Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
22:01:51NeoNLight90 100
22:02:20Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ babarawalters ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ barrie ^0&^ NeoNL
22:02:20Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ spydox ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ onE
22:02:36NeoNLighthi nine :)
22:02:42didn't addhallo :-)
22:02:58NeoNLightadmin oj wubba
22:03:26NeoNLight2 swings at once?
22:05:04Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ babarawalters ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ barrie ^0&^ NeoNL
22:05:04Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ spydox ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ onE
22:05:08didn't addtrying to land on heads
22:05:20NeoNLightsqueek and one cpts?
22:05:32Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ babarawalters ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ barrie ^0&^ NeoNL
22:05:32Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ spydox ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ onE
22:05:38barriei play soldier ok
22:06:03Gangstar in Pumasi play soldier too
22:06:08babara waltersthe biggest faggot in ff
22:06:12babara walterswho surfs
22:06:15babara waltersand smokes weed
22:06:15Gangstar in PumasLOAL
22:06:18babara waltersand gets NO PUSSY
22:06:25cynical^HeLLand teaches your kids
22:06:27Gangstar in Pumasi love you oj
22:06:29Gangstar in Pumasim sorry
22:06:29babara waltersand just plays on ff all day
22:06:34babara waltersand tells lies
22:06:37Gangstar in Pumasim never gonna shit talk you ever again
22:06:39babara waltersto looks good
22:06:42Gangstar in Pumasbecause you just cant take it
22:06:54onEyour pick
22:06:55babara walterslol
22:07:00babara waltersthis is my way of taking it
22:07:02babara waltersembracing it
22:07:03Nv | squeek. 1!teams
22:07:03Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ babarawalters ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ barrie ^0&^ NeoNL
22:07:03Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ spydox ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ onE
22:07:11babara waltersif people wanna gimme the spotlight ill take it
22:07:21babara waltersfor watever reason
22:07:23babara walterscuz im the best
22:07:27Nv | squeek. 1im not sure who people are
22:07:33Gangstar in Pumasteams
22:07:35Nv | squeek. 1!teams
22:07:35Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ babarawalters ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ barrie ^0&^ NeoNL
22:07:35Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ spydox ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ onE
22:07:36cynical^HeLLsame people as last pickup pretty much
22:07:38Gangstar in Pumastake cyn and oj
22:07:42babara waltersno i suck
22:07:46babara waltersi need to learn to bhop
22:07:51babara walterspick someone else
22:07:54Nv | squeek. 1!teams
22:07:54Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ babarawalters ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ barrie ^0&^ NeoNL
22:07:54Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ spydox ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ onE
22:08:12Nv | squeek. 1whos barrie?
22:08:17Gangstar in Pumaswubba
22:08:17Nv | squeek. 1im the worst captain
22:08:19barrienoone important
22:08:20Nv | squeek. 1!teams
22:08:20Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ babarawalters ^0&^ cynical ^0&^ barrie ^0&^ NeoNL
22:08:20Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ JuiceYJuice ^0&^ spydox ^0&^ squeek ^0&^ onE
22:08:22cynical^HeLLjus pick and we can even it out after if we need to
22:08:24Gangstar in Pumaspick cyn and oj
22:08:27babara waltersdont pick me
22:08:27Nv | squeek. 1cyn oj
22:08:30babara waltersyou will regret it
22:08:31babara waltersok
22:09:46babara walters26 ping now
22:09:48babara waltersnetflicks ping inc
22:09:51babara walterswonderful
22:10:03Gangstar in Pumassqueek
22:10:11Gangstar in Pumaspick
22:10:15Gangstar in Pumasme or barrie
22:10:34Gangstar in Pumas./..l.l,.
22:10:38Gangstar in Pumasi hate spectator
22:10:40Gangstar in Pumasso much
22:10:44Gangstar in Pumasgod damnit
22:10:46Gangstar in Pumasplease pick
22:10:55barrielets pick ourselves spy
22:10:55Nv | squeek. 1wubba
22:10:55NeoNLightsqueek subtly trolling
22:11:01barriewhere u wannabe
22:11:03cynical^HeLLcan u hear me?
22:11:05cynical^HeLLam i muted?
22:11:25cynical^HeLLcan u hear me
22:12:03barriewtf lol
22:12:05cynical^HeLLu guys srs can't hear me?
22:13:00NeoNLightall good?
22:14:31didn't addu ff players so good wow u so great
22:16:51babara walters68 226
22:19:32NeoNLight25 2
22:19:36didn't add:o
22:21:37didn't addn1
22:22:36babara waltersu cant stop big ohjae 58 136
22:22:50NeoNLight38 17
22:22:52Nv | squeek. 1nice
22:22:57didn't addsuper medic
22:23:52Gangstar in PumasMUFFHUGGER a% h%
22:24:52Gangstar in PumasMUFFHUGGER a% h%
22:28:08Nv | squeek. 1gg