Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:04:04magical ojmmmm potstickers r godly
22:04:18wateri have brightness all the way up and the game is still too dark
22:04:26zexel?open your eyes
22:04:28magical ojmonitor and ff option brightness?
22:04:31Features-sit up?
22:04:34waterill ignore that
22:04:38JuiceYJuicelol get a better vid card ?
22:04:43waterill ignore that too
22:04:45Sabbathkill self irl
22:05:00Big Bob[RNS] Beeperssup ladies
22:05:13Features-what's rns stand for
22:05:18Features-red neck soldiers?
22:05:21zexel?real nigga shit
22:05:27magical ojreal nice stamps
22:05:31Big Bob[RNS] Beepersall of the above
22:05:39Sabbathbad 1 0
22:05:41Features-really nice shit
22:05:41hadeZtheRapevictumreal niggers suck
22:05:49zexel?a nice dick
22:05:50hadeZtheRapevictumPREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
22:05:52hadeZtheRapevictumPREMATCH SET TO 60 SECONDS!!!!!
22:05:52Big Bob[RNS] Beepershaha
22:05:57Features-racist nigger soldier
22:06:00hadeZtheRapevictumcan i get @teams
22:06:01hadeZtheRapevictumgoing on
22:06:02Sabbathraped ny sister
22:06:03Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZ ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ lope
22:06:03Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ water_ ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:06:06Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZ ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ lope
22:06:06Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ water_ ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:06:07zexel?racist nigger spic
22:06:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZ ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ lope
22:06:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ water_ ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:06:12magical ojrapist nose spread
22:06:13hadeZtheRapevictumsabbath lost red cpt last time
22:06:16hadeZtheRapevictumtime for him to blue cpt
22:06:18hadeZtheRapevictumsee if he does bbetter
22:06:20Features-OH SHIT
22:06:23Sabbathi did great
22:06:26Features-calling u out
22:06:28hadeZtheRapevictumyou failed
22:06:29Sabbathsounds like a 1v1 challenge
22:06:32hadeZtheRapevictumi capped 7 times on you
22:06:35Big Bob[RNS] BeepersI feel like if I told people that RNS stood for, it would take away the pleasure of making up a funny meaning behind it.
22:06:35Sabbatheveryone spec
22:06:48Sabbathme vs water
22:06:49WORKER | beeesoh
22:06:52WORKER | beeesstill didn't pick yet?
22:07:01hadeZtheRapevictumsabbath too good to pick
22:07:01Features-this is a hadez pickup
22:07:02zexel?you can tell us what it is but we'll still make up better names
22:07:03Sabbathcan u spec bro
22:07:04Features-gotta give it time
22:07:08hadeZtheRapevictumits developing
22:07:10Features-he likes to milk it
22:07:10Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZ ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ lope
22:07:11Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ water_ ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:07:11hadeZtheRapevictuma little pregame comedy
22:07:20Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZ ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ lope
22:07:20Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ water_ ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:07:27hadeZtheRapevictumbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees and zexel
22:07:31Sabbathwhat u playin on d
22:07:32Sabbathi know
22:07:45Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZ ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ lope
22:07:45Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ water_ ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:08:00Big Bob[RNS] Beeperslope and juicey are in here
22:08:02Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZ ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ lope
22:08:02Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ water_ ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:08:04Big Bob[RNS] Beeperssup ladies
22:08:07hadeZtheRapevictumi mean water
22:08:10hadeZtheRapevictumjuice milk or water
22:08:12hadeZtheRapevictumhard choice
22:08:20Features-water boy
22:08:22WORKER | beees!teams
22:08:22Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ Features- ^0&^ hadeZ ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ lope
22:08:22Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ water_ ^0&^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ zexel
22:08:25WORKER | beeeswater or who?
22:08:47hadeZtheRapevictumi think you should get a perk in this game after so many kills your jumppad sets on fire
22:08:48Sabbathwater red?
22:08:49WORKER | beeeswater maybe :x
22:08:56magical oji think shoes
22:08:58magical ojshoes fire
22:09:01hadeZtheRapevictumit would encourage scouts to dm
22:09:05Features-nba jam
22:09:21waterdid u ever get a job zexel
22:09:30wateri havent seen u on fb did u delete me
22:09:31Sabbathsounds mean could be a real question
22:09:32Features-rofl pulling out the job card
22:09:39waterhaha what a loser
22:09:44WORKER | beeesgoing for 10 airrails
22:09:46zexel?I'm a loser for deleting him
22:10:11wateryoure a loser for actually caring whos on ur fb
22:10:17magical ojfacebook for guy friends
22:10:19magical ojlol
22:10:21magical ojbig mistake
22:10:32SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 54 - 44
22:10:39magical ojpussybook
22:10:40Features-start pm or
22:10:48Sabbathwho wants to med with features
22:10:56hadeZtheRapevictumPREMATCH SET TO 30 SECONDS!!!!!
22:10:57zexel?I care only because I was tired of seeing your ugly face
22:11:03magical ojlol
22:11:06waterwhat an idiot
22:11:21zexel?did you break up with that fat orange bitch that accused you of hitting her?
22:11:27magical ojulol
22:11:31Big Bob[RNS] Beepersrofl
22:11:40magical oji like how friendly u guys are when u catch up
22:11:49waterhaha yea
22:11:54magical ojget a job yet
22:12:04magical ojpretty nice
22:12:11magical oju guys related to features>?
22:12:14magical ojby any chance?
22:12:15Features-(Disconnect by user.) 90 100
22:13:33hadeZtheRapevictumBANG! 25 24 BANG!
22:13:39hadeZtheRapevictumMedic! 25|24
22:13:41magical ojswarm
22:13:48magical ojswarming
22:13:54hadeZtheRapevictumMedic! 10|3
22:14:05hadeZtheRapevictumMedic! 28|27
22:14:10zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^454^5 | ^318^2] @
22:15:34goyteflag tossed at
22:15:53Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:16:21SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 39 - 40
22:16:52Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:17:06hadeZtheRapevictumMedic! 28|30
22:17:16Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:17:25hadeZtheRapevictumMedic! 9|1
22:17:28hadeZtheRapevictumMedic! 39|41
22:17:36Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:17:50Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:18:10zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^454^5 | ^322^2] @
22:18:10Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:18:20zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^426^5 | ^30^2] @
22:18:21Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:18:28goyteflag tossed at
22:18:43goyteflag tossed at
22:18:51zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^458^5 | ^334^2] @
22:18:53Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:18:59goyteflag tossed at
22:19:03hadeZtheRapevictumMedic! 90|115
22:19:53Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:19:56zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^457^5 | ^330^2] @
22:20:13zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^453^5 | ^314^2] @
22:20:15Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:20:24Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:20:49Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:20:56goyteflag tossed at
22:21:02hadeZtheRapevictumMedic! 8|0
22:21:06zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^436^5 | ^31^2] @
22:21:34Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:21:57Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:22:30goyteflag tossed at
22:23:13Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:23:25zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^445^5 | ^338^2] @
22:23:36Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:23:57Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:24:11Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:24:45Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:24:53Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:25:24Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:25:28goyteflag tossed at
22:25:37Big Bob[RNS] BeepersYeah, I'm just going for the 4 year deal. Computer engineering
22:25:59Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:26:20magical oj!score
22:26:20Console^Last round's score:^0 5 ^on^0 ff_fiddle
22:26:22Big Bob[RNS] Beepers
22:26:27WORKER | beeesGG