Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
14:53:02hadeZtheChampionas soon as the 6th joins lets spec
14:53:05hadeZtheChampionand strat cpt
14:53:14hadeZtheChampionadmin join server, we're picking teams
14:53:46iansirman i could just watch hgtv all day
14:53:54big ohjaehgtv?
14:54:15Large Goose2v2 80 second prematch
14:54:22Large Goosegl hf
14:55:15Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
14:55:15Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ onE ^0&^ EuroWubZ
14:56:10FDALOLOLOL greenteam
14:56:18Large Goosebecause the good herb, am I right, FDA?
14:56:30big ohjae!teams
14:56:31Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ iansir ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio
14:56:31Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ onE ^0&^ EuroWubZ
14:57:04Large Goose^5WHOA! ^4Airshot!
14:57:15Nv | homie' 4<squeek.> sure
14:57:25Nv | homie' 4<squeek.> sure
14:57:41ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 15 SECONDS!!
14:57:42ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 60 SECONDS!!
14:57:45hadeZtheChampionlive after pm
14:57:46Prime-could i eng
14:57:48Nv | homie' 4<squeek.> excuse me
14:57:57hadeZtheChampionno restarts
14:58:56hadeZtheChampionMedic! 75|50
15:01:41hadeZtheChampionMedic! 5|26
15:02:22Nv | homie' 4<squeek.> sure
15:02:41big ohjaeyou cant stop big oj - -3 0
15:03:33Nv | homie' 4angryshardtruth: they're piping button 1 :: 0
15:03:34hadeZtheChampion(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
15:04:55Prime-is hadez afk
15:05:36hadeZtheChampionMedic! 75|24
15:07:23Nv | homie' 4nice AIR Jordans Large Goose
15:07:23Large GooseI don't always spam binds. But when I do, I prefer this one. ^2100 Health ^1200 Armor
15:07:55FDABind. [49||52]
15:08:15Nv | homie' 4<squeek.> excuse me
15:08:39FDABind. [90||100]
15:08:54Nv | homie' 4nice AIR Jordans hadeZtheChampion
15:09:45Large GooseThis is my bind. There are many like it, but this one is mine. ^261 Health ^149 Armor
15:10:20Nv | homie' 4<squeek.> sorry
15:11:13hadeZtheChampionMedic! 65|37
15:13:34Nv | homie' 4<squeek.> sure
15:13:44Nv | homie' 4So close :/
15:13:47Large Goosegg