Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
14:01:14big 1mort won
14:01:30Nv | homie' 4spec please
14:01:31SpyerTronit should have
14:01:51Nv | homie' 4spec please
14:01:55big 1ian timed out...and voted mort
14:02:05hadeZtheChampionthis won =[
14:02:07iansiri endorse this messag
14:02:12Nv | homie' 4hadez blue plz
14:02:13big 1it was 3 to 3
14:02:14SpyerTronit didnt tho
14:02:17SpyerTroni voted for it too
14:02:19Nv | homie' 4everyone spec
14:02:19big 1ian times out
14:02:20SpyerTronto make it 4 votes
14:02:25iansirthat map vote is too short imo
14:02:28Nv | homie' 4hadez blue
14:02:31iansirshit should be done in server or something
14:02:42big 1so everyone has to vote
14:02:55big 1whos missing
14:02:56big 1!teams
14:02:57Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ bi0__ ^0&^ EuroWubZ ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ iansir
14:02:57Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Largos ^0&^ wus ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ onE
14:03:29big 1sup
14:03:32iansirhes comin
14:03:39big 1hes last
14:03:40big 1so go
14:03:44Large Goosejust isntalled the lightsaber crowbard mod
14:03:47Large Gooseswing dat sword homie
14:03:54Nv | homie' 4picking?
14:03:54Large Goosesounds good
14:04:23Large Gooseprematch set to end in 400000 seconds
14:04:34Large Goosehi hadez
14:04:36SpyerTronmaybe he is gettign wub
14:04:44big 1pick
14:04:46Large Goosethen how is he bhopping at the same time
14:04:49Nv | homie' 4ian go blue
14:04:54hadeZtheChampioni want wus
14:04:56Nv | homie' 4one and largos red
14:05:00Nv | homie' 4you take too long
14:05:11hadeZtheChampionsomeone came into my room and was tlaking to me
14:05:17Large Gooseyet
14:05:19hadeZtheChampioni tohught alltalk was on so i was talking on mic
14:05:20Nv | homie' 4while you were running aroudn the map?
14:05:20Large Gooseyou were still moving in game
14:05:23Large Gooseoh rofl
14:05:26Nv | homie' 4sure
14:05:27Nv | homie' 4anyway
14:05:32hadeZtheChampionill take ian
14:05:40Nv | homie' 4spy
14:05:45hadeZtheChampionwho we missing
14:05:48Nv | homie' 4wubba
14:05:57big 1cant hear me?
14:05:59Nv | homie' 4nope
14:05:59Large Goose^5WHOA! ^4Airshot!
14:05:59hadeZtheChampionfirst 5 mins i was in rq server
14:06:18Nv | homie' 4largos want to sol?
14:06:22Large Goosesure
14:06:30Nv | homie' 4pit sol?
14:06:34Large Gooseyes
14:06:37SpyerTronill soli that
14:06:40big 1shouldl i hw?
14:06:40SpyerTronif you dont want too
14:07:06big 1hmm
14:07:13big 1what would be better?
14:07:18big 1dunno why
14:07:21big 1yeah
14:07:30Nv | homie' 4ready?
14:07:41Large Goosehf but leave us the gl k thx
14:08:37FckWubDckspy is plank
14:08:54hadeZtheChampion(Disconnect by user.) 90 100
14:13:43iansirngiger ladder
14:13:45Large GooseI like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^280 Health ^150 Armor
14:16:04big 1ekle
14:16:56big 1in