Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
23:45:15Great and Powerful 0z!score
23:45:15Console^Last round's score:^0 10 ^on^0 ff_schtop
23:45:35JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedmy minds eye
23:45:39JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedis seeing something
23:45:42JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizednot so great
23:45:44JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedfor rd2
23:45:49scrumptious. homie'probably shouldnt take 15mins to join
23:45:54JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedwasnt my fault
23:45:58JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedwas joined in 10
23:46:02JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedhomie wanna switch O
23:46:04scrumptious. homie'lol
23:46:08JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedrun O again?>
23:46:09scrumptious. homie'idc
23:46:12BOSS | MafiaManno
23:47:39zexel?TOSSED ^2[^458^5 | ^370^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
23:48:34zexel?TOSSED ^2[^40^5 | ^30^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Front Door
23:48:51Great and Powerful 0zhealth bind
23:48:52JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 90 | 100
23:48:54james d grassel has ate the cakMUFFHUGGER a% h%
23:48:56Great and Powerful 0zhealth bind
23:50:07zexel?TOSSED ^2[^4-51^5 | ^30^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
23:50:07BOSS | MafiaManreally
23:50:08BOSS | MafiaManwho
23:50:11BOSS | MafiaManthrows that conc
23:50:13scrumptious. homie'lol
23:50:17Great and Powerful 0zhealth bind
23:50:29zexel?TOSSED ^2[^4-46^5 | ^30^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
23:50:40zexel?TOSSED ^2[^413^5 | ^30^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
23:51:19Great and Powerful 0zhealth bind
23:51:48JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 90 | 100
23:51:57zexel?TOSSED ^2[^431^5 | ^331^2] @Yard
23:52:11scrumptious. homie'gimmie them sneaks 7 :: 5
23:52:12zexel?TOSSED ^2[^4-48^5 | ^30^2] @Yard
23:52:12Great and Powerful 0zhealth bind
23:52:39Flexit's cool
23:53:11zexel?TOSSED ^2[^446^5 | ^352^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
23:53:58zexel?TOSSED ^2[^437^5 | ^358^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Security Side
23:54:18Great and Powerful 0zhealth bind
23:54:24james d grassel has ate the cakMUFFHUGGER a% h%
23:54:55JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 90 | 100
23:55:22scrumptious. homie'nice AIR Jordans Great and Powerful 0z
23:55:29Flexlol srry
23:55:32scrumptious. homie'rofl
23:55:40JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedevil laugh
23:55:57zexel?TOSSED ^2[^418^5 | ^317^2] @Yard
23:56:19JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 90 | 100
23:56:23JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedall in a days work
23:57:34Great and Powerful 0zhealth bind
23:58:17zexel?TOSSED ^2[^435^5 | ^330^2] @Yard
23:58:37zexel?TOSSED ^2[^4-33^5 | ^30^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
23:58:40Largos^I don't always spam binds. But when I do, I prefer this one. ^21 Health ^10 Armor
23:58:41scrumptious. homie'4 in fr
23:58:48BOSS | MafiaManatleast it was a rely
23:58:52scrumptious. homie'lol
23:58:59zexel?TOSSED ^2[^438^5 | ^325^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Main Courtyard
23:59:23JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 75 | 50
23:59:36JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedI'm Only ONE Man Baby! 60 | 46
23:59:52BOSS | MafiaMandie?
23:59:54scrumptious. homie'lol
23:59:55Largos^NO U
23:59:55scrumptious. homie'gimmie them sneaks 13 :: 9
00:00:13scrumptious. homie'gimmie them sneaks 90 :: 120
00:00:17zexel?TOSSED ^2[^44^5 | ^312^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Front Door
00:00:48zexel?TOSSED ^2[^470^5 | ^368^2] @#FF_TEAM_RED Flag Room
00:01:05JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedof course
00:01:06BOSS | MafiaManstiffy barely breaking 40 runs
00:01:07JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedhit me clas
00:01:08JesusIsScrumptiouslyFagg0tizedb button
00:01:11Great and Powerful 0zgg
00:01:11scrumptious. homie'gg
00:01:13Great and Powerful 0ztoo good