Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
00:12:11teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLLCanoli to the face, baby! 75 50
00:12:25cuties. Mario Canoli'rofl
00:12:49teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLLonce we get 4 caps im going spy
00:13:09teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLLneon
00:13:10teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLLnl
00:13:52Features-stream ur virginity being lost
00:14:28chef has left the gamesupersub here
00:14:58chef has left the game(Disconnected by user) 1 50
00:15:14chef has left the game:: I'm watching you, Features- ::
00:15:29teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLL90 100
00:15:30JT(Disconnect by user.) 67 45
00:15:35BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wscuba hadez
00:15:38BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0winvisible
00:15:44big hadeZrofl
00:15:51chef has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 50
00:17:00big hadeZBANG! 90 100 BANG!
00:18:28teamcake. biohaZ64 48
00:19:10chef has left the game:: I'm watching you, teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLL ::
00:19:11chef has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 50
00:19:18chef has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 50
00:19:23chef has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 50
00:19:24frizz has left the gamefuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
00:19:37chef has left the game
00:19:44frizz has left the game
00:19:45chef has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 50
00:19:54chef has left the game
00:20:13big hadeZlolz
00:20:13teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLL90 100
00:20:17chef has left the game:: I'm watching you, cuties. Mario Canoli' ::
00:20:18chef has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 50
00:20:21BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wbeautiful
00:20:24BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wi just precummed
00:21:54JTNeed Medic/Engy/Ammo 48 35
00:21:58WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
00:23:21BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wyeah baby
00:23:22teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLL90 100
00:23:26teamcake. biohaZ1 23
00:23:29BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wi saw you
00:23:30BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0whax
00:23:32teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLLi know
00:23:32BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wspy hax
00:23:36WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
00:25:33teamcake. biohaZ75 50
00:25:49teamcake. biohaZ13 28
00:26:17big hadeZBANG! 49 36 BANG!
00:26:30WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
00:26:41big hadeZBANG! 90 100 BANG!
00:26:43teamcake. l0lb0t^HeLLCanoli to the face, baby! 90 100
00:27:05JT(Disconnect by user.) 67 45
00:27:53chef has left the game!SCORE
00:27:53Console^Last round's score:^0 6 ^on^0 ff_mortality_gz_b1
00:27:57chef has left the game(Disconnect by user.) 1 50
00:28:34BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wgg
00:28:34WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!