Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:25:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Flex- ^0&^ iansir
23:25:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ zexel ^0&^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ vinnytheboss
23:26:09Great and Powerful 0z@teams
23:26:09Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Flex- ^0&^ iansir
23:26:09Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ zexel ^0&^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ vinnytheboss
23:26:10JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedand mm
23:26:11Great and Powerful 0zhi
23:26:23Great and Powerful 0zdo u want blue or red
23:26:25Great and Powerful 0zmm
23:26:41Great and Powerful 0zu can choose
23:26:41Great and Powerful 0zeither
23:26:56Great and Powerful 0zhealth bind
23:27:03james d grassel has at the cakeMUFFHUGGER a% h%
23:27:03Great and Powerful 0z@teams
23:27:03Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Flex- ^0&^ iansir
23:27:03Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ zexel ^0&^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ vinnytheboss
23:27:05Great and Powerful 0zgimme homie
23:27:18BOSS | MafiaManstiffy zaxel
23:27:22Great and Powerful 0z@tewams
23:27:24Great and Powerful 0z@teams
23:27:24Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ homieinreeboks ^0&^ MafiaMan ^0&^ Flex- ^0&^ iansir
23:27:24Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ StiffMyWiff ^0&^ zexel ^0&^ spyingonyobish ^0&^ vinnytheboss
23:27:25scrumptious. homie'ian
23:27:30Great and Powerful 0zup arrorw
23:27:37BOSS | MafiaManspy
23:27:46Great and Powerful 0zflex
23:27:46iansirsup spy havent seen you man
23:27:52Great and Powerful 0zthe yea miss u spy
23:27:57james d grassel has at the cakestarted at u[s
23:28:01scrumptious. homie'yes spy miss you
23:28:03iansirbeen busy with work
23:28:05BOSS | MafiaManwheres stiffyu
23:28:14JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tized1 sec
23:28:16iansirbangint aht hot piece of ass
23:28:28Great and Powerful 0zjust one night
23:28:29Great and Powerful 0zplease
23:28:35Great and Powerful 0zwith ms schulz
23:28:41Great and Powerful 0zjk lol
23:28:45BOSS | MafiaManstiffy
23:28:47BOSS | MafiaManlets fucking go
23:28:51Great and Powerful 0zseirously
23:28:53Great and Powerful 0zlets go bro
23:29:25scrumptious. homie'we had zexecl
23:29:28JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tized60 seconds
23:29:33BOSS | MafiaManlets fucking go stiffy
23:29:57BOSS | MafiaManlol
23:30:10JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tized'i just got 80 xanax bitch'
23:30:53scrumptious. homie'cutie pie scrumptious. homie'
23:33:02zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^451^5 | ^36^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
23:33:18scrumptious. homie'lol
23:33:23zexel?ARMOR PLZ ^2[^490^5 | ^317^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Window
23:33:24BOSS | MafiaMan-.-
23:33:25BOSS | MafiaManMedic! [18.15]
23:33:51Great and Powerful 0zwanan go blue captain?
23:34:02Great and Powerful 0zthis is kinda a cap afest
23:34:13BOSS | MafiaManstiffys playing now
23:34:27zexel?ARMOR PLZ ^2[^489^5 | ^335^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Window
23:34:29BOSS | MafiaManMedic! [3.120]
23:35:47zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^475^5 | ^326^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
23:36:24BOSS | MafiaManMedic! [22.18]
23:36:55scrumptious. homie'cutie pie Flex
23:37:33BOSS | MafiaMan4 in fr
23:38:26zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^477^5 | ^3110^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Window
23:38:52zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^464^5 | ^355^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Window
23:40:08zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^489^5 | ^350^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Window
23:40:54BOSS | MafiaManMedic! [41.27]
23:41:10zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^42^5 | ^30^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
23:41:28scrumptious. homie'lol
23:41:31zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^459^5 | ^339^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Area
23:41:37zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^412^5 | ^30^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Area
23:43:23zexel?OUCHIE WAWA ^2[^464^5 | ^359^2] @Yard
23:43:25james d grassel has at the cakeMUFFHUGGER a% h%
23:45:01Great and Powerful 0zgg
23:45:02scrumptious. homie'gg