Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:14:11Teamname: c0w
20:14:15big cynical
20:14:23Teamname: c0w
20:14:28big cynical
20:15:01BOSS | Vinzogl hf
20:15:07big cynical
20:15:13big cynical
20:15:18Teamname: c0w
20:15:18big cynical
20:15:33Teamname: c0w
20:15:47Teamname: c0w2 afk
20:15:50BOSS | Vinzok
20:15:52Broman Empirewhatt
20:15:53big cynical
20:15:59BOSS | KING SNIFFYsab only gets 1 good run a game
20:16:00BOSS | KING SNIFFYfuck
20:16:01Broman Empirei thought i was good
20:16:02BOSS | KING SNIFFYhe used it
20:16:02BOSS | Vinzoare u guys there?
20:16:08Broman EmpireYOU BLEW ITTTT
20:16:08BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedyou guys herhe or not
20:16:12Teamname: c0whw still afk
20:16:13Teamname: FckWubDckzexel?
20:16:19BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedlet me RJ
20:16:35BOSS | KING SNIFFYSticktoss [52]
20:16:41big cynical
20:16:47big cynical
20:16:50Teamname: c0w
20:16:54BOSS | Vinzoian u playin/
20:16:56Teamname: c0w
20:16:58Teamname: c0w
20:17:00Teamname: c0w
20:17:07BOSS | KING SNIFFYSticktoss [75]
20:17:12big cynical
20:17:15Teamname: c0w
20:17:22big cynical
20:17:28Teamname: c0w
20:17:33BOSS | KING SNIFFYSticktoss [67]
20:17:52Teamname: c0w
20:17:55Teamname: c0w
20:17:56big cynical
20:18:01big cynical
20:18:02Teamname: c0w
20:18:06Teamname: c0w
20:18:09BOSS | Vinzoian?
20:18:16BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedworse than the king or?
20:18:16BOSS | KING SNIFFYian pulling a stiffy
20:18:24big cynical
20:18:25BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedlt me go cehc kthese mouse settings b0yz'
20:18:27big cynical
20:18:28Teamname: c0w
20:18:31BOSS | KING SNIFFYSticktoss [51]
20:18:38Teamname: c0wwhats ian doing
20:18:41Teamname: c0w:/
20:19:34Teamname: c0wslowest scrims ever
20:19:39BOSS | Vinzo4th?
20:19:40Teamname: c0weven slower than pickups
20:19:42Teamname: c0w-.-
20:19:42BOSS | Vinzohello?
20:19:46Teamname: Prime-waiting on ian
20:19:52Teamname: Prime-not sure where he went
20:19:59Teamname: c0wIncoming: #FF_TEAM_RED Respawn
20:20:10big cynical
20:20:10Teamname: c0wi bet hes pooping
20:20:17big cynical
20:20:34BOSS | KING SNIFFYis he pooping?
20:20:44Teamname: Prime-he's ironing
20:20:57Teamname: c0wironing ff clothes
20:21:05BOSS | KING SNIFFYironing my mousepad
20:21:34Teamname: Prime-he could have atleast said
20:21:35Teamname: c0wpickup speed > scrim speed
20:21:36Teamname: Prime-wtf
20:21:48Teamname: iansirsorry my gf saw a fucking bug
20:21:52BOSS | KING SNIFFYrofl
20:21:56Teamname: iansirand if i didnt get up she wouldve divorced me
20:21:58BOSS|BrbMyMouseBrokedsounds like a stiffy problem
20:22:41big cynical
20:22:52Teamname: c0w
20:22:55Teamname: c0w
20:22:56Teamname: c0w
20:22:58big cynical
20:23:10Teamname: c0w
20:23:38big cynical
20:23:41big cynical
20:23:44Teamname: c0w
20:24:17zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^411^5 | ^3128^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Top Main Ramps
20:24:33zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^440^5 | ^3178^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
20:24:36zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^496^5 | ^3178^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
20:25:03Teamname: c0w
20:25:06zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^444^5 | ^378^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Top Main Ramps
20:25:08big cynical
20:25:10Teamname: c0w
20:25:11Teamname: c0w
20:25:13big cynical
20:25:18big cynical
20:25:21Teamname: c0wgg gn
20:29:10BOSS | KING SNIFFYrofl
20:30:41Broman Empireplay back more ian
20:30:50Teamname: iansirgivashit
20:31:02Teamname: iansirtheres three people on your team this is pointless
20:32:26zexel?ARMOR PLZ ^2[^460^5 | ^31^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Top Main Ramps
20:33:51zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^422^5 | ^30^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Foyer
20:34:27Features has left the game!score
20:34:28Console^Last round's score:^0 7 ^on^0 ff_destroy
20:36:55Teamname: Prime-gg