Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
15:25:12cuties. homie'turn off lag
15:25:13cuties. homie'plz
15:25:18u cancin bro?cant uploading
15:25:20cuties. homie'lol
15:25:28u cancin bro?come to red rr
15:25:36cuties. homie'lol
15:27:03u cancin bro?:D
15:27:05cuties. homie'lol
15:27:09cuties. homie'love your lift?
15:27:12u cancin bro?lol yeah
15:27:17u cancin bro?wasnt working due to a engine bug
15:27:21cuties. homie'lol wowza
15:27:24cuties. homie'gj neon
15:27:36cuties. homie'aw
15:27:47cuties. homie'trigger isnt all th way up I see
15:27:51u cancin bro?ya
15:27:54u cancin bro?its like
15:27:56u cancin bro?crouching height
15:28:14cuties. homie'should be fun
15:28:20u cancin bro?ya
15:28:23u cancin bro?prob be fine 3v3
15:28:32cuties. homie'4v would work
15:29:39aleXtric has left the gameneeds more buggys
15:30:17u cancin bro?rofl
15:30:18u cancin bro?cant fconc
15:30:19u cancin bro?too laggy
15:30:26cuties. homie'uploading commentaries?
15:30:30u cancin bro?ya
15:30:34cuties. homie'cool I'll watch tonight
15:30:40u cancin bro?they are boring
15:30:46cuties. homie'Ill survive
15:30:54aleXtric has left the gamehow get to cap
15:31:05u cancin bro?ramp room, conc from yard or jump pad from yard
15:31:06cuties. homie'l2trimp
15:31:41u cancin bro?wobble pad
15:31:48aleXtric has left the gamewobbley wobbley
15:32:18aleXtric has left the gameis there a porn room
15:32:53cuties. homie'b2 plz
15:33:47u cancin bro?75 50
15:34:00aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 69 48
15:34:02aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 69 48
15:34:09aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 69 48
15:34:10aleXtric has left the gameFlag tossed 69 48
15:35:04teamcake.docta eXpl0si0n.PhD:o
15:35:06u cancin bro?60 46
15:35:37cuties. homie'yeah
15:35:58cuties. homie'make it an illusion
15:36:12cuties. homie'looks appropriate
15:37:06aleXtric has left the gameECPLO GONNA ADD ORR
15:37:14teamcake.docta eXpl0si0n.PhDnewp
15:37:21aleXtric has left the gameeggclo
15:38:12teamcake.docta eXpl0si0n.PhDaw i thought that hole in the ceiling was a way out :(
15:38:21teamcake.docta eXpl0si0n.PhDno sound
15:38:24u cancin bro?1 way
15:38:25cuties. homie'cant go up anymore?
15:38:29u cancin bro?u can
15:38:33u cancin bro?but you'll screw urself
15:38:34cuties. homie'but not out
15:38:35cuties. homie'lol yeah
15:38:39u cancin bro?75 50
15:38:40cuties. homie'toss down though
15:38:41teamcake.docta eXpl0si0n.PhDflag in red respawn
15:38:43u cancin bro?ya
15:39:22cuties. homie'cute little bag
15:39:24cuties. homie'in the corner
15:40:04teamcake.docta eXpl0si0n.PhDtry a conc
15:40:08cuties. homie'gg