c0wIncoming:
16:58:01big c0wIncoming:
16:58:26Large GooseI like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^210 Health ^128 Armor
16:58:34big c0whw
16:58:37raumhp[33]flag thrown@[]
16:58:46C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERstud studly way too good wow
16:58:51big c0wHeal me!! [38 Health - 38 Armor]
16:58:56C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERganna break game orrr
16:59:10C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERi wanna play next round so plz dont break the game
16:59:12big c0wIncoming:
16:59:13big c0wtop
16:59:14C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERHIGH SCORE
17:00:16raumhp[14]flag thrown@[]
17:00:16raumhp[0]flag thrown@[]
17:00:58big c0wAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
17:01:14Large GooseI like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^24 Health ^128 Armor
17:01:15C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERtouchdonw
17:01:35big c0wHeal me!! [4 Health - 26 Armor]
17:01:37big c0wHeal me!! [4 Health - 26 Armor]
17:01:37C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERtwo hand offs for a TD
17:01:40C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERworld record
17:02:14raumhp[24]flag thrown@[]
17:02:56Large GooseI don't always spam binds. But when I do, I prefer this one. ^2-5 Health ^120 Armor
17:03:11C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERlevel 4 sg upgrade 210 cells
17:03:47big c0wHeal me!! [49 Health - 42 Armor]
17:04:05Stud Studlythis could go either way...
17:04:10Stud Studlylookin at a nail biter
17:04:14Large GooseI don't always spam binds. But when I do, I prefer this one. ^22 Health ^119 Armor
17:04:17C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERI GIVE UP
17:04:39raumhp[-58]flag thrown@[]
17:04:52C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERrofl
17:04:54C0\/\/ P0\/\/ERalmost missed orr
17:04:57big c0wHeal me!! [75 Health - 29 Armor]
17:05:04rauminc my pos
17:05:08big c0wgg
17:05:09Large Goosegg