Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
21:57:3610 POUND DICKno one came my way
21:57:3710 POUND DICKlol
21:57:46BOSS| Robby Rocket Pawsyou had a way?
21:57:48The First Dinosauryou did pretty good :p
21:57:53Ive been on the phone the whole12 22 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
21:58:08Prime-since when does putting a sg near a jumpad crash the server
21:58:12Prime-news to me
21:58:17Prime-i just thought it was sab
21:58:18The First Dinosaurare you kidding or not
21:58:21BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsSG cant kill buildables
21:58:21Prime-the gun
21:58:24BOSS| Robby Rocket Pawsthats why u cant sab
21:58:24The First Dinosaurif an sg destroys a buildable yeah
21:58:33BOSS| Robby Rocket Pawsthats why you cant build sg near jumppad
21:58:39Ive been on the phone the wholewhy
21:58:42Ive been on the phone the wholeis this game broken
21:58:45Ive been on the phone the wholeuse to sab the shit outta guns
21:58:45BOSS| Robby Rocket Pawsyou can sab a gun no problem if thre is no dispencer in the flagroom with it
21:58:50Ive been on the phone the wholehowd we go backwards?
21:58:52The First Dinosaurbecause it's built on the source sdk 2006?
21:59:14Ive been on the phone the whole13 0 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
21:59:1710 POUND DICKdrop mah dik on yo fowhead and giv u uh cuncushon - 90 100
21:59:18BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsBANG! 53 20 BANG!
21:59:19BOSS | eddy eyebrowzHEF: I dont care what happens, I just need to calm down [90.100]
21:59:31Toodle Schnoodle FU Poodlei want to play a map for once today
21:59:36Toodle Schnoodle FU Poodlethat is not fckn ghey
21:59:54BOSS | eddy eyebrowzwhat map you like
22:00:17Ive been on the phone the wholerailgun only this game
22:00:19Ive been on the phone the wholeno gun nothing
22:00:21Toodle Schnoodle FU Poodleand doing spawn killing like blade did to me
22:00:29The First Dinosaurrailguns rawk
22:01:05WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
22:01:13BOSS | eddy eyebrowzjp
22:02:30BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsMedic! 46|37
22:03:45WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
22:04:50BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsBANG! 35 0 BANG!
22:05:11Toodle Schnoodle FU Poodlenot even trying
22:05:14Ive been on the phone the whole50 80 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
22:05:15Ive been on the phone the whole50 80 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
22:05:16Ive been on the phone the whole50 80 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
22:05:16Ive been on the phone the whole50 80 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
22:05:35WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
22:05:36BOSS | eddy eyebrowzbroken map
22:05:36BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsBANG! 92 169 BANG!
22:05:37WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
22:06:35BOSS | eddy eyebrowzffs
22:06:39BOSS | eddy eyebrowz1 shotgun
22:07:19BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsBANG! 5 0 BANG!
22:08:22BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsBANG! 83 132 BANG!
22:09:54BOSS| Robby Rocket Pawsgg
22:09:56WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
22:10:00BOSS| Robby Rocket Pawscalling it
22:10:04BOSS| Robby Rocket Pawsno point if u guys rae ganan be gay
22:10:1110 POUND DICKwho took it backway
22:10:21Ive been on the phone the whole50 80 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
22:10:21The First Dinosaurprime
22:10:26The First Dinosaurbut I don't think he meant to drop it
22:10:29Prime-tried to sneak out
22:10:43BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsMedic! 51|110
22:10:48The First Dinosaurit was sneaky
22:10:49BOSS | eddy eyebrowz3.15
22:11:10The First Dinosaurn1
22:11:29WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
22:12:14BOSS| Robby Rocket PawsBANG! -22 0 BANG!
22:12:59Ive been on the phone the whole48 74 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
22:15:05Ive been on the phone the whole150 100 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
22:15:06Ive been on the phone the whole150 100 Ive been on the phone the whole pickup
22:15:13The First DinosaurLOL
22:15:16BOSS| Robby Rocket Pawsrofl
22:15:29WaGsSuuuuuuuuuuP... Just Got WaGGleD??!?!
22:15:32Ive been on the phone the wholegg