Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
11:51:09WORKER | beees?
11:51:14barbara waltersb3
11:51:14scrumptious. FDAwas on b2
11:51:16Anthony Gaspipe Casoso
11:51:16WORKER | beeesoh
11:51:19Anthony Gaspipe Casolets do
11:51:22Anthony Gaspipe Casome sab prime and wubba?
11:51:49iansirwe could do those teams
11:51:50scrumptious. FDAidk we need a demo
11:51:59WORKER | beeesand scouts ;P
11:51:59Anthony Gaspipe Casoyou dont think thats fair?
11:52:04Anthony Gaspipe Casowubba and flex?
11:52:06Anthony Gaspipe Casoyou have oj fda
11:52:07scrumptious. FDAweed need a demo and scouts
11:52:08Anthony Gaspipe Casobees
11:52:09Anthony Gaspipe Casoand ian
11:52:09scrumptious. FDAdemo
11:52:10scrumptious. FDAscout
11:52:13scrumptious. FDAdemo
11:52:14Anthony Gaspipe Casoand we need alot
11:52:14WORKER | beeesI don't scout or demo
11:52:15Anthony Gaspipe Casotoo.
11:52:15scrumptious. FDAscout
11:52:36WORKER | beeeslololol
11:52:59WORKER | beeesis taht your actual voice
11:53:01Anthony Gaspipe Casoyour a fuggazi
11:53:02barbara waltersok
11:53:06barbara walterssab and vin capts
11:53:11barbara waltersim breaking the bf's up
11:53:11Anthony Gaspipe Casofaggot
11:53:13barbara waltershahaha
11:53:14barbara waltershahaha
11:53:22Prime-actually what's wrong with me vinnt sab
11:53:25Prime-and wubba
11:53:27Prime-seem fair
11:53:29iansirbees can you demo?
11:53:33Anthony Gaspipe Casowhat makes u think splitting us up has a demo on each side
11:53:33Prime-but w/e
11:53:33WORKER | beeesno
11:53:35WORKER | beeesterrible
11:53:36WORKER | beeesjust terrible
11:53:39barbara walterslisten
11:53:39Anthony Gaspipe Casoi dont f ucking demo
11:53:40WORKER | beees::::DAS:DASDAS
11:53:43barbara waltersu wanna ruin the pickup or not
11:53:47Anthony Gaspipe Casohow ist hat ruining the piciuop?
11:53:47barbara waltersspec
11:53:50Anthony Gaspipe Casohow are you not confident
11:53:54Anthony Gaspipe Casowith fda oj ian and bees
11:53:56scrumptious. FDAeven if you don't demo, you're the two best scouts
11:53:58barbara waltersim the best
11:54:00Anthony Gaspipe Casow/e
11:54:02barbara waltersthat wont be a goodgame
11:54:05barbara walterswe will win
11:54:06SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 1 - 50
11:54:07SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 1 - 50
11:54:12barbara waltersprime and wub
11:54:13barrie_faili will carry everyone np
11:54:14Anthony Gaspipe Casoit will be 9-8
11:54:15barbara waltersu cant carry that
11:54:16Anthony Gaspipe Casoin favor of you
11:54:22Anthony Gaspipe Casowatch me carry it
11:54:24barbara walterslets split up the bf's for once
11:54:26barbara waltersjesus vinny
11:54:29barbara waltersget your head off sabs dick
11:54:31barbara waltersfor 1 pickup
11:54:31barbara waltersplz
11:54:34Anthony Gaspipe Casoit has nothing to do with that
11:54:35WORKER | beeesif sab/vin don't work out, just rs
11:54:35Anthony Gaspipe Casolets just go
11:54:36Anthony Gaspipe Casow/e u want
11:54:38Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ barrie_fail ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ biggestOJ
11:54:38Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ iansir
11:54:40barbara waltersim admin
11:54:41barbara walterssab and vin
11:54:42Anthony Gaspipe Casoyes
11:54:43Anthony Gaspipe Casoyou are
11:54:43barbara walterscapts
11:54:43Anthony Gaspipe Casonp
11:54:47Anthony Gaspipe Casogo sab
11:54:53Anthony Gaspipe Casocuz this is gonna make it fucking fair
11:54:58barbara walterswe will trade
11:54:58Anthony Gaspipe Casoi will show u
11:54:59barbara waltersif its not
11:55:08Anthony Gaspipe Caso@teams
11:55:08Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ barrie_fail ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ biggestOJ
11:55:08Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ iansir
11:55:14Anthony Gaspipe Casobees and ian
11:55:26Anthony Gaspipe Caso@teams
11:55:26Console^1Team 1:^0 ^ barrie_fail ^0&^ FDA ^0&^ Prime- ^0&^ biggestOJ
11:55:26Console^2Team 2:^0 ^ Sabbath ^0&^ beeees ^0&^ iansir
11:55:39Anthony Gaspipe Casohmm
11:55:40barrie_failred needs prime
11:56:03barrie_failunless u demo
11:56:22Anthony Gaspipe Casoflex
11:56:43Prime-what should i play
11:56:57Prime-hey bud
11:57:12barbara waltersok
11:57:34WORKER | beeesprime if you build near entrance, they'll have to go other route
11:57:37barbara walterslive on rs
11:57:41Prime-ik know
11:58:01Prime-it's cool
11:59:31SabbathCAN I GET A SCOUT 75 - 50
12:01:51Anthony Gaspipe Casour the best
12:01:53NeoNLightCanoli to the face, baby! 1 0
12:01:54barbara waltershte best
12:02:31ljfenice toss
12:02:53Anthony Gaspipe Casohealth bind
12:03:13barbara waltersur the best
12:03:19NeoNLight1 0
12:05:55Anthony Gaspipe Casohealth bind
12:06:28barbara walters90 100
12:07:02barbara walters80 86
12:07:03barbara waltersu cant stop big ohjae 80 86
12:07:30WORKER | beeesstupid spkers
12:08:30barbara walters2 0
12:09:41barbara walters-15 0
12:09:47barbara waltersur the best
12:09:49NeoNLightCanoli to the face, baby! 1 0
12:12:05WORKER | beeesffs
12:12:42WORKER | beeesgg
12:12:44Anthony Gaspipe Casothe best.
12:12:48barbara waltersi am