Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:37:18hadeZtheRapevictum7 !
22:37:41Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ blade- ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Prime-
22:37:42Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:38:02Great and Powerful 0z@teams
22:38:02Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ blade- ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Prime-
22:38:02Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:38:07the real zexelbrb getting a juicey juice box
22:38:10the real zexelgrape drank
22:38:28Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ blade- ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Prime-
22:38:28Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:38:45Great and Powerful 0z@teams
22:38:45Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ blade- ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Prime-
22:38:45Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:39:26the real zexeladmin prime stop being so slow
22:40:05the real zexelspec for captains orrrrrrrrrrrrrr
22:40:15hadeZtheRapevictumvinny red cpt
22:40:26Great and Powerful 0z@teams
22:40:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ VinnytheBoss ^0&^ blade- ^0&^ Features- ^0&^ Prime-
22:40:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ FDA ^0&^ hadeZtheChampio ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:40:32Great and Powerful 0zblade zex
22:40:40Great and Powerful 0zjuice
22:40:52Great and Powerful 0zcan u engi
22:41:33the real zexeloats sub blade?
22:42:04hadeZtheRapevictumblade coming now
22:42:20zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^423^5 | ^3259^2] @
22:43:07bladewas in nerd land
22:43:20hadeZtheRapevictumPREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
22:43:26bladepretty drunk
22:43:29bladecan i play engy plz
22:43:44bladelol nah
22:43:46bladeim deep
22:44:19bladeteams r fine
22:45:10zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^436^5 | ^351^2] @
22:46:08bladethat u alacrity and gator?
22:46:17the real zexel(Disconnect by user.) 75 50
22:47:39bladejuioce siwtch
22:48:06zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^455^5 | ^3124^2] @
22:49:28hadeZtheRapevictumthis is a high scoring map
22:49:31hadeZtheRapevictumdont give up
22:49:32bladeno its not
22:49:33hadeZtheRapevictumand it will be a fine game
22:49:38Great and Powerful 0zuve asked for a rs before
22:49:40hadeZtheRapevictumPREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
22:49:44hadeZtheRapevictumits ganna be the same score
22:49:48Prime-are u serious
22:49:50bladeaverage is 7...
22:49:56bladeu guys are about to set guiness records here
22:49:59hadeZtheRapevictumsometimes avg is 14
22:50:01the real zexel(Disconnect by user.) 71 50
22:50:05bladethats not an average
22:50:06Great and Powerful 0zi tol dhim to engi
22:50:09Great and Powerful 0zfrom the start
22:50:15Great and Powerful 0zblde saying hes drunk
22:50:23bladebeen playing same game for 12 years still miss 90 120
22:51:49Prime-nice fda
22:52:00bladeget normal spot zex
22:52:39hadeZtheRapevictumBANG! 90 100 BANG!
22:54:30zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^431^5 | ^337^2] @
22:56:04potatozex and fda as scouts :o
22:56:25potatooh haha
22:57:12zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^416^5 | ^30^2] @
22:58:25Big Bob[RNS] Beepers!score
22:58:25Console^Last round's score:^0 9 ^on^0 ff_schtop
22:58:43the real zexelwow
22:59:08zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^427^5 | ^320^2] @
22:59:54the real zexel(Disconnect by user.) 2 27
22:59:55Big Bob[RNS] Beepersshit nicee
22:59:59Prime-did u catch thaT
23:00:09Big Bob[RNS] BeepersLets pretend that intentional
23:00:15the real zexelyep
23:00:24zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^443^5 | ^323^2] @
23:00:31the real zexelwtf
23:00:37Big Bob[RNS] BeepersYou had that shit.
23:01:57zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^47^5 | ^30^2] @
23:03:26Big Bob[RNS] BeepersI feel so stupid because I never spotted those side surf walls there on the linear hallway before.
23:04:15zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^438^5 | ^357^2] @
23:05:05zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^423^5 | ^32^2] @
23:05:08Prime-heh sorry
23:05:09bladefuck u aggots
23:05:13Big Bob[RNS] Beeperslol
23:05:15Big Bob[RNS] Beepershahaha