Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:15:30WORKER | beees!!!124em1jidnas
23:15:52WORKER | beeesohh
23:15:59WORKER | beeesI've seen this in a lot of vids
23:17:12Nv| Black Basketball Player 4Flag tossed 35 50
23:17:18Nv| Black Basketball Player 4Flag tossed 35 50
23:17:38Nv| Black Basketball Player 4Flag tossed 18 44
23:17:42BOSS | MafiaManadmin stiffy
23:17:44BOSS | MafiaManadmin lets go
23:17:46Nv| Black Basketball Player 4^260 seconds until prematch ends!
23:18:45Nv| Black Basketball Player 4^260 seconds until prematch ends!
23:18:52Nv| Black Basketball Player 4spec
23:19:27BOSS | MafiaManstiffy
23:19:33Nv| Black Basketball Player 4squeek homie
23:19:37Nv| Black Basketball Player 4^260 seconds until prematch ends!
23:19:39BOSS | MafiaManbeez
23:19:48Nv| Black Basketball Player 4wubba
23:20:07BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wseriously though
23:20:11BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wa trade is in order
23:20:12BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wthanks
23:20:29BOSS | MafiaManlol
23:20:31Nv| Black Basketball Player 4^260 seconds until prematch ends!
23:20:42BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wseriously though
23:20:50BOSS | MafiaManHEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [83.86]
23:20:56BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0whow do these teams look somewhat close on a horrible day for all 4 red
23:20:59WORKER | beeesback
23:21:03WORKER | beeesdid you guys pick already
23:21:16WORKER | beees:<
23:21:27Nv| Black Basketball Player 4Prematch ends in 45 seconds
23:21:55BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wbees
23:21:55BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wblue
23:21:56BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wsky
23:21:57BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wred?
23:21:57WORKER | beeesoh
23:22:06BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wlook at that switch
23:22:09BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wthey did that with both
23:22:11BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wspeed
23:22:13BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wand agility
23:22:14Nv| Black Basketball Player 4Prematch ends in 45 seconds
23:22:16BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wclap your hands boyz
23:22:17BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wclap em
23:22:40Nv | Mario Canoli' 7lol
23:22:46[TALOS]Skywalkersay again?
23:22:50Nv| Black Basketball Player 4sky hw?
23:22:56Nv| Black Basketball Player 4Prematch ends in 30 seconds
23:23:09BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wJUST DIRTY BABY
23:23:11BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wFUCKING DIRTY
23:23:13Nv | Mario Canoli' 7gl hf
23:23:25Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:23:28BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wDIS NIGGA SHIT
23:25:07Nv | Mario Canoli' 7pea brain 27 :: 0
23:25:12Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:25:43Nv | Mario Canoli' 7pea brain 67 :: 134
23:25:53Consolei have a pea brain
23:26:58Nv| Black Basketball Player 4Need Medic/Engy/Ammo 89 118
23:27:37Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:28:03BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wrofl
23:28:04BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wqwow
23:28:13Nv | Mario Canoli' 7pea brain 49 :: 51
23:28:25Nv | Mario Canoli' 7pea brain 84 :: 137
23:28:30Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:30:26Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:30:37BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wnly had 3 health admnit
23:30:46Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:31:06Nv | Mario Canoli' 7stiff
23:31:07Nv | Mario Canoli' 7capping?
23:31:12Nv | Mario Canoli' 7lol
23:31:28BOSS | MafiaMandidn't know where ele was..
23:31:43Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:31:50Nv | Mario Canoli' 7angryshardtruth: they're piping button 83 :: 132
23:32:40Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:33:56Nv | squeek. 1lol
23:34:54Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:35:41BOSS | MafiaManBO
23:35:41Nv | Mario Canoli' 7rofl
23:36:39Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:36:44Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:37:02Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:37:52Nv| Black Basketball Player 4Need Medic/Engy/Ammo 22 42
23:38:11Nv | squeek. 1flag tossed [ ]
23:38:24Nv | Mario Canoli' 7gg
23:38:25Nv | squeek. 1gg
23:38:26WORKER | beeesGG
23:38:26BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0whh
23:38:26Nv| Black Basketball Player 4gg
23:38:27BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wgg