Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
20:26:44cuties. Mario Canoli'these teams
20:26:48cuties. Mario Canoli'-prime
20:28:20BOSS | Sabbathbadmin
20:28:28BOSS | MafiaManHEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [60.46]
20:28:35Go Suck A Pair Of MonkeyBalllsdo u know canonnball mafiaman
20:28:38BOSS | MafiaManyes
20:28:49BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w1 sec
20:28:53Go Suck A Pair Of MonkeyBalllsjust wondering
20:28:56Go Suck A Pair Of MonkeyBalllsplaying atm lol
20:28:58BOSS | Sabbathworstmin
20:29:27BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:29:46Go Suck A Pair Of MonkeyBalllsmuted gibs already
20:29:51Go Suck A Pair Of MonkeyBallls4 ickups ago
20:29:51BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:30:16BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:30:31BOSS | MafiaManassholes
20:30:35BOSS | Sabbath@teams
20:30:35Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Gibs ^0&^ EuroWibbles ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ E_-K
20:30:35Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ AirCharged ^0&^ KingFagg0tH8er ^0&^ MafiaMan
20:30:39BOSS | Sabbathhomie
20:30:42BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:30:43BOSS | MafiaMandamnit
20:30:48cuties. Mario Canoli'im bad luck
20:30:51BOSS | MafiaManstiffy
20:30:56BOSS | Sabbathjust plain bad too
20:30:56BOSS | MafiaManwubs
20:31:00BOSS | Sabbath@teams
20:31:00Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Gibs ^0&^ EuroWibbles ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ E_-K
20:31:00Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ AirCharged ^0&^ KingFagg0tH8er ^0&^ MafiaMan
20:31:03cuties. Mario Canoli'bad^2
20:31:06cuties. Mario Canoli'badx2
20:31:09BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:31:14BOSS | Sabbath@teams
20:31:14Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Gibs ^0&^ EuroWibbles ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ E_-K
20:31:14Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ AirCharged ^0&^ KingFagg0tH8er ^0&^ MafiaMan
20:31:19cuties. Mario Canoli'muted
20:31:22BOSS | Sabbathwhos e k
20:31:25cuties. Mario Canoli'prime
20:31:26BOSS | MafiaManflex
20:31:27BOSS | MafiaManprime
20:31:30BOSS | Sabbathprex
20:31:38BOSS | Sabbathfrime
20:31:40BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:31:43Go Suck A Pair Of MonkeyBalllsanothr diamon cockring lover
20:31:43BOSS | MafiaManhmm
20:31:47BOSS | MafiaManair or gibs can you demo
20:31:52BOSS | Sabbathhahahahhahah
20:31:53Prime-pick brothers
20:31:53cuties. Mario Canoli'lol
20:31:54Air^not with this ping
20:31:55BOSS | Sabbathgood joke
20:31:58Gibsi'm best demo
20:32:01Gibsin ff
20:32:02BOSS | MafiaMangibs wanna demo
20:32:06cuties. Mario Canoli'gibs will
20:32:07BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:32:11Air^ill demo if u need
20:32:14Air^but i got a shitty ping
20:32:15BOSS | Sabbathpre_ -K blue
20:32:18BOSS | MafiaManill take anyone who wants to demo
20:32:21BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:32:28BOSS | MafiaManonly 95
20:32:29BOSS | Sabbathmafia can demo i heard
20:32:29BOSS | MafiaManyour fine
20:32:36BOSS | MafiaMani let stiffy demo last night
20:32:38Prime-i might not true so homie loses
20:32:40BOSS | MafiaManhes pretty stellar
20:32:43BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:33:23BOSS | MafiaManExcuse me cuties. Mario Canoli', Do you have a moment to talk about the lord [65.109]
20:33:25BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0w60 seconds
20:33:44Go Suck A Pair Of MonkeyBalllsdjzs ping
20:34:37Air^inc me
20:36:11BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 66 - 48
20:36:44BOSS | MafiaManMedic! [27.25]
20:37:47cuties. Mario Canoli'rofl
20:38:21Air^inc me
20:39:05BOSS | SabbathTOOO GOOOOODDDD -30 - 6
20:40:05cuties. Mario Canoli'whahathat
20:44:13BOSS | MafiaManMedic! [52.11]
20:45:13cuties. Mario Canoli'pea brain 10 :: 0
20:45:56BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 44 - 41
20:46:03Air^inc me
20:47:21Air^inc me
20:47:37BOSS | Sabbaththis could go either way
20:48:51BOSS | SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT -25 - 8
20:49:26BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wgg
20:49:27cuties. Mario Canoli'gg
20:49:28BOSS | SirScaryTheCr0wlolz