Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
14:51:43BOSS | Vinzoyea
14:51:45BOSS | Vinzothis mouse rapes
14:54:36BOSS | Vinzo!admin join
14:54:39BOSS | Vinzo@teams
14:54:39Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ EuroWubZ ^0&^ RickFlair ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
14:54:39Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ bigc0w
14:54:41Prime-oj where in cali do u live
14:54:50Prime-where now?
14:55:01BOSS|TheKingStiffyBabypick capts
14:55:03BOSS|TheKingStiffyBabywashgin ands
14:55:05BOSS | Vinzo2 captains
14:55:07big ohjae!teams
14:55:07Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ EuroWubZ ^0&^ RickFlair ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
14:55:07Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ bigc0w
14:55:07Large Goosehey
14:55:08Large GooseHEY
14:55:08big c0w
14:55:13Large Goose2 scouts fight in mid
14:55:15Large Goosewith crowbars
14:55:18Large Goosefor right to have first pick
14:55:21BOSS | Vinzolol
14:55:22Large Goosefuck
14:55:23Large Gooseyeah
14:55:27Large Goosegogogogogogogo
14:55:44Large Gooseok putting on lucky shirt
14:55:45BOSS | Vinzolets juts do this already
14:55:46Large Goosegettin pumped
14:55:51BOSS | Vinzomooney
14:56:00big c0wpicking me over ur teammate?
14:56:03BOSS | Vinzoblue
14:56:08big c0wokay
14:56:10Large Gooseoj and stiff
14:56:19BOSS | Vinzo@teams
14:56:20Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ EuroWubZ ^0&^ RickFlair ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ KingFagg0tHater
14:56:20Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Prime- ^0&^ OHJEEZY ^0&^ Largos ^0&^ bigc0w
14:56:33BOSS | Vinzospy
14:56:38Large Goosewubbbbaaaaaaa
14:56:40BOSS | Vinzoflex
14:56:47Large Goosebrb piss
14:57:24big ohjaedoesnt kill me
14:57:25big ohjaeonly u
14:57:34big c0w5 minutes to wash hands
14:57:48big c0wAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:83 A:100]
14:57:55big c0woj or wub
14:58:07big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Flag Room
14:58:08big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Flag Room
14:58:09big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Flag Room
14:58:09big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Flag Room
14:58:10big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Flag Room
14:58:12big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Security Control
14:58:13big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_BLUE Security Control
14:58:21BOSS|TheKingStiffyBabyjust hit myu heawd
14:58:22BOSS|TheKingStiffyBabyso hard
14:58:29BOSS | Vinzowhy
14:58:31BOSS | Vinzodo u have medic
14:58:36big c0wthey where 3
14:58:57big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Top Main Ramps
14:58:59big c0wgoing ramp
15:00:23big c0wHeal me!! [34 Health - 8 Armor]
15:00:43big c0wmedpacks
15:00:45big c0wcome on..
15:01:57big c0wHeal me!! [39 Health - 26 Armor]
15:02:01BOSS | Vinzobing - 75 50
15:03:36big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
15:03:37big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
15:03:37big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
15:04:47big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
15:04:48big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
15:04:49big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
15:05:55big c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Security Control
15:08:45big c0wblocking the disp..
15:10:20big c0wHeal me!! [76 Health - 79 Armor]
15:10:26Large GooseI like to spam binds. Do you like to spam binds? ^273 Health ^193 Armor
15:11:29big c0wIncoming: Outside
15:12:57BOSS|TheKingStiffyBabyNO BULLETS
15:14:01BOSS | Vinzogg
15:14:02Large Goosegg