Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
09:27:11teamcake. TOOOGOOOODcut
09:27:16Big Beton(:
09:27:27cuties. homie'glhf
09:28:01locadiaIncoming from:
09:28:45locadiaAffirmative / YES / You da man [H:75 A:50]
09:28:52BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 90 100
09:29:20teamcake. TOOOGOOOOD51 79
09:29:42locadiawhoever that 1st medic was
09:29:44locadiaur a fag
09:31:31BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 90 100
09:32:44locadianice lag
09:33:05locadiaIncoming from:
09:33:53locadiaur mad
09:33:55locadiagoto bed
09:35:26BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 39 46
09:35:46locadialemme just det the pipes so u can grab it
09:36:43BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 15 0
09:37:32BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 8 22
09:38:15BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 75 50
09:39:54Big Beton!score
09:39:54Console^Last round's score:^0 9 ^on^0 ff_propinquity_b4
09:40:43BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 23 4
09:40:45BOSS | VinstalCitybing - 23 4
09:42:20hefdaref^674 157
09:42:48Big Betongg
09:42:50cuties. homie'gg
09:42:51BOSS | VinstalCitygg