Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:08:02Bloodskyhe probably needs a sub
22:08:07Bloodskyhis parents are fighting and he is scurred
22:08:27Bloodskyi dunno
22:08:30cynicaltfc problems
22:08:34Bloodskyi think he lives in a bad neighborhood
22:08:38ConsoleSubstitute player request created
22:08:59Titanhe should get vinny to be his body guard then
22:09:09Bloodskywhat's vinny going to do
22:09:13Bloodskythrow a disco ball at hi,?
22:09:14BOSS | MafiaMantan him to death
22:09:21Bloodskyor that lol
22:09:36BOSS | MafiaManget muscles marinara on him
22:10:29Great and Powerful 0zsigh
22:10:41BOSS | MafiaManshits going down
22:11:29Bloodskyleaving in 2
22:11:35Titanleave in 7
22:11:39Great and Powerful 0ztrying to get a sub
22:11:42Bloodsky59 seconds
22:11:42Great and Powerful 0zplease be pateient for me
22:12:16Titanstiff is coming
22:12:20Titanbut that will take a few minutes
22:12:30Bloodskywell fda can sub me when he gets back
22:12:35Great and Powerful 0zcome on
22:12:39Great and Powerful 0zu were my fucking first pick
22:13:58BOSS | MafiaManffded?
22:14:12Great and Powerful 0zunreal
22:19:42ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup
22:19:50ConsolePickup filled in #ff.pickup