Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
12:33:16BOSS | Great and Powerful Oz@teams
12:33:16Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:33:16Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:33:37teamcake. caerofl
12:33:47BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozme and feat capt?
12:34:21GuYeuros vs?
12:34:21ElmoI realised something a little earlier
12:34:27BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozlol
12:34:29Featureswe could do euros vs
12:34:31Elmobeen playing with mouse accell for the last few months
12:34:31BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozit wouldnt be fair dude
12:34:34GuYyes euros vs
12:34:45BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozif u really wanna get raped
12:34:55Featuresi dont think they would get 'raped'
12:35:02BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozim sorry but i think they would
12:35:09BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozwe have like 4 times less ping
12:35:18GuYcome here
12:35:23BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozhave it ur way
12:35:48Elmonot exactly sure its the best idea
12:35:49teamcake. caefck this pick teams
12:35:57GuYit will be dine
12:36:01BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozno guy
12:36:02BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozit wont
12:36:05teamcake. caeguy vs
12:36:07BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozwe dont want our time wasted
12:36:23GuYdo i pick first?
12:36:25Featuresis hadez playing
12:36:26Featuresor what
12:36:27GuYcea and elmo
12:36:34BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozok
12:36:36BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozpick 2 then
12:36:41GuYthats my pick
12:36:47BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozsounds good
12:36:48TeamName.EuroWuBFuckplz red plz red
12:36:52BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozhomie pick 2
12:36:53TeamName.EuroWuBFuckplz red
12:36:56TeamName.EuroWuBFuckplz red
12:37:04cuties. Mario Canoli'features wub
12:37:06BOSS | Great and Powerful Oz...
12:37:09BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozstop
12:37:11cuties. Mario Canoli'?
12:37:11BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozim gonan go blue
12:37:13BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozand captain
12:37:14BOSS | Great and Powerful Oz? what?
12:37:18BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozur wasting ppls times
12:37:20cuties. Mario Canoli'guy capt vs me and Im red
12:37:21BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozme and honie
12:37:25BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozhe just picked 2
12:37:31BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozdoes it matter who is blue and red
12:37:34BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozif he gets 2 picks
12:37:35BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozwhats the problem
12:37:37Featureswheres the admin anyways
12:37:38BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozjust spec plz
12:37:38cuties. Mario Canoli'idc
12:37:39Console^Admin:^0 hadeZtheChampio
12:37:46BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozwhy w0old u pick feat and wubba
12:37:49cuties. Mario Canoli'guy is subbing him
12:37:51cuties. Mario Canoli'ITS GUY
12:37:51BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozpurposely trying to be gay
12:37:54cuties. Mario Canoli'HE PICKED ELMO AND CAE
12:37:57Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:37:57Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:37:59cuties. Mario Canoli'SEEMED FAIR IF I GAVE HIM YOU
12:37:59teamcake. cae;/
12:38:01cuties. Mario Canoli'AND WE TOOK WUBBA
12:38:04cuties. Mario Canoli'pea brain 75 :: 50
12:38:04cuties. Mario Canoli'pea brain 75 :: 50
12:38:05BOSS | Great and Powerful OzCan your pea brain not comprehend? 75 50
12:38:05cuties. Mario Canoli'pea brain 75 :: 50
12:38:06cuties. Mario Canoli'pea brain 75 :: 50
12:38:06Features<@Vinnytheboss> Features worst soldier out of all the top soldiers thanks 1 | 37
12:38:06BOSS | Great and Powerful OzCan your pea brain not comprehend? 75 50
12:38:07BOSS | Great and Powerful OzCan your pea brain not comprehend? 75 50
12:38:07Features<@Vinnytheboss> Features worst soldier out of all the top soldiers thanks 1 | 37
12:38:09FeaturesI remember when Blx said that Vinny makes the jersey shore guys look like respectable citizens 1 37
12:38:11Features<@Vinnytheboss> Features worst soldier out of all the top soldiers thanks 1 | 37
12:38:12FeaturesI remember when Blx said that Vinny makes the jersey shore guys look like respectable citizens 1 37
12:38:16cuties. Mario Canoli'anyway
12:38:17BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozspec plz
12:38:21BOSS | Great and Powerful Oznot u
12:38:24BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozeveryone but homie and me spec
12:38:25teamcake. caewtf
12:38:38BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozill take hadez
12:38:42cuties. Mario Canoli'subbed by guy
12:38:45BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozno hes coming
12:38:46BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozthanks
12:38:47Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:38:47Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:38:49cuties. Mario Canoli'lol ok
12:38:50Featuresguy is in
12:38:50cuties. Mario Canoli'cae feat
12:38:55BOSS | Great and Powerful Oz!admin
12:38:55Console^Admin:^0 hadeZtheChampio
12:39:00BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozno, guy is not
12:39:01BOSS | Great and Powerful Oz@teams
12:39:01Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:39:01Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:39:02cuties. Mario Canoli'playwhatever
12:39:03BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozoh
12:39:04BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozguy is in
12:39:06BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozas in added
12:39:07BOSS | Great and Powerful Oznot subbing
12:39:14Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:39:14Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:39:16big bladeim not added
12:39:17BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozwell why is homie saying he subbed him
12:39:18big bladejust specing
12:39:18Featuresis blade subbing?
12:39:19BOSS | Great and Powerful OzCan your pea brain not comprehend? -4 22
12:39:25cuties. Mario Canoli'toook 15 years for hadez to join?
12:39:26BOSS | Great and Powerful Oz@teams
12:39:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:39:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:39:32BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozsometimes real life issues occur?
12:39:36BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozhave we not all done it?
12:39:38cuties. Mario Canoli'ok cya
12:39:38GuYdo teams on channel
12:39:38BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozlets move on
12:39:40cuties. Mario Canoli'sub bladea
12:39:41Featureshe is typing in fucking irc
12:39:44BOSS | Great and Powerful Oz...
12:39:58big bladei can play if needed
12:40:04Featuresthis pickup is a dud
12:40:36Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:40:36Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:40:58teamcake. cae@teams
12:40:58Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:40:58Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:41:58TeamName.EuroWuBFuckwent downhill when someone proposed EUROS VS rest
12:42:04big locadiayo
12:42:07Featuresban guy
12:42:09big locadiamy bad
12:42:19big locadiamy dad was updating router firmware
12:42:20big locadia;/
12:42:31big locadia
12:42:33teamcake. caehe had his cock in you?
12:42:44Featuresneon red orrr
12:42:50Featuresim leaving soon this took forever
12:42:55big locadia@teams
12:42:55Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Vinnytheboss ^0&^ Elmo- ^0&^ BestDemomaninFF ^0&^ GuY`
12:42:55Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ cae
12:43:05BOSS | Great and Powerful OzPREMATCH SET TO 30
12:43:12teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLLfeat demo or hw
12:43:13GuYeveryone stop being black
12:43:17BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozcongrats
12:43:19BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozlets go
12:43:21BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozhave fun
12:43:23BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozcuz i know i will
12:43:23TeamName.EuroWuBFuckguy mr birght ideas
12:43:27teamcake. caemore pm
12:43:29Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^511 ^4A^510^0]
12:43:29BOSS | Great and Powerful OzPREMATCH SET TO 30
12:43:29teamcake. caenah
12:43:31ConsolePREMATCH SET TO 60 SECONDS!!
12:43:41WorstPlayerinFFyoure just a racist
12:43:44BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozyou guys have 3 good players
12:43:46BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozyou shold obviously get wubba
12:43:47Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Right Front Door ^0[^4H^511 ^4A^510^0]
12:43:48TeamName.EuroWuBFuckone more medic plz
12:43:48Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^58 ^4A^51^0]
12:43:48BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozand give us someone
12:43:49GuYim not racist
12:43:50Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Right Front Door ^0[^4H^58 ^4A^51^0]
12:43:52Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^58 ^4A^51^0]
12:43:52BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozbut i guess i have a pea brain
12:43:52Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^58 ^4A^51^0]
12:43:52WorstPlayerinFFclearly are
12:43:53Featureselmo for wubba?
12:43:53Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Upper Spawn ^0[^4H^58 ^4A^51^0]
12:43:55BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozand i cannot comprehend
12:43:57Featurescae for wubba?
12:43:58GuYi just hate tribal tunes
12:44:07teamcake. caeelmo is solly
12:44:08big bladeteams r fine
12:44:12WorstPlayerinFFdoesnt have anything to do with someone wanting to be black
12:44:14BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozblade
12:44:14Elmoi'm solly you'll do fine
12:44:15BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozgo red
12:44:18WorstPlayerinFFeven associating that is feeding to racism
12:44:20teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLLblade red
12:44:27BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozwubba blue
12:44:28Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:44:28BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozblade red
12:44:29BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozlets go
12:44:33BOSS | Great and Powerful OzPREMATCH SET TO 30
12:44:35BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozhi
12:44:36BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozwubba
12:44:39BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozare u illiterate
12:44:40BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozor can u read
12:44:46WorstPlayerinFFblade blue then
12:44:47BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozblade red, wubba blue
12:44:49TeamName.EuroWuBFucktought u said red
12:44:56WorstPlayerinFFsomeone blue
12:44:57WorstPlayerinFFsomeone red
12:45:03BOSS | Great and Powerful OzPREMATCH SET TO 30
12:45:19big bladeteams r fine
12:45:23BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozltes go
12:45:24Elmooh jesus
12:45:43Featuresteam blue by 5
12:46:04Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^587 ^4A^5148^0]
12:46:05BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozbut neon is the best med in the game
12:46:08BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozeven better then killu
12:46:10Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^583 ^4A^5133^0]
12:46:28Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^577 ^4A^5110^0]
12:47:04Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^577 ^4A^5105^0]
12:47:22Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^559 ^4A^536^0]
12:47:53Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^559 ^4A^592^0]
12:48:00Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Right Front Door ^0[^4H^550 ^4A^558^0]
12:48:08Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Upper Spawn ^0[^4H^549 ^4A^552^0]
12:48:21Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Right Front Door ^0[^4H^560 ^4A^543^0]
12:48:38BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozbing - 2 0
12:48:41Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^594 ^4A^5175^0]
12:48:53Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^512 ^4A^50^0]
12:49:17Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Lower Route ^0[^4H^596 ^4A^5182^0]
12:49:51BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozbing - 17 3
12:50:11Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^598 ^4A^5191^0]
12:50:21Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:50:32Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:50:34WorstPlayerinFFBANG! -2 19 BANG!
12:50:34teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLL27 27
12:50:36Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:50:45Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room Pit ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:50:53Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:52:03Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^593 ^4A^5174^0]
12:52:17Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^570 ^4A^5153^0]
12:52:32Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Front Door ^0[^4H^559 ^4A^5109^0]
12:52:39BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozbing - 90 100
12:53:29Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^583 ^4A^5133^0]
12:53:38Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:54:03Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^590 ^4A^5161^0]
12:54:36Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:54:44Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^5-25 ^4A^50^0]
12:55:37Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^597 ^4A^5188^0]
12:55:43Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^580 ^4A^5124^0]
12:55:48Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^539 ^4A^50^0]
12:57:08Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED 'T' Route ^0[^4H^5-11 ^4A^50^0]
12:57:35teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLL61 77
12:57:35Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^593 ^4A^5169^0]
12:58:11WorstPlayerinFFBANG! 29 35 BANG!
12:58:25Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:58:29BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozbing - 0 22
12:58:34Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^5100 ^4A^5200^0]
12:58:34Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Great Hall ^0[^4H^589 ^4A^5155^0]
12:58:42Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Right Front Door ^0[^4H^575 ^4A^5100^0]
12:59:36Elmo^0[^5OFF^0] ^5Flag Thrown ^0@ ^4Location ^5#FF_TEAM_RED Yard ^0[^4H^553 ^4A^516^0]
13:00:16BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozcool
13:00:19teamcake. caegg
13:00:33BOSS | Great and Powerful Ozgg
13:00:34Elmofcukers lol