Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:53:58Nv | squeek. 1brb
23:54:01cuties. homie'<squeek.> excuse me
23:57:02BOSS | VinstalCity@teams
23:57:02Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ SD`BF3 ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ iansir
23:57:02Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
23:57:16BOSS | VinstalCityok
23:57:21BOSS | VinstalCitywho wants blue and red
23:57:26cuties. homie'pick one
23:57:29cuties. homie'Ill do the other
23:57:39BOSS | VinstalCityill do red i guess
23:57:41cuties. homie'ok
23:57:41FDAbrb bathroom
23:57:45BOSS | VinstalCityno ill take blue i dont care
23:57:46BOSS | VinstalCitywhoever is blue
23:57:48cuties. homie'squeeks
23:57:48BOSS | VinstalCityis gonna lose
23:57:49BOSS | VinstalCityimho
23:57:57BOSS | VinstalCityholy shit
23:57:58BOSS | VinstalCitymanimal
23:58:05BOSS | VinstalCitymanimal-od?
23:58:25BOSS | VinstalCityill take
23:58:27cuties. homie'man
23:58:31BOSS | VinstalCitysd and mm
23:58:34BOSS | VinstalCitymanimal spec plz
23:58:37cuties. homie'oh yeah mm is in this
23:58:37iansirvin this server is fuckin cash where is it located
23:58:44BOSS | VinstalCitynyc baby
23:58:49BOSS | VinstalCityits nice right
23:58:56iansirso nice, great that euros dont lag either
23:59:03Father65 from west coast
23:59:04imnotaspyyou get 2 picks bro
23:59:05cuties. homie'fda
23:59:05Fathernice server
23:59:07BOSS | VinstalCityyea
23:59:09BOSS | VinstalCitygood
23:59:12BOSS | VinstalCityhoop is in seaattle
23:59:15BOSS | VinstalCityand he gets like over 100 lol
23:59:20BOSS | VinstalCityand hates this server beyond belief
23:59:27imnotaspyoh yea that was weird
23:59:30imnotaspyhe was getting like 130
23:59:31Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ SD`BF3 ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ iansir
23:59:31Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
23:59:35BOSS | H.pings suck on this server
23:59:38BOSS | VinstalCityi got sd, pick
23:59:39cuties. homie'fdafdafda
23:59:41cuties. homie'I did
23:59:43BOSS | VinstalCityoh
23:59:47cuties. homie'oh give me ian
23:59:50cuties. homie'and fda
23:59:52BOSS | VinstalCityk
23:59:52cuties. homie'lol
23:59:53BOSS | VinstalCityfair
23:59:56BOSS | VinstalCitywe can have spy
23:59:58cuties. homie'cool ty
00:00:07BOSS | VinstalCityhymm
00:00:15BOSS | VinstalCityian hw?
00:00:17BOSS | VinstalCityspy demo?
00:00:21BOSS | VinstalCitymm engi
00:00:22BOSS | H.think ian is blue no?
00:00:22BOSS | VinstalCity?
00:00:31BOSS | VinstalCityoh ya
00:00:44imnotaspyyou got sd
00:00:49imnotaspyhe is afk
00:00:53Fatherwhere is your 8th
00:00:56BOSS | VinstalCityhes ocming
00:00:56cuties. homie'!teams
00:00:56Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ squeek ^0&^ SD`BF3 ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ iansir
00:00:56Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ vinnytheboss ^0&^ homieinreeboks
00:01:04BOSS | H.that JJ in spec?
00:01:57BOSS | VinstalCitywellp
00:02:01BOSS | H.spy what do you wanna play
00:02:05BOSS | H.and is that SD or JJ
00:02:06cuties. homie'said he needed 10min
00:02:07cuties. homie'on irc
00:02:07iansirSD said he neeed 10 minutes
00:02:09BOSS | VinstalCityya
00:02:10BOSS | VinstalCityi know
00:02:13BOSS | VinstalCityits been over
00:02:13iansirbefore three people added
00:02:38BOSS | H.HEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [90.100]
00:02:56BOSS | VinstalCitymanimal can u engi
00:03:07Fatheri will play whatever
00:03:10BOSS | VinstalCityok
00:03:13BOSS | VinstalCityi guess play engi
00:03:15BOSS | H.d scout
00:03:16BOSS | VinstalCityuntil he gets here
00:03:23Fatherprobably easier to soldier than to figure out how to build
00:03:33BOSS | VinstalCityok
00:03:35BOSS | VinstalCityw/e
00:03:41BOSS | VinstalCityi wanted to sol but i guess ill hw
00:03:45BOSS | VinstalCitycan u hw?
00:03:46BOSS | H.big OD
00:03:55BOSS | VinstalCityid rather sol
00:04:01BOSS | VinstalCityplay hw and play here
00:04:15BOSS | H.rofl
00:04:20BOSS | H.spy you wanna demo or engy
00:04:38BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 53 17
00:04:46BOSS | H.dont care
00:04:47BOSS | pick
00:05:27BOSS | H.set pm
00:05:28BOSS | VinstalCityok
00:05:45BOSS | H.rofl
00:06:14BOSS | VinstalCitynoe more
00:06:17BOSS | VinstalCitythnen we good
00:06:26BOSS | H.Nv | homie' 7, you rollin bro?
00:06:27BOSS | H.Excuse me Nv | homie' 7, Do you have a moment to talk about the lord [72.50]
00:07:08Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:07:09Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:07:11BOSS | H.Medic! [80.50]
00:07:25Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:09:13Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:09:17Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:11:58HEF:: I'm watching you, Nv | squeek. 1 ::
00:12:30[spec] talcum
00:14:00BOSS | H.hah
00:14:01Nv | squeek. 1ns
00:14:05SDNS BRO
00:14:10BOSS | H.i missed the medic
00:14:11BOSS | H.and it hit you
00:14:16SDthose are the best LOL
00:14:53Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:15:13Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:15:56Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:16:18Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:16:47Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:17:16SDWOW NICE
00:17:36Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:17:52Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:18:19Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:19:33FDAwhat an emp
00:19:36BOSS | that
00:19:36Console^Last round's score:^0 14 ^on^0 ff_phantom_r
00:19:43HEFcould they w do it/
00:19:46BOSS | H.HEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [80.50]
00:19:46HEFmust move quicker
00:19:49cuties. homie'rd1
00:19:56Nv | squeek. 1fake score
00:19:57HEFi blame ian
00:20:03HEFif the
00:20:07HEFif they dont win, its ians fault
00:20:15Nv | squeek. 1its rd 1
00:20:22HEFstill blaming ian
00:20:51HEF^6hi ^4Nv | squeek. 1
00:20:55Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
00:21:02HEFbadd toss squeek
00:21:05SDit was all his plan to kill the gun
00:21:19HEF:: I'm watching you, Nv | homie' 7 ::
00:21:43cuties. homie'gg
00:21:44Nv | squeek. 1gg
00:21:49BOSS | VinstalCitygg