Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:21:05scrumptious. homie'grim
22:21:07pizzaslice_grimlol your spray nine
22:21:11scrumptious. homie'make a clan for ugc
22:21:16scrumptious. homie'I'll give you squeek nine and fda
22:21:26pizzaslice_grimi would just take nine
22:21:31scrumptious. homie'ok take squeek and fda too
22:21:32pizzaslice_grimbut if you want to offer them all than fine
22:21:44pizzaslice_grimnvm keep fda
22:21:47scrumptious. homie'lol
22:21:47pizzaslice_grimi dont want a mapper
22:21:56scrumptious. homie'fda wanted to play with nine I thought
22:22:01ninewe've been cut loose all free agents
22:22:05scrumptious. homie'yup
22:22:11pizzaslice_grimNah just tradedd
22:22:14scrumptious. homie'was over the cap
22:22:18scrumptious. homie'had to cut out some salaries
22:22:29pizzaslice_grimreally taking 5 players when there is a lack of players
22:23:01scrumptious. homie'just trying to spread people out
22:23:05scrumptious. homie'make more teams
22:23:11pizzaslice_grimthink it should just be 4
22:23:16pizzaslice_grimidk if we could afford 5 per team
22:23:24scrumptious. homie'only 2 teams with 5 atm
22:23:30scrumptious. homie'and the 1 team is all non ff players
22:23:46scrumptious. homie'yeah they will
22:23:57scrumptious. homie'this isnt them
22:23:59scrumptious. homie'and that was a tf2 team
22:24:02scrumptious. homie'nt zexel
22:24:08scrumptious. homie'that was euros
22:24:21scrumptious. homie'essen was the only one
22:24:23scrumptious. homie'who played tfc
22:24:39scrumptious. homie'no mm
22:24:41scrumptious. homie'no vtb
22:24:43scrumptious. FDAadmin are we playin a fuckin pickup
22:24:45scrumptious. homie'vtb dll isnt working
22:24:49scrumptious. FDAadmin hello?
22:24:50pizzaslice_grimthe dude whos supposed to text mm isnt here
22:25:02Sabbathvinny is vac banned lol
22:25:02pizzaslice_grimbostwix sub?
22:25:16Sabbathhis account is banned for cheats in cs go
22:25:22scrumptious. homie'wowza
22:25:24Sabbathhes making a new one
22:25:29pizzaslice_grimill get bostwix
22:25:37pizzaslice_grimhes drunk but he'll subb
22:25:45ConsoleSubstitute player request created
22:26:12pizzaslice_grimu really giving up nine and squeek?
22:26:18scrumptious. homie'if theyre ok with it
22:26:22scrumptious. homie'be nice to have more teams
22:26:34nineya that's ok
22:26:36Great and Powerful 0zunbelieveable
22:26:39pizzaslice_grimi would be down to make ateam with them
22:26:42pizzaslice_grimand relive Col. days
22:26:45Great and Powerful 0zwheres mm
22:26:49Great and Powerful 0zi wanna know why im getting hit for this cs go
22:26:54Great and Powerful 0zright now
22:26:59Great and Powerful 0zhwen the last time i played cs go was like 6 montsh ago
22:27:35scrumptious. homie'lol wowza
22:27:59scrumptious. homie'rofl
22:28:21scrumptious. homie'banned from the sims
22:28:29scrumptious. homie'that pinball game
22:28:30scrumptious. homie'banned
22:28:40scrumptious. homie'yeah
22:28:41pizzaslice_grimask crunk
22:28:42scrumptious. homie'6months later
22:28:56scrumptious. homie'no wonder you wanted to do cal
22:29:28pizzaslice_grimcs has more chicks
22:29:32Great and Powerful 0zwe still neeed mm
22:29:34scrumptious. homie'ok pizza face
22:29:47scrumptious. homie'qtn a guy
22:29:50Masked_Magiciani am a chick
22:29:55Masked_Magicianwith a dick
22:29:56Great and Powerful 0zok
22:29:58pizzaslice_grimqtn really a guy?
22:29:59Great and Powerful 0zwe dont need mm?
22:30:00pizzaslice_grimfor real
22:30:00scrumptious. homie'yeah
22:30:01Great and Powerful 0z@teams
22:30:01Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ zexel ^0&^ nine` ^0&^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ FDA
22:30:01Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ grim_ ^0&^ Sabbath ^0&^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ MafiaMan`away
22:30:05pizzaslice_grimwho was the azn chick on mic
22:30:12ninemasked magician = mm = mafiaman?
22:30:16Masked_Magiciani subbed
22:30:18Masked_Magicianfor someone
22:30:18scrumptious. homie'masked is prime
22:30:35SabbathYOU GET 2 PICKS BRO 1 50
22:30:38pizzaslice_grimim bad
22:30:42SabbathYOU GET 2 PICKS BRO 1 50
22:30:56Console^Admin:^0 VinnytheBoss
22:31:10scrumptious. homie'lol
22:31:17pizzaslice_grimgive him sab
22:31:22Sabbathsab is gay
22:31:32Sabbathi feel so gay when i play this game everyone fighting over me
22:31:35scrumptious. homie'worst one here
22:31:39scrumptious. homie'anyway
22:31:41pizzaslice_grimmodest one here ^
22:31:42scrumptious. homie'grim nine
22:31:58Sabbathtake another pick
22:32:04scrumptious. homie'oh man
22:32:14scrumptious. homie'gimmie zex
22:32:15Sabbathhes saying we are 2 players better than u bro
22:32:16scrumptious. homie'sry fda
22:32:18Sabbathu gonna take that
22:32:29scrumptious. homie'everyone here 2 players better than me
22:32:34Great and Powerful 0zbrb
22:32:41Masked_Magicianshould i med?
22:32:49Sabbathdoes superman fly to work?
22:32:50scrumptious. homie'shoulda picked fda
22:32:52scrumptious. homie'I gotta sol now
22:32:59pizzaslice_grimnine.... give them hell
22:33:04ninei can sol u demo?
22:33:05Great and Powerful 0zyo
22:33:09scrumptious. homie'lol it's all good
22:33:10Great and Powerful 0zmy gf want me to put this load of laungry in
22:33:11Masked_Magiciani thought batman flies not superman?
22:33:11Sabbathyo i g2g
22:33:13Great and Powerful 0zgimme liter 2 min
22:33:19Great and Powerful 0zbrb
22:33:33Sabbathyo i gotta go feed my laundry and put my kid in the wash brb
22:33:38scrumptious. homie'brb pie
22:33:43zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^422^5 | ^30^2] @
22:34:47Masked_Magicianrs 20 sec plz
22:34:58zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^49^5 | ^30^2] @
22:35:01zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^4-9^5 | ^30^2] @
22:35:43Great and Powerful 0zok
22:36:00scrumptious. homie'prime?
22:36:09scrumptious. homie'gl hf
22:36:25Sabbathvtb not here
22:36:28Great and Powerful 0zlets go
22:36:31pizzaslice_grimthis spray
22:36:33scrumptious. homie'woops
22:36:44pizzaslice_grimwhy gohan
22:36:44scrumptious. homie'gl hf
22:37:25zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^428^5 | ^325^2] @
22:38:28zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^477^5 | ^3210^2] @
22:38:46zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^448^5 | ^398^2] @
22:39:59SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 5 - 24
22:40:37zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^439^5 | ^361^2] @
22:46:00zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^460^5 | ^3150^2] @
22:46:11zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^438^5 | ^362^2] @
22:46:44zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^433^5 | ^344^2] @
22:50:17zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^426^5 | ^367^2] @
22:50:27pizzaslice_grimI took a shit, it was nice 41 24
22:50:51zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^437^5 | ^355^2] @
22:51:27SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 14 - 26
22:51:44Great and Powerful 0zgg
22:51:45scrumptious. homie'gg