Fortress Forever Log Parser
TimeNameGlobal ChatBlue ChatRed Chat
12:13:30Anthony Gaspipe Casorofl.
12:13:32WORKER | beeesyeah
12:13:35WORKER | beeesthey were driving me crazy
12:13:43WORKER | beeeshad to keep banging them like they were made in russia
12:13:49Prime-think we could beat 5
12:13:54barbara walterswas it hard witout sabs dick in yo mouf 1 round vin?
12:13:58WORKER | beeesjust kill sab
12:14:00WORKER | beeesthen we win
12:14:22Anthony Gaspipe Casonp
12:14:22barbara waltersok
12:14:24Anthony Gaspipe Casoill do it for u
12:14:28barbara walterswas bout to 15
12:14:30barbara waltersbut ty
12:14:31WORKER | beeeswubba always builds it near the far wall away from the packs
12:14:35WORKER | beeesshouldn't be too bad
12:16:04barbara walters34 39
12:16:25Anthony Gaspipe Casohealth bind
12:19:54barbara walters67 169
12:19:55Anthony Gaspipe Casohealth bind
12:19:55barbara waltersu usuck
12:20:03Anthony Gaspipe Casoi know
12:20:51Anthony Gaspipe Casohealth bind
12:23:13Anthony Gaspipe Casohealth bind
12:23:46Anthony Gaspipe Casohealth bind
12:27:54Prime-lol wuibba
12:28:54barbara waltersdrop mah dik on yo fowhead and giv u uh cuncushon - 1 0
12:29:52WORKER | beeesgg
12:29:52Console^Last round's score:^0 5 ^on^0 ff_bleepbloop_b3